
Bob the builder: Scoop's missing

Bob the builder and his team are going to new building site. On the way Scoop takes a wrong turn and gets lost. Now he wants to get back but another team won't let him. In fact they are more than meets the eye. (Contains little bit of violence and ocs)

StupitPizza_Da_20 · TV
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12 Chs

On the way to unknown

In the morning Bob was ready to go.

"Alright team," he said to his team:" We are going to our neighboring village, where we weren't before. So don't go far from each other. We packed everything. Are we ready to go?" "Yes!" shouted exited machines. "Alright then," young builder said and climbed to Scoop. His human partner, Wendy, climbed to red dump truck. And they were ready to go.

The village was near of the sea. It was large. "Wow!" shouted orange cement-mixer:" I haven't seen that before!"

Near the building site there was a green crane. He was lifting the wood. "Hello!" called Bob:"Are we in right place?" The crane turned to him. "Who are ya?" he asked. Bob introduced himself and his team. "Are we at Seaside town?" he asked. Crane told him:"Yes, it is. But why are ya here?" The woman walked there. She had a orange vest and blue jeans. Her hair was to her shoulders. They were dark.

"What's going on, Iron?" she asked and then she saw Bob. Her tone was softer when she said:" Good that you are here, builder. One of our best man has injured himself and we really need a hand. Sorry, Iron was a little unfriendly. I'm Liz." "Bob," said Bob:" And here's my team: Wendy, Dizzy, Scoop, Muck, Roley and Lofty." Everyone said hello to her. "Hello to you too," Liz said:" Now i should show you your sleeping places. Follow me!" Everyone went with her until Iron stopped Scoop. "Ya shouldn't have come here," he said. "Why?" Scoop asked. Iron said:" It's very dangerous here. Everyone who i worked with has gone missing. I might be next. Ya'll must turn around this instant or ya could be next."

Scoop was puzzled.