
Bob the builder: Scoop's missing

Bob the builder and his team are going to new building site. On the way Scoop takes a wrong turn and gets lost. Now he wants to get back but another team won't let him. In fact they are more than meets the eye. (Contains little bit of violence and ocs)

StupitPizza_Da_20 · TV
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12 Chs


Liz was anxious.

She wondered if Scoop was alright. Others was with same thought. "Who will lead us now?" asked Muck. Lofty said:" I don't like this. He should be here by now." "Hello guys!" shouted a voice. It was Scoop. He said:" I said that it was only a coincidence. Nothing to worry about." "I knew that it was just the silly stories!" shouted Dizzy. "Phew!" shouted Liz:" You're unharmed. Maybe i worry too much." "Indeed," said Bob.

The next day Scoop went to look how was Cougar doing. "Hello," called Cougar from the same place like last time:"Sorry, i can't chat now." He was carrying a box. "I see," said Scoop:" But do you know about the stories about missing machines? Well i proved that it's false." Cougar shouted then:" Behind you!" "Good one," laughed Scoop. Then he felt like a sting on his side. He turned around and saw a man there with the gun full of darts. "Oh dear," said Scoop and tried to get away but the dart has done it's job. He felt dizzy. After a while he blackouted.

Bob was helping Lofty with the wooden planks. Wendy walked there and asked about Scoop. "He is with his new friend," said Lofty. "But we need him," said Wendy. "The legend is true!" shouted Lofty who almost paniced when Muck drove there. "I'm sure that he comes here eventually," he said. "Never mind," said Wendy:" I need you then."

Cougar lowered Scoop into the ground. The yellow digger opened his eyes slowly. "Where am i?" asked Scoop weakly. "You are now in our team," said the man who shot him.

Cougar wasn't actually Scoop's friend.