

His arm brushed against mine as he tried to squeeze past Matthew and I. A shiver traversed through me and I couldn't stop what I was about to do. I pushed him against the wall and smashed my lips on his. His hands gripped my waist pulling me flushed against his body. I could've sworn that during the time I pressed my lips against Jaxson's and now my brother asked something along the lines of 'What is going on here?' but, I wasn't paying any attention to him at the moment.

I felt someone grab me around the waist and lift me over their shoulder just as I took Jaxson's shirt off. Jaxson growled as he reached out for me, Liam pulled him back and pushed him out of the house. I pounded the back of the person who had the audacity to pull me away from my mate. Whoever it was didn't even flinch. I was tossed on the couch like a bag of potatoes, but was on my feet not even a second later. I looked up to see who the culprit was, only to find out it was my dad.