
BNHA: nanomachines

Kazuhira Miller is a boy reincarnated in the world of heroes with a single ambition. To be a better person, a different person. But will he be able to maintain that ambition when he sees the injustice of the world? Will it hold fair as long as it has the power of nanomachines, the pinnacle of technology and human evolution? warnings: 1st: English is not my native language, so don't expect a great quality of writing. 2°: this story will not end with a happy ending, read knowing this information.

GreatbookOFDAO · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

a strong man

"I know it's a strange request but I need you to trust me."

I asked for her trust as I crouched down so she could climb onto my back and I could only hope that the heroic sense imposed by society would be enough to make her believe in someone she barely knew.

And it worked, even though her face was completely red, and without saying a word she leaned against my back and wrapped her arms around my neck.

And I tried not to think about the pair of soft things that were against my back or the sweet smell that was emanating from her.

I needed to get these thoughts out of my head before the sleeping giant in the nether parts woke up.

Therefore, hastily but carefully, I got up while holding Kendo's thighs, which were inexplicably soft, even through the jeans she was wearing.

Before I could delve into the sensations in my thighs, my thoughts were interrupted by a sudden question from Kendo.

"...Am I heavy?"

There it was!

Due to my little knowledge in this area, I knew this was the damn question that plagued every man.

You would offend and hurt her if you said she was heavy but saying the opposite would also have the same result!

So I would have to outdo myself in the answer if I wanted to avoid bothering myself later.

" It's not heavy, you're at the ideal weight."

And I just wasn't good with compliments but she didn't seem to be offended by my response, Kendo just mumbled a "thank goodness."

However, I'm pretty sure I didn't impress her with my creativity.

But that disability was something to be dealt with another time, now I needed to explain my proposal and start running.

I hardened my legs with the nanomachines and started running at a slower pace,

a rhythm that the wind wouldn't disturb her hearing and so there was some time to explain.

"My proposal is simple, I found out that we are being judged not only for defeating robots but also for rescuing, so I thought that together we could help others and in the meantime accumulate two different types of points, what do you think?"

I explained my intention to kendo as she activated infrared vision and ran towards someone who looked like she needed some help.

However, I realized that I had not thought of a certain hypothesis.

What if Kendo rejected my proposal? Would I throw her to the ground and continue my goals?

But thank God, kendo decided to speak, saving me from having to think of a way to deal with her refusal.

" I even accept it, but how will I know if you're not lying, just to eliminate the competition?

Itsuka kendo answered me as I felt her grip on my neck tightens.

Was this girl planning on strangling me if I was lying?


it wouldn't work, because as soon as she squeezed a little more, the nanomachine's automatic hardening would activate, it didn't pose any risk to my life, but it was still sinister.

But my father taught me a trick for this kind of situation.

"It's something possible due to my Quirk, I can't explain it because it's going to take a long time, but if you want I'll explain after the exam"

'Always blame your Quirk for questions you can't answer.'

those were my father's exact words and surprisingly it seemed to work as I felt Itsuka's grip loosen, I think she trusted me.

That was a serious problem, the people of this world fully believed in any nonsense as long as it was a Quirk.

But for now, it wasn't my problem, so I pushed that thought to the back of my mind and focused on the present, especially the time limit.

System, how much time do I have left?

{ About 7 minutes and 27 seconds}

Longer than I had supposed, but it still required a rush, later I would apologize to kendo because all I could do at that point was warn her.

"Kendo-san, hold on as tight as you can."

Once I confirmed that she squeezed enough, I used my top speed while Kendo let out an effeminate "kyahhh" due to the acceleration that didn't give a good experience to someone who wasn't used to high speeds and I thanked her that she couldn't see my face and stayed annoyed at my attempt to contain my laughter.


Kendo leaned against a nearby wall as he breathed heavily and I slipped the cigarette into my pocket as I watched her.

The sweat ran down her face and soaked her shirt and if I wanted to, it was possible to strain my vision a little and I would eventually see the bra she wore, but I would be a big asshole to do that, so I just turned my head in another direction. and dignified my thoughts on something else.

We spent the last 5 minutes crossing areas while helping weak idiots and accumulating points, but most of the time I held enemies, and kendo finished we quickly went after another person with problems and kept repeating this cycle.

And even with most of the points going to Kendo, I managed to accumulate a total of 80 robot points.

But in the end, kendo was very tired and we decided to stop, also because we both had accumulated enough points to classify us in the top ten and not counting the redemption points, thanks to U.A updating the points online, I could follow the score changing live, however, Itsuka kendo was not in the ranking where I expected.

{1st Kazuhira}



{2nd Katsuki Bakugou}



{3rd Itsuka kendo}



The second place had made a lot of points and I don't think Kendo could overcome that in just 2 minutes, it was unfortunate for her.

However there was good news, the director fulfilled his promise, to remove my last name from the records, it was a request that my father had made, after all, there were many villains who hated him and certainly wouldn't take the time to hunt me down, I argued which was not necessary as no one would be able to hurt me.

And unexpectedly at the time he had agreed with me that there was only one villain he feared, my father called him 'all for one', who should be dead, but he refused to go into detail and just said that for good measure, it was good to remove my last name from the records

"Kazuhira-san, did you sleep standing up?"

Kendo's sudden question was enough to wake me up and strangely she was quite close to me and I hadn't even noticed, that's quite dangerous.

"I'm sorry kendo-san, I was -


My words were interrupted by a deafening noise of something being demolished and when I looked up I saw something that made me act on instinct... A piece of a building was falling toward me.

I didn't think twice about embracing kendo while using my body to cover hers.

The impact was bigger than I thought, glass fell as I felt them hit my back, luckily the hardening of the nanomachines was activated, but they weren't able to help me with the weight, so my Knees buckled under the weight and hit the hard floor. floor while I used one hand to hold some of the weight and the other hand was resting on the floor.

{Impact absorbed}

{- 0.5% Hp}

I clenched my teeth as I tried to hold on to the increasingly heavy piece of the building and I couldn't get out of there, not while worrying about Kendo beneath me.

All I could see was mere meters around me and it was impossible to see any sign of the sky.

looking up I could see several cracks, so I was sure that debris would fall as soon as I tried to lift it, not a problem for me, but I couldn't tell if Kendo would hold.

I looked down to check Kendo.

Her look was scared and a little perplexed and there was a small bloody cut on her face, but overall she looked fine, great now I needed a way to get her out of there.

I looked to the side and saw a small space to the right that let in a little light, an exit, it was a little distant and small but it was enough for someone the size of Kendo to pass.

"Kendo, I want you to listen to me well, there's a passage to the right, it's a bit small and far away but you should be able to get through, it should probably lead you outside."

As I spoke, clarity seemed to return to Kendo, while her face was lined with indignation and concern.

"As if I were to-"


My frustration leaked out as I interrupted Kendo, but I immediately regretted it, it wasn't right to take it out on her, she was just worried.

She wasn't to blame for my weakness.

"... Forgive me Kendo, I need you to leave so I can get this wreckage out, do you think you can?"

But I didn't get a chance to hear her answer as suddenly the weight of the building was gone and the view around me changed to a crowd surrounding us as the sunlight hit my eyes and when I looked up I saw something which baffled me.

The wreckage that was once crushing me with its weight was now hundreds of feet in the air.

Who would be able to do something like that?

And my answer soon came when I looked ahead and saw an approaching figure.

The world-renowned figure, with a body so muscular it made me look like a child, and his usual smile was missing, but I couldn't mistake this person for anyone else.

That was All Might.