
BNHA: My Angel

The beginning was in Qingqing, China. The manifestation of the superpowers which will be soon known as' Quirks'. The society, which grew accustomed to the supernatural, became one of superhuman what's with more than 80% of its population having special abilities. To maintain order within such society, heroes stepped into the spotlight, bringing forth a new profession that wasn't but a dream in the past. Now, trying to find themselves within such world, Shirogane Sora and Seijin Yuu, two high schoolers who thrive to become heroes one day, aim for the most famous diligent school, UA's, hero course. With one trying recklessly to uncover the mysteries shrouding a loved one's loss and the other fixating on protecting their friend no matter the cost, they didn't expect to be shoved out to action too soon... Copyright Disclaimer: ~Boku no Hero Academia's characters and plot belong to Horikoshi Kohei. I only own my characters and the plot twists added to fit them in. Note that this story is weekly updated. A note for all potential readers; this story is drafted till the end of season 6, so hopefully there will be no hiatus OwO

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82 Chs

Class 1A in I-Expo

The older girl showed them to a rather fancy cafe where they sat down, ordered their drinks and the girls enjoyed telling Melissa about their internship. The blonde marveled upon hearing all of their stories.

The two boys and ghost took another table where Yuu was comforting a rather relieved Midoriya. " It's alright, everything is cleared up now, Midoriya-san."

" Though you might want to be more careful from here on," said Whisper.

" I still don't know what did I do wrong," As Midoriya questioned, a hand dropped glasses of juice before them.

" Thanks for waiting."

" That voice..." Midoriya and Yuu turned around just to see a certain blond with a zigzag of black running across his bang in a waiter suit. " Kaminari-san!?"

" And Mineta-kun?!" Upon seeing the short boy with ball-shaped hair, a chill ran down Sora's spine. The embodiment of lust of their class seemed to follow them wherever they went.

" What are you two doing?" Asked Jiro who wasn't any less surprised to run into the duo than the rest of them. Kaminari flashed them a thumbs up as he explained that they had applied as staff for the expo. Sora was sensing other thoughts from the shorter boy. It was soon proven as both boys begged Midoriya and Yuu to introduce them once their eyes fell on Melissa.

These two... The girl sighed as she pinched her nose tightly.

" What are you standing around talking for?!" A voice shouted, disturbing the two boys who had posed around to impress the older girl. Before they knew it, Kaminari and Mineta had fallen down by Iida's, their class president, feet. The blunette was quite irritated upon witnessing his classmates slacking during their work hours.

" The ever so earnest class rep." Whisper snorted.

" I come from a family of heroes, so we received an invitation from I-Expo." When asked, Iida explained as he turned back to them, moving his arms around like some robot. " But my family was busy, so I'm the only one who came."

Yaoyorozu was surprised to hear that. Seeing how her father held some of I-Expo's sponsors' stock, she too was given an invitation. And since her parents couldn't come, she decided on taking two of her classmates. Sora could recall when they picked the two winners with a rock-paper-scissors game which she obviously lost. She didn't expect to receive an invitation of her own a few days later though.

Their other classmates were on the island too, but they would only be allowed to tour the venue when it was open to the public. Melissa was more than eager to jump at the opportunity of accompanying them and showing them around the island.

Just at that moment, they heard a loud rumble and the ground beneath them shuddered for a second. The past few months made them tense and think it was a villain attack, it only worsened when Midoriya spotted the plume of smoke climbing out of one of the pavilions, a rocky mountain one. It took Melissa a few moments to calm them down. " It's alright, don't you worry. It's just an attraction."

" I'm not sure attractions are supposed to emit fume." Protested Iida, his chopping motion growing fast it was hard to see his hand anymore.

" Fair enough, why don't I take you all there," Melissa said with a bright smile.


Needless to say, Kaminari and Mineta couldn't join their little excursion. So it was only the eight of them. Melissa flung her arm at the attraction which consisted of several synthetic mountains and waterfalls flanked by bleachers for spectaculars. As they reached it, Kirishima's face, their spiky red-haired classmate, smirked at them through the hologram screens hovering overhead.

" Clear time, 33 seconds! Eighth place!" The MC announced as Midoriya and Sora leaned over the railing to get a better look.

" Now, the next challenger is..."

" What the heck!" Whisper's eyes bugged out of their sockets as he saw the ash-blond boy marching proudly forward.

" Ka... Kacchan?!" Exclaimed the green-haired boy.

" Now, villain attack! Ready... go!" With a loud eruption, Bakugo soared overhead, blasting every single faux villain in his path.

" Die!" He finished the last one as the MC gaped at his time.

" This is amazing! He cleared it in 15 seconds! He's in the first place!" Bakugo had a smug smile on his face as he landed, which was only distorted by the mention of his archenemesis, Midoriya.

Bakugo flew to the railing, shouting his lungs out at his childhood friend, though it was yet subjected to doubt. " Why are you here?!"

" S-Stop that, Kacchan. People are watching-"

" So what?!"

" A delinquent and a nerd." Whisper shook his head. " How came those two even coexisted for this long."

Yuu made a point of keeping as far away as possible from Bakugo. " Don't invoke his fury." He told the ghost. But Bakugo was far more occupied with Midoriya to notice any of the others. Iida stepped in, feeling the duty as their class representative to put an end to the squabble. Melissa was at a loss for words upon seeing him, Sora could understand why. It was hard to imagine someone constantly angry.

" Though, why are they here?" The white head questioned tilting her head in confusion.

" Bakugo-san is the winner of the sports festival, of course, he would be invited." Pointed Yuu when he felt it was safe to come out from behind his friend. Soon, they could hear Kirishima confirming their guess to Yaoyorozu.

" What, are you all going to try that now?" Asked Kirishima pointing to the hills behind him.

" I want to! What about you, Yuu?" The boy shook his head.

" I promised Kyubi not to summon her before the training camp. She needs a break."

" What about Thunderbird?" Asked Whisper and a pall fell over the boy's face.

" Let's... not bother him for now..."

" You still fear him, even after that show you put in the final exam." Seeing Yuu hiding under his hood, Whisper gave a long tired sigh he almost deflated.

In the end, Midoriya went first, much obliged by Bakugo. He ended the race in 16 seconds.

Sora went after him. She called forth her large snowy wings as she waited for the signal. " Villain attack! Ready... Go!" Sora kicked the ground and soared up high.

This challenge depended on how fast she could spot the villains and deal with them. Flying as high as she could would give her a clear understanding of the area and the whereabouts of the enemy. Once memorizing all of them, she swept down at a neck-breaking speed. She kicked the first robot, sending its head spinning a few feet away from it. She punched the second in the chest and slammed the third onto the wall of rocks with her speed. Before she knew it, she had dropped on the last one with an axe kick and her timing was announced.

" 18 seconds! She's taken third place!"

" Man, I thought I could catch up with Midoriya. Maybe I needed to warm up first." She rubbed her head as she joined her friends.

" Sora-chan, you're really fast." Uraraka offered her a smile. " You got very close to both Deku-kun and Bakugo-kun."

" The hell no! I told you I'm going there again and-" He was cut off by a tremor and a shout from beneath them.

" Wow! Wow! Wow!" In an instant, the whole challenge ground was coated in ice. " F-Fourteen seconds! He's jumped to the top!"

" Todoroki!" Sora leaned further to take a glimpse of their white and red-haired friend.

" Seems most of your class is here already." Pointed Whisper.

" What are the odds." Sora smiled broadly as she waved at the boy. " Todoroki! Kyaaa!" She shouted when Bakugo blasted from behind them and to the other boy, shouting at him. Iida hurried down to prevent a possible brawl and to maintain UA's public image. Midoriya and Kirishima jumped to his assistance and the platform became rowdier.

As Melissa laughed, all the girls lowered their heads, feeling embarrassed by their classmates' attitude. Yuu was trying to steal away wasn't it for Whisper who kept him on the spot while tightening his grasp around his neck. " Oh, I'm sorry." Apologized the girl once she realized the shift in the atmosphere around her. " I was just thinking you guys seem to have fun at UA."

" It's never boring at least," Yaoyorozu stated as they watched Bakugo being restrained by his classmates broadcast across all the screens of the area.

" It's more like a freak show." Snorted Whisper.


After a long apology to the staff of the pavilion, each group went on their own, keen on not meeting again. Yuu gave a tired sigh as they were a good distance from the villain attack challenge. " I seriously thought we would be getting a long lecture."

" I'm ashamed that our actions are bringing dishonor to our esteemed school and all of its faculties!" Iida expressed his disappointment with sharp swings of his arms. Sora ducked before one of them could smack her square in the face.

" It's over anyway. So let's focus on enjoying the rest of the I-Expo. Any requests?" The short girl asked them and everyone proposed something or another. But seeing that there was hardly any time left before the closure of the expo, they had to pick one last pavilion, and that was the planetarium which Sora suggested.

" Each of us went at least to one of the pavilions they wanted to visit," said Yaoyorozu. " Only you didn't get to visit any of yours."

" It's our duty as the class representatives to keep things fair." Agreed Iida with a broad smile.

" Is everyone okay with this?" Sora didn't want to rob anyone of the chance to enjoy themselves.

" Don't sweat it. The planetarium is on my list too." Beamed an excited Uraraka.

And with that, the group set for the large space-themed dome. It was a strange building, Sora noted, for it was hard to see where the floor ended and where the walls began. And with how spacious it was, it gave them the feeling of walking across the galaxy. Some constellation holograms floated about, catching their attention from time to time. Once or twice, they spotted a comet zooming right past them.

" They say it's a presentation of our galaxy in real-time," blurted the older girl. " It's really impressive how they can capture the whole of a space traveling experience in a small building. If only the zero gravity feature could be implemented here."

" That's something I can help with!" Beamed Uraraka as she walked to the girl from behind and touched her waist, her fingertips glowed in pink as she rendered her weightless before hauling her up. Melissa floated across the room and turned to them with a bright smile. " Who is next in line!"

" Me! Ochaco-chan, me!" Sora was the first to rush to her friend and get thrown into the air, joining Melissa as they giggled happily. One by one, the rest followed while Iida swam across the starry sky replica.

" He's definitely enjoying this," remarked Whisper with a teasing smirk.

" It's an opportunity for me to practice my swimming skills," Iida retorted.

" But of course, back in the pool, you hardly swam at all." The ghost giggled before Yuu managed to squeeze his head and shut him.

" Please, let us have one single attraction without you making fun of someone."

As Melissa laughed at the UA students' antics, she seemed to remember something. " All of you guys are going to the reception party tonight, right?" They nodded. " Well, that's great. I will be glad to keep you company for the whole night. Tell me more about the hero course alright."

" I will tell you everything I know about these weirdos," said Whisper.

" Whisper-kun, you should keep in mind that we have a duty of upholding UA's reputation." Iida reminded him.

" Yes of course I know." The ghost rolled his eyes.

" Speaking of that." Propelling himself towards them with a breaststroke, Iida expressed some concern in his voice. " I was actually wondering if it was possible for us to attend as a group to tonight's party."

" I see, that way, we wouldn't be searching for each other in the venue." Yaoyorozu was immediately in on the idea.

" Sounds good to me." Joined Sora.

" And with all of you there I can make sure this scaredy cat won't be ditching the party midway," said Whisper as he pointed down at a nervous Yuu. The boy blinked his eyes as he remembered something.

" What about the rest of our classmates?"

" I will be in charge of contacting them about the meeting time and spot." Shot Iida with his hand held high.

" Yeah, but what about Kaminari-san and Mineta-san?" He added.

" Right, those two came as staff members, so I doubt they would be allowed into the party." Sora mused.

" The two from the cafe, right." Melissa wore a brilliant smile as she spoke up. " I have spare tickets so I can give them away."

Everyone looked back at her in surprise. " Are you sure, we don't want to cause you any trouble?" Voiced Iida.

" No troubles at all." The girl shook her head. " A few friends whom I wanted to invite turned out to have plans so I was left with those tickets and didn't know what to do with them. If it helps your classmates, then I don't mind."

" You have our gratitude, Melissa-kun!" Iida attempted to give his most genuine bow only to be sent whirling down to the ground.


" Today, we will be closing at 6 p.m. Thank you for coming."

They could hear the last calls for the expo's closure as they made it back to the cafe only to find Kaminari and Mineta slumped down like two lumps of meat by the door.

" Mineta-kun, Kaminari-kun! Good work today!" Midoriya waved at them, incurring their attention.

" You both worked hard today, huh?" There was a hint of pride in Iida's voice before he presented them with the two tickets. The two boys were deeply moved by that and nearly began worshipping Melissa.

Though Sora had some doubts about the whole ordeal, the best she could do is hope neither of them would try something funny during the party filled to the brim with pro heroes from all across the world.

When they were allowed to leave to get changed, Yaoyorozu lost no time at all dragging the other girls with her, promising them that she would set them up in no time.

As he was left behind, Yuu thought it was his chance to escape, albeit Iida came back rushing at full throttle. " Apologies, Seijin-kun! I forgot that you might not be prepared for the party, so I will be helping you!"

" There is no need for that, Iida-san..." Yuu tried to turn him down only to be dragged along by the larger boy.

" Do not be shy, I shan't leave my friend when in need. I should make sure you're in top shape."