
bakugou x reader 8

you started banging on the glass but bakugou didn't do anything instead he started to strip his shirt off then started to pull the girls clothes off "BAKUGOU DAMN IT" you said kicking the glass but it didn't seem to break "why are you still here, leave. why did you even bother going the pro hero course do you think you have what it takes to become a pro hero hahahahaha" bakugou started laughing and it started to echo around the room as if there where a million of him. you kicked the glass as hard as you could but it still didn't break you had no strength left as you started to cry as hard as you ever had and slowly sank down to the ground. "please bakugou" you said quitly as you brought your legs up to your chest and started to cry even harder. bakugou laughing started to fade away and it started to get brighter but you didn't dare to look, "violet, violet please wake up come on sweetie" you heard bakugou said so you slowly opened your eyes to see you where still in Luna's room and bakugou was above you. you didn't dare do anything until you knew it was actually bakugou and not the fake one "thank God I thought you where fucking dead" bakugou said as he started to cry making you know it was the read one. you quickly lifting yourself up so that you could wrap your arms around his neck and hug him, "that was so fucking scary" you said quitly as bakugou wrapped his arms around you. "what happened" bakugou asked as y'all didn't dare to let go of each other "i-ill tell you later is everyone ok" you asked "yeah everyone's fine" bakugou said letting go of you so you did the same. you looked around the room to see the villian was gone and that Luna and Piper where sitting on her bed looking at you while blossom and Charlotte where both hugging each other crying "did she get y'all too" you asked. blossom and Charlotte both nodded not letting go of each other. "Luna are you alright" you asked "yeah I just feel kinda sick but I'm sure I'm fine" Luna said struggling to smile "me to" you said grabbing onto bakugous hand "I really need to sleep so I'll see y'all later" you said slowly dragging bakugou out of the room. you dragged bakugou over to you dorm and quickly changed into some sweat pants and bakugous hoodie again and then flew you and bakugou back over to his dorm without saying anything. y'all both layed down and just snuggled up to each other when bakugou asked "so what happened" right as a notification on your phone popped up "the villians quirk hit me" you said looking at it to see it was a video of Luna's room on security cameras that Luna sent you saying "this is what you looked like when the villians quirk hit you" you just sent back thanks as you said "there quirk was that it would show your worst night mare and mine happened to be you kissing another girl infront of me while also forgetting who I was" you said not daring to look bakugou in the face. bakugou was silent for a little bit before he said "I'm sorry" and kissed you on the forehead "for what" you asked looking up at him "because I don't know who you are" bakugou said pushing you out of your bed "what are you messing with me" you asked standing up but when you did you saw that you where back where you where a few minutes ago. a dark room with a bed and bakugou was ontop of a girl making out with her on it but there was no glass. "damn it" you said under your breath as you reached for you sword. "I'm getting really tired of this who even is this bitch" you asked walking up to bakugou "my girlfriend, do you want me to prove it" bakugou asked smirking "don't you dare fucking smirk at me with that face you fucker I don't know what the hell you are but I know your not real so go ahead and DIE ALREADY" you said lifting your sword and trying to stab the fake bakugou but he just started laughing again and started to glitch like he was a hologram "DAMN IT" you said trying to stab the girl and you actually stab her through the chest. you pulled your sword out and blood started to drip down her body as bakugou just got off the bed "who are you again" bakugou asked taking a step closer to you so you toke a step back "I'm fucking violet you dumbass" the fake bakugou looked confused for a few seconds then he asked "why didn't you pass out" "what" you asked "you where supposed the pass out butterfly got put in the handcuffs why are you still here" the fake bakugou asked "wait WHAT" you asked "you where supposed to go back by now eh what ever not my problem anyways you will go back to your normal life soon until then feel free to do what ever you want to this bakugou right here" the fake bakugou said snapping his fingers in the air and everything changed. you where now in a beach house living room with a bunch of windows and a white couch with a white furry rug along with a normal t.v mounted to the wall along with a bakugou sitting on the couch watching the t.v while the fake bakugou changed into a dude with black hair that was slicked back and was in a suit "have fun" the dude said snapping his fingers in the air again and disappearing. you just sighed really tiredly and walked over to bakugou "so bakugou do you know who I am" you asked sitting next to him "no shit dumbass your violet" bakugou said looking over at you "ok and your not gonna like be my worst night mare or anything like that" you asked leaning back on the couch "I can be what ever you want me to be" bakugou said looking over at you smirking "... get a nose bleed" you said plainly "ok" bakugou said then a small amount of blood started to fall down his nose "alright now stop the nose bleed" you said standing up and pushing bakugou back down onto the couch so that he was sitting on it "ok" bakugou said making the nose bleed stop "gimme some tissuies" you asked and bakugou pulled a full tissue box out of thin air and handed it to you. you grabbed it and wiped a large amount of the blood of of him only leaving a small amount. you sat down ontop of bakugous lap facing him, you grabbed him hands and moved them so that they where on your ass. you then flipped your hair to one side and started licking under bakugous nose "start blushing" you said in-between licks "ok" bakugou said then you noticed he was blushing a bit. you pulled away from bakugous face and said "so I could do anything I wanted right" "yeah" bakugou said so you leaned over next to bakugous ear and wispered "pin me down on your bed and fuck me all night to the point that I won't be able to feel my legs the next morning"

"ok" bakugou said standing up and walking into a separate room holding you. The room just had a single white bed in it but you didn't care. bakugou pushed you onto the bed and at the same time right when you blinked it looked like you where in bakugous dorm room. you grabbed bakugou and pulled him down over you so that you where pinning him down and started to kiss his neck. "take off my shirt" you said expecting bakugou to say ok and do it but instead he said "calm down alright you can't just do that infront of people" "what" you asked confused and looked around to see if people where around. "what the fuck was that" bakugou asked unpinning you on the bed and wiping his mouth "wait hold on am I back" you asked "huh" bakugou asked "so just to be clear you are the real bakugou" you asked "yes what the fuck are you talking about" bakugou said "FUCK YEAH" you said pouncing on bakugou to hug him "what the fuck happened" bakugou asked hugging you back "hold on one second" you said letting go of bakugou and grabbing you phone. you texted Luna asking if she had any security cameras she said yeah so you asked her to send you a video of what just happened she said ok and send a video. "watch this" you said sitting down on bakugous bed with him and playing the video. y'all watched the video, y'all saw everyone burst into the room and pin the villian down then when the villian looked at you ya just looked completely shocked and scared and started looking around. you started talking but you couldn't hear yourself, y'all watched as you started to stab random things in the room when you thought you where stabbing the girl or the fake bakugou. right when the villian got put in handcuffs by the cops you watched your self sit down on the floor and lean against Luna's bed as if you where on that white couch as everyone walked out and bakugou burst into the room everyone was talking to the cops to let you and bakugou have as second to talk. you watched yourself stand up and say some stuff then sit down on bakugous lap, you started to lick under bakugous nose but he didn't seem to resist he even let you grab his hands and put it on your ass. you started blushing insanely when you leaned over next to bakugous ear cause you knew that was when you wispered 'pin me down on your bed and fuck me all night to the point that I won't be able to feel my legs the next morning'. after you said that bakugou had picked you up and stared to carry you to his dorm then the video cut off. "holy shit" you said looking over at bakugou "yeah..." bakugou said rubbing the back of his neck........

thanks for reading