
BNHA: Limitless

A guy nearly brought to insanity by the mistake of an intern arranged by god, gains 5 wishes and a choice of reincarnation and scenario of transmigration. What's a guy to do now with this level of responsibility? Do whatever he wants while getting stronger and moving forward. -------------------------------------------- Tags: What If/Fanfic, OP OC, OP MC, Isekai, Transmigration, Space-Time Manipulation, Reincarnation, Multiverse Travel, My Hero Academia, MHA, BNHA, Overpowered, Chaotic Neutral, Undecided Path Of Hero Or Villain, Deku, OFA OC, Starts with MHA. -------------------------------------------- World Order: Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kimetsu No Yaiba/Demon Slayer, Highschool DxD, Keijo!!!!, Kung Fu Panda, more.

SukunaGojo · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Skills And Status (Spoilers)

-No point in a long introduction, it's skill chapter! I hope you enjoy!-


Main Stats

Full Name: Ichirou Raijin

Age: 9 Years Of Age (Unknown Mentally)

Birthday: December 12th 22XX

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Male

Goal: Get real strong real fast. Achieve the first sector.

Alinement: Vigilante (As Of Chapter 4)

Allies: League Of Villains, All For One, Himself.

Strength/Attack Power: Large Island Level+

Durability/Endurance: Large Island Level+

Speed/Agility: Relativistic+

Intelligence/Battle Tactics: 140 IQ, Amazing Battle IQ

Senses: Superhuman+

Martial Arts: Ki Shou Do, Near-Perfect

Body Mods: No Limits On Growth.

Weapon Of Choice: Katanas, Broadswords, Swords In General

Weapon Mastery: Near-Perfect


Powers And Abilities


Space Manipulation: The power to control and manipulate space to a extreme degree with little to no drain or strain. When used has a dark blue color.


Spatial Energy Manipulation: Controlling spacial energy to point on where it can be manipulated to throw slashes, projectiles like blasts, bombs, beams, objects, weapons and more. Has a dark pink/dark red color. Color can be changed.

Teleportation: Instantaneous movement across a distance of 5,000 kilometers.

Portal Creation: Can create portals to any place the user has been.

Portal Weave: Creates a series of portal on the opponent, violating them with a combo of punches, kicks, elbows, knees, slaps, haymakers, right hooks, left hooks, uppercuts, tornado kicks, palm strikes, liver shots, and more.

Thin Ice Breaker: A punch that distorts space, creating a shattered mirror-like effect with incredible power behind it.

Black Flash: A punch that distorts space a trillionth of a second before contact with the enemy, shooting black electric sparks on collision. Power gets boosted to its power of 10.

Black Flash Ultima: A combination of Black Flash and Thin Ice Breaker. Can obliterate smaller countries and large islands in a instant.

Dismantle: A slash of space energy. Made for inanimate objects. Is NOT the world cutting slash. Stronger than Sukuna's Cut.

Cleave: A slash controlled to adjust its power to cut any person unless power of attack is weaker than the target. Made for people. Much stronger than Sukuna's Cut.

World Slash: A slash that can cut the world. Kills anything it hits.

Domain Expansion, Malevolent Shrine: Creates a shrine purely made of spatial energy to throw hundreds of thousands of dismantle and cleaves.

Infinity: A form of spatial manipulation that can stop any attack from hitting the user by dividing the speed of the attacker until it hits speeds so slow the attack would never hit the user.

Cursed Technique Lapse, Blue: A form of Infinity. By amplifying Infinity, it creates a vacuum in space it which forces the world to think its a scenario where its forced to correct itself and fill in the negative space, creating an pulling force that applies to all matter.

Maximum Output - Cursed Technique Lapse, Blue: A much more potent version of Blue that has the power comparable to a black hole.

Cursed Technique Reversal, Red: A form of infinity. By inverting the properties of Lapse Blue, instead of a pulling force, it creates a repulsing force. This attack has an extreme pierce as well.

Maximum Output - Cursed Technique Reversal, Red: A much, much, much, MUCH, stronger version of Reversal Red. Can destroy and level mountains fast.

Hollow Purple: An advanced technique that collides the Lapse and Reversal of the Infinity, resulting in an imaginary mass that is launched at the target.

MAX - Hollow Purple: Continent Bomber.

Domain Expansion, Infinite Void: Creates a metaphysical spatial dimension that fills the enemies brain with a ridiculous amount of information.


Time Manipulation: The power of control and manipulating time to an amazing degree with little to no drain of strain. Has a viridian tint to the eyes when used.


Chrono Shift: Allows the user to shift themselves or others forward or backward in time by a specific duration.

Temporal Stasis: Freezes a target in time, rendering them immobile and unable to act.

Time Dilation: Slows down or speeds up the passage of time, affecting the perception of time for those within it.

Temporal Blink: Instantaneously transports the user to a different point in time within their immediate vicinity.

Time Stop: Pauses time instantly. (ZA WORLDO!)

Chrono Pulse: Releases a wave of temporal energy that disrupts the flow of time in its path, causing disorientation and confusion among opponents.

Chronological Heal: The power to use time manipulation to instantaneously heal there body, reversing it to its prime potential for the age.

Age Manipulation: Uses time manipulation to control and manipulate the age of anyone. Can revert ones age to the point of where they don't exist. A one-shot attacks.

Time Travel: Ichirou has the potential to use this but he doesn't feel like destroying the space-time continuum by sneezing on a butterfly.


Gravity Manipulation: Allows the user to control and manipulate gravity amazingly without strain or drain easily. Creates a pink-purple like color.


Gravitational Pull: Increases the gravitational force around the user, drawing objects or opponents towards them.

Gravity Well: Creates a localized area of increased gravitational force, pulling nearby objects or enemies towards a central point.

Anti-Gravity Field: Generates a field that negates or reduces the effects of gravity within a specific area, allowing for levitation or weightlessness.

Gravity Crush: Increases the gravitational pressure around a target, crushing them under the weight of intense gravitational force.

Gravity Surge: Releases a sudden surge of gravitational energy, disrupting the stability of nearby objects or opponents and causing them to lose their balance.

Gravitational Singularity: Creates a miniature black hole that draws objects and opponents towards its center with irresistible gravitational force, causing devastation within its vicinity.

Gravitational Repulsion: Generates a repulsive force that pushes objects or opponents away, creating a protective barrier or knocking enemies back.

Gravity Bubble: Encases a target within a bubble of altered gravity, affecting their movement and making it difficult for them to escape.

Gravitational Vortex: Summons a swirling vortex of gravitational energy that pulls nearby objects and opponents towards its center.

Gravity Surge Nova: Unleashes a powerful nova of gravitational energy that radiates outwards from the user, affecting everything in its path and causing chaos among opponents.

Gravity Shift Orb: Throws a small orb infused with gravitational energy that, upon impact, creates a localized gravitational anomaly, altering the environment and affecting nearby objects and opponents.


-Could use improvements here and there but I'm happy!-

Spare A Power Stone? :)

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