
BNHA: Heart of Iron

"The thing none of you will ever understand is that there are no sides. There's no heroes or villains. There's just what I want and how I'll get it." As time pushed into the 22nd century, the wars between mutant kind and humanity became nothing more than a subject of history books. Legends the likes of the X-Men, the Brotherhood, and the Sentinels became exactly that, legends. But more often than not, the past refuses to die and is brought back one way or another. Some look to the past as a cautionary tale, others for inspiration. Plenty have looked for a way to weaponize the past and Alice Darkhölme was one such attempt. She would have stayed that way if not for an infamous shapeshifter. ------------------------------------------------- I do not own the X-Men or My Hero Academia and ownership rights belong to their respective parties.

SMKenward · Anime & Comics
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Not Another Chapter, Just Me Being Happy.


So I'm going to go on a little rant here for a bit, and firstly, fuck the Comic's Code Authority for simply existing. 

They were the ones that prevented this story from happening because the idea of a woman impregnating another woman was too controversial for them. The original narrative was that Nightcrawler's dad was a German noble who almost killed Mystique and Nightcrawler both after the strain of pregnancy caused Raven to drop her transformation and turn blue again. 

This was later retconned to make AZAZEL the one who impregnated Mystique, hence all the demonic stuff centring around him.

But now, finally, after FOURTY FUCKING YEARS the original dream finally happened!

In the recent X-Men Blue: Origins Issue #1 it is revealed that after Irene told Raven about her desire to have a family Raven transformed into a man using Azazel's genetics as a base and inseminated Irene, but after the town mob tried to lynch both of the women after thinking they gave birth to a demon they were forced to leave Kurt behind.

Scarred by the memories, Mystique had Charles Xavier alter their memories so they thought that the German noble was the father, making both stories part of the canon in a way but still keeping the important part. IRENE AND RAVEN ARE IN FACT THE ONLY ACTUAL PARENTS INVOLVED IN HIS BIRTH!


I shouldn't have to explain this, but Mystique is my favourite X-Men character and this is something I've been hoping for for years.

And mind you, Chris Clairemont, the creator of both Mystique and Destiny, wanted this to be the origin story of Nightcrawler from the very beginning! 

And now we have it! Fuck yeah!