
Old Hag Drugged Me!

"Are you going to help or not?" Kisu scolded me with her hands on her hips as I took out the small book my pouch was holding.

I flipped through the pages, reading each one while Kisu kept scolding me and Shoto kept looking around for a place to get out. I sighed, annoyed with how dumb the Hero Course was. The only way out of the collapsed building, was the only way in. Students are always looking around in other random places, and soon enough, they come back to the beginning unknowingly and they crawl out the way they came in. What a joke.

"Why's he just sitting there and reading?" Eijiro asked while watching on the camera. "He's not even doing anything."

"He probably thinks it's no use to try and make it a real life scenario." All Might answered. "He's different compared to everyone around him. He came from the Support Course, his Quirk being mistaken by many. He's a smart boy and seems to know which way is which."

"Why doesn't he just get it over with then?" Rikido asked.

"Because then he would reveal the path too early. He knows that some of you will copy him, which is a no-no in his mind."

I closed my book and held it in my hand, watching Kisu and Shoto look around for a few moments more. Finally, I stood up from the pile of debris and shook my head, thinking how much of a disgrace the practice was.

"I thought the Hero Course would be more, how to I put this, exciting." I said disappointed. "The only way out is the only way in. See if that helps you."

"The only way out is the only way in…" Mina said thoughtfully. "Agh! My brain is going to explode! He's so cryptic! Oh, wait…ah, never mind!"

Shoto looked around and all he could see were piles of rock and debris. It was too confusing to find the way they came in. It was like an illusion was keeping him from finding the right place to exit. Everything looked the same.

"The only way out is the only way in." Shoto said to himself. "That means we exit from where we entered. But where is that? It all looks the same."

"Ahh! My brain his overloading!" Kisu said, rubbing her head with both hands. It was like steam was coming out her head, literally overloading. "Why do you have to speak so cryptically?"

"That's just how I am." I answered. "If I were to reveal it straightforwardly then this test would be no use for your tiny brains." I looked up to a hidden camera as I said this, wanting to push my classmates.

"Why's he looking at the camera with that smug look?!" Denki clenched his fist making an upset face. "Is he calling us dumb?!"

"How rude." Fumikage said, crossing his arms and closing his eyes. "He thinks he's better then us?"

"He's just being a wise ass." Katsuki stared at the big screen, watching as Shoto and Kisu were still struggling while I continued reading. "He's obviously smarter then everyone else. He's just trying to make it difficult for us. He's proving how much better he is then you. He's not better then me, though! I'll crush his damned skull!"

I groaned, getting bored of this lame test. I stood up and looked around for a few seconds. I pulled a knife out and gave myself a deep cut, ignoring any pain that had come with it. I controlled the blood as I walked toward a specific part of the debris pile. I waved my hand and the blood stabbed the rocks and metal, then threw them to the side. The sunlight shined inside the enclosed area, like we were set free after days of being trapped.

"Why didn't you just say that from the start?!" Kisu demanded of me.

Shoto simply rolled his eyes as he grabbed Kisu by the wrist and pulled her out as I followed. What a disgraceful test. It's pitiful that the Hero Course would come up with such a dumb way to teach students. Whatever.

After everyone had gone, we were told to change back into our uniforms and finish up school. Katsuki came up to me as we were situating in our classroom, cleaning and tidying everything up.

"Listen here," he slammed his hand on my desk while letting an explosion singe my desk. "The Sports Festival is in two weeks, you better participate or I'll kill you!"

"Hmm, I'll think about it."

Katsuki growled at me. He raised a threatening hand and slammed it in the table, then he took the book in my hand and reduced it to ashes. I stared at the ashes in my hand and sighed.

"What a temperamental kid you are. A child at heart. Well, I guess I have no choice." I waved my hand, taking control of Katsuki's blood and making him stand stiff. "Fine, you want to face off at the Sports Festival? Then I'll participate. I'll even make you a deal. If you win first place, I'll do whatever you want me to, from doing your homework to revealing my secrets. If I win, then I get to do whatever I want with you. If none of us win, well, let's just say I won't think highly of you."

"Oh, yeah?" Katsuki sneered a cocky smile. "I'll kill you, bastard! There's no way I'll lose to a wiseass like you!"

"Then you've got yourself a deal." I released Katsuki from my hold of his blood and pulled a different book out as I swung my backpack and headed for the workshop. After all, I was still previously a Support Course student. And Mei has a tendency to rule over Power Loader.

I saw Izuku, Tenya and Ochaco right outside the workshop once I arrived. They were talking like they were nervous to go inside. I guess they've never been there before so they didn't know whether to knock or just go in. I sighed.

"You know you can just go in, right?" I told them before opening the door. As soon as I opened the door, I stepped to the side, out of the doorway. An explosion shot through the doorway followed with black smoke. Izuku, Ochaco and Tenya went crashing against a window. I laughed at them. "By the way, watch out for the explosions."

"What a jerk!" Ochaco whined. "He could've said something about that before opening the door!"

"Maybe he was just teasing? He probably knew we would be okay." Izuku said, rubbing his head.

I entered the workshop, ignoring the complaints. I saw Mei laughing, she was covered from head to toe in ash. "HAHAHA! It exploded! MY BABY NEEDS SOME MORE FINE-TUNING! LOADER, I WANT SOME FOOD!"

Poor Power Loader, he always has to get food for Mei so she wouldn't starve to death. And trust me, she's tried. I set my bag on the table and pulled out a bento box. "There's no need to go get her food, Loader. I have food for her right here."

"Thanks, Yuno. Oh, did you bring friends for once?" Loader saw Izuku, Ochaco and Tenya outside the door.

"They're not my friends." I said while they entered the workshop.

"I ran into Mei earlier this week and she said that she would help us upgrade our costumes and stuff." Izuku rubbed the back of his head while saying nervously.

"OH, YEAH!" Mei pointed at Izuku and then at Ochaco. "MY BABIES WILL HELP WITH YOUR UPGRADE! HAHAHA!"

"She's crazy." Someone said behind me. Hitoshi Shinso. Part of my little "Support Course friend group." Mei, Hitoshi and I have known each other since around the beginning of middle school. We would go around making inventions and giving them to random people, for some reason.

"Whatever." I said while putting my bag down, pulling a book out and sitting down to read. "By the way, are you participating in the Sports Festival?"

"Well, if I want a chance with an internship, then I have to. Why? Did you change your mind?"

"Well," I looked up from my book and saw Izuku being teased by Mei while Ochaco was covering her red cheeks and Tenya was flailing his robotic arms, scolding Mei and whatever. "Ever since I transferred to class 1-A, I've been considering it. I made a deal with one of my new classmates. It's overrated but there will be some challenges since it's the Hero Course."

"That's a lie and you know it." Hitoshi sat down next to me. "You said at first that the Sports Festival would be too easy, but now that your in the Hero Course, you think it'll bring a challenge? You're the only person who would power through such an event so easily."

"It doesn't change the fact that I made a deal. This Katsuki Bakugo is a cocky and hot-tempered person. It would only be right to at least try and put him in his place. He seems to terrorize everyone around him. And everyone is too nervous and afraid to compete or even talk to him, unless they know they can take him on."

As soon as Mei was done, I headed home. I knew Kisu and Shoto were waiting. Little Shoto would stay with me for a few days at a time to avoid Endeavor. I sighed as I walked home.

"Well, well. I figured I'd run into you at some point." A woman's voice said.

"Hahh," I sighed, irritated. "Auntie, come back later. I'm not in the mood."

"Is that how you treat your family? You treat your snotty little friends better then you treat me."

"Well, if you want me to be kind so badly, then I'll phrase it nicely. If you'd be so kind, I'd like to enter my home without feeling irritated."

"What a brat, you are. You need to work on your manners before I call your uncle and have a gang takeover your home."

I turned to my aunt. She's such an annoying person. Her husband is a mafia boss who likes to terrorize the public. And of course, that power got to her head. She's always trying to take over my life since she knows that if I ever failed in the future, I would ask her for help.

"Oh?" I asked her with a smile, gazing at her with an annoyed look. "What is your gang going to do? Let me tell you something, and I'll try to be nice since your my aunt." I took a few steps toward her and spoke with a firm tone. "I'd like you to leave so I can enter my home peacefully before someone dies."

She took a few steps toward me as well, her heels clicking on the concrete. She sneered at me, looking all smug. "Brat. Learn to grow up. Someone should put you in your place."

I felt a needle stab my neck. This damn hag had a syringe and used it on me! I pushed her away and pulled a gun out. My aunt laughed at me and smiled.

"Go home, darling. I hope you don't feel too sick when your home." She walked off.

I sighed and put the gun away. I continued home, wanting to go play my games. I opened the door to see Toga on the couch, Shoto in the kitchen and Kisu playing games on the floor. I know I allow them in my home, but why do they have to wreck the house?

"What was with the hold up?" Kisu said while staring at her screen.

"Nothing. Just taking my time." I answered.

I headed for my room for a little bit of peace and quiet. I was not about to deal with those three when I ran into my aunt who had theoretically tried to kill me.

I opened the door slowly, starting to feel dizzy as a headache kicked in. I leaned against the wall, my breathing feeling labored. I gripped my chest, feeling like it was going to explode. What the hell was this? What did that old hag do to me?

"Kgh…" I gripped my chest, feeling like there was a fire happening inside me. "Stupid old woman. I'll destroy her perfect life."

POV Kisu

"God, when will dinner be ready?" I complained, wanting to eat. "He's been in his room for longer then half an hour!"

"He's probably just playing his games." Shoto answered. "You can always check in him, Y'know. He'll most likely let you in his room then me."

"Why didn't I think of that? Wait, don't try and outsmart me, jackass!"

Shoto rolled his eyes in response. I rolled my eyes mockingly and headed over to Yuno's room. I knocked on the door since it was closed and waited for a response.

"Yuno, you said you would make dinner tonight." I said after a few moments of silence. "If you don't want to make dinner, then it's fine."

Either he was asleep or he's just being a bitch. I reached out to the handle when I heard a sudden "THUD!" I opened the door in a rush. Yuno was there on the floor, clutching his chest, his breathing labored.

"Uh- uh- S-Shoto! Toga!" I ran back to the living room and pulled them to Yuno's room.

"What the heck are you doing?" Shoto asked me.

"Kisu-Chan! You're pulling my ear!" Toga complained, flailing her arms.

I pushed them into the room and ran over to Yuno. Toga gasped and covered her mouth while Shoto simply stared.

"Yuno, Yuno, Yuno!" I yelled at Yuno, lifting him up onto a chair. "Why didn't you say you weren't feeling well?"

"I was feeling fine." Yuno answered, holding the side of his head. "My head feels like it's splitting open."

"Wait a second," I said thoughtfully. Then it hit me. That damned woman. Aruma Ashima. His aunt must've done this. She doesn't like Yuno one bit! "It was that jackass of an aunt, wasn't it? I swear, when I get my hands on her precious mafia gang!"

"Mafia gang? Aunt?" Shoto asked, tilting his head to the side. "What's happening? I don't follow."

"Yuno-Chan's aunt is married to a mafia boss or known as Yakuza and she hates Yuno!" Toga ran over to Yuno's side and but his ear softly. "They make a bunch of drugs and sell them. But they need to test them somehow."

Yuno leaned back in his chair. He looked like he was about to faint. He was paler then usual and sweating bullets. I pulled my phone out. "I'm calling an ambulance."

"He's not that bad, is he?" Shoto asked me while I dialed 911.

"Don't ask me question, Icy. I'm not taking chances."

Yuno took my phone from me and hung up. He threw the phone onto his bed and stared at me with pained eyes. "We're not calling anybody. You could get us caught for all we know."

My jaw dropped. This motherfucker would rather power through this drug then see a doctor? What a dumbass! How reckless and careless can one person be?!

POV Yuno

If Kisu called an ambulance, I would've been pissed. She's also very stupid and I wouldn't want her to get us caught on accident. I don't want to deal with the punishments given.

"I'm just going to go and make a can of soup." Shoto pointed at the door and left to make the soup. "I'm hungry anyways."

Kisu rolled her eyes and went to go help Shoto since, well, he's never been in my kitchen before. Toga sat there in front of me like a puppy wanting to go on a walk but with a sad look. I sighed and moved over to my bed. I sat down and patted the bed, giving Toga permission to sit down. She smiled that cheeky smile and jumped up.

I rubbed my head, still feeling like my head would explode. Toga sat against the wall and grabbed my shoulders. She pulled me down to lay on her lap and stroked my hair. Good god, why am I in this situation now of all times?

"Are you kidding me?" I asked, laying my arm on my forehead.

"I couldn't resist." Toga covered her cheeks with her hands and smiled. "You looked so stressed and sick. You should relax, you're always so stiff!"

I gripped my chest with my free hand and sighed. The Sports Festival was just in two weeks. I can't go like this, it's a stupid idea. Maybe if I were lucky then I could still participate, but luck is never on my side.

"Yuno-Chan?" Toga said while holding the sides of my face. "How come you're a villain? You'd make a super duper good hero!"

I stared at her, silent for a few moment. Then I sighed and poked her nose. "Backstory. Trauma creates character, I guess. I mean, you could call it trauma. I prefer to call it character development."

Toga tilted her head. "Character development? Does that mean I have something like that?"


Toga smiled, blush streaking across her cheeks. She leaned over and we were nose to nose. She kissed me deeply as she stroked my hair. I didn't push her away, but I kept still, feeling the pleasure of being loved by another.

"Hehe~ thanks, Yuno-Chan." Toga pulled back, smiling. "I really like you! You gave me a home!"

I rubbed Toga's cheek. She closed her eyes and leaned into my hand, rubbing her cheek against it.

"Toga," I said to her. "What do you think about dating?"