
Attack The Fake Hero, Endeavor

I knocked on the door of Yuno's house, waiting for an answer. The door opened and someone I didn't expect stepped out. A woman in a black dress and black hat with a feather sticking out. She wore black heels and had a disgusted look on her face. She simply looked me up and down and scoffed, figuring I wasn't worth anything. She walked off, her heels clicking on the ground.

"Yeah, fuck off lady!" Kisu yelled from a window, sticking up both middle fingers. "You don't deserve to see him, bitch!"

I gave a confused look as Kisu saw me. She waved from the window like she had been expecting me and closed the window. The door opened again and I saw Kisu. Up close, she looked really irritated, like she was faking being happy. "Hi, Shoto. Yuno told me you were coming here. He might seem a little grumpy so don't make him mad, okay?"

"Grumpy?" I asked.

"Yes. Grumpy. Don't be freaked out by anything he does, okay?"

"Oh, okay?"

Kisu dragged me in, ignoring the fact that I was kind of nervous. Yuno made me feel a little anxious whenever I was around him.

Once I entered the living room, I saw something that could not be unseen. Yuno stood in the living room, his hands covered in red liquid. Blood. This guy was insane! Did he kill someone?!

"Damn, haven't exploded like in a long time." He wiped his mouth and groaned in irritation. "Now I have to clean up. Oh, hello there, Shoto."

I couldn't say anything. He was just shrugging off the fact that he killed someone in his own home! I couldn't help but stare as Toga brought Yuno a towel for him to clean his hands. He turned around as he wiped some blood off his cheek, still cleaning his hands. "Right. I told you to come since we're doing stuff tonight."

"Tonight?" I questioned. "What are we doing? You didn't specifically say what we were going to do."

"Just relax and I'll explain. I think you'll enjoy yourself. Nobody is in your home, currently. Your mother went back to the hospital, your sister is on a school trip, your brother went back to college after his little vacation. And Toya will be joining us."

"How and why do you- I'm not even going to ask. That would be a waste of time."

"You're right, it would."

"I wanna leave now, now, now!" Toga complained, who was on Yuno's back and biting his ear playfully.

"Just wait. You'll be entertained soon enough. Before we leave, put this on."

"Why?" I looked at the clothing Yuno had tossed me. "What are we doing?"

"Raiding your house. Endeavor is the only one home right now. That makes it all the more fun."

Kisu shoved me into the bathroom, giving me a place to change. Yuno had given me a pair of black pants and a black button-up shirt. I put on the black and dark red high tops he had given as well. The last thing was a mask that covered the upper part of my face, hiding my scar. I looked at myself in the mirror. I still felt like throwing up, but it wasn't as bad anymore.

"Oooh, someone's looking snazzy." Kisu said as I came out of the bathroom. She snorted and bursted out laughing before wiping a tear away while saying, "snazzy."

I saw that everyone was dressed differently then when I first saw them. Kisu was wearing a pair of gray sweatpants, white converses, a white baggy shirt with a skull on the front and the same mask I was wearing but with blue wind streaks. Toga was wearing brown school shoes, knee-high black socks, a dark blue skirt and a white button-up shirt. She had the same mask as Kisu. Seemed like everyone had some sort of "signature" mask.

"Took you long enough." Yuno popped up behind me, causing me to flinch and turn around in shock. He was wearing black, ripped jeans, the same baggy shirt Kisu was wearing, and that mask. His mask was different compared to the others. It was black with red streaks across in the shape of wind blowing.

"You said we're raiding my house, right?" I asked to confirm. "What do you mean 'raid?'"

"Oh, curious?" Yuno smiled. "All we're going to do is get his attention and bring him out of his shell, if you know what I mean. And he doesn't know that Toya is back. While we're out, you refer to him as Dabi, got it?"

I nodded in response. I wasn't going to refuse anything, but there was something that made me feel…off, in a way. I know we were doing this to humiliate Endeavor, maybe even cause harm upon him. But what did they expect to do against the No. 2 hero?

"Ready?" Yuno snapped me from my thoughts. I nodded and followed them outside.

POV Yuno

I could tell that Shoto was a bit concerned. I simply shrugged it off. Of course, he would be nervous in some sort of way. We were going to attack his home, more so, his father. I wanted to start with bringing Endeavor out out of his home, getting the attention of the media and whatnot. I wanted to reveal what terrible things he's done to his children, not to mention his wife. I wanted the media to record everything before I would replace the live fight with videos of the so called hero.

"I'm still confused with this Quirk upgrade." Shoto said as we got out of the car, now in front of the Todoroki's house. "How does it work?"

"You'll see." I answered cryptically. "By the way, I don't want you using your ice. Just your fire. That way, nobody will be suspicious of you."


The lights inside were on, proving that Endeavor was home. I interlocked my fingers and lowered them down, my palms facing up. Shoto looked at me confused. All I did was smile, giving him a look that said, "just wait, you'll see." Kisu ran toward me and jumped in my hands like a platform. She grabbed the edge of a window and pulled her self up. She grabbed out what looked like a pen, but was really something that could make things disintegrate once touched with the tip of the pen. She spun the pen in her hand and put it away, shooting us a thumbs up.

"You do this all the time, don't you?" Shoto asked me as I stretched my arms.

"All the time, buddy." I answered before tapping my foot on my other foot. My shoes started to glow on the bottom. I jumped toward the window, my shoes boosting my jump so I could reach. Toga did the same thing as Shoto simply stared at us in shock. I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Idiot, are you going to stand there? Use your damn fire to boost your jump."

Shoto shook his head and jumped, his fire boosting his jump and allowing him to reach the window. He pulled himself up inside as he noticed something.

"What the-" he said as his hair turned into a dark red. "Is this part of the upgrade?"

"Like I explained before, I mixed yours and All Might's DNA, meaning you have a version of his Quirk, One For All. Interesting, isn't it?"

Shoto nodded and looked around the room. We were inside a small room with a futon in one corner and a dresser in another. Other then that, it was almost completely empty.

"I didn't know you kept your room so empty." Toya mumbled into Shoto's ear, standing behind Shoto.

"Gah!" He yelled, a wisp of fire appearing in his hair.

"Who's there, damn it?!" We heard Endeavor's voice. That caught his attention.

We could hear doors being slammed open. I slapped my forehead and groaned. I glared at Toya, blaming him for making Shoto scream while appearing out of nowhere. He's obviously been here for a while and was bored.

"I'll be right back." I said while opening the door quietly. "You stay here until I say you can come out."

I sneaked out of the room, looking for Endeavor. He was nowhere to be seen. Just my luck, he was mocking me from…

"Well, well. A rat got inside."

I groaned, what a way to get caught. Usually, I'm more careful. Whatever, it's a small mistake. Nothing I can't handle. "A rat, you say?" I turned my head so I could see him from the corner of my eye and smirked. "How rude." I pulled a syringe out of my pocket l and grinned.

Endeavor pulled his fist back, flames surrounding his hand. He thrusted forward and fire shot out everywhere.

"How weak," I said, unharmed. A blue shield surrounded me, protecting me from the fire. "I thought you were stronger then that. So much for the No. 2 hero."

"What was that brat?" Endeavor flared with fire, glaring at me.

I smirked as he pulled another fist back, preparing to try and break the shield. Before he could release the next punch, a flare of fire caught him off guard. The fire was almost like an icy blue. Oh, Shoto, Shoto, Shoto, taking after your brother. That's only a fraction of the upgrade, but he'll figure it out soon enough.

"Hey, hey, Endeavor!" Toya smiled. "You wouldn't hurt a kid, would you? That's not very hero like."

"What are you brats doing in my home?!" Endeavor paid his attention to Toya and Shoto. He glared at them as his fist was coddled with flames.

Now he was distracted. I pulled a gun out and pointed it at Endeavor. I put my finger on the trigger and laughed at Endeavor. "Haha, wow! You're such an idiot, Endeavor! How did you if all people become No. 2?"

"What was that- Agh! Fuck!"

I pulled the trigger, sending a dart through the air. The needle poked and dug into Endeavor's skin. A green liquid started to mix into his blood, a toxin of sort. It's meant to weaken his Quirk and distract him with, well, sharp pains, to put it simple.

Endeavor pulled the dart out of his skin as fire surrounded his body. What a dummy. He was trying to burn it all away, how stupid. I'm smarter then he thinks I am.

"Oi, oi, idiot!" Kisu yelled and smiled. "So rude, not paying attention to me? So irritating!" Kisu pushed off the wall and dashed toward Endeavor, reaching a hand out. "My Quirk was upgraded, so I can do this for longer now! Pretty cool, huh?"

Endeavor thrusted his fist at Kisu, wanting to smash her to the depths of hell, I'm guessing. Kisu ducked under and slid forward, skimming her fingers against Endeavor's leg. She had taken his Quirk, temporarily.

"Cool Quirk, by the way." Kisu stood up and dusted herself. "I like it, but it takes a toll on the user, depending on how much heat you use." A wisp of fire appeared in Kisu's hair. Thanks to that upgrade I gave her, she can now steal Quirks for longer and use them as well. Pretty sweet if I do say so myself.

"Tch, brat! You're all going to be in a world of pain!" Endeavor growled, knowing that he wasn't allowed to kill us, but wanting to either way.

"Oh?" I said, smiling brightly. I could tell Shoto was afraid. Who wouldn't be? I have that affect on people. "Why don't you just come at us then? Turn us in, if you can even beat us."

Endeavor was clearly rising in anger. That's exactly what we wanted. Destroy you're home, if you will. That would make it so much easier to get the media's attention.

"Ready, Endeavor?" I said, raising both my hands theatrically. "Let the games begin."


"We're live and right outside Endeavor's house where he seems to fighting some villains!" I heard a female reporter as I sat on the roof Endeavor's house. "It seems he's fighting some new villains on the scene! Zoom in on that!"

The cameraman zoomed in, revealing Kisu and Shoto fighting Endeavor right outside his home. Things were going according to plan, aside from Endeavor getting his Quirk back from Kisu. Too bad.

"Why are you so lazy?!" I heard Toya yell at me as he dodged Endeavor's punch.

"Lazy?" I asked with a smile. "I'm just not doing the fighting part. If anything gets out of hand, then I'll jump in."

While Toya was arguing with me, Kisu and and Shoto were starting to have a hard time, after all, Kisu can't steal people's Quirks for long, even with the upgrade.

Endeavor threw his arms back, his arms being embedded with fire. He thrusted his arms forward as thin strings started to fly everywhere. That looked annoying to dodge. Glad I wasn't down there, even though I would've been fine. So much for the No. 2 hero, he's barely gotten a scratch on us while everywhere around was on fire or destroyed. I guess now would be the right time to replace the news with some of Endeavor's secrets.

"What's happening?! Endeavor hasn't been able to harm any of the villains!" The female reporter yelled. "Looking around, there are fires everywhere! Is Endeavor really the No. 2 hero we think he is?"

The mechanical arm in my bag came out holding a laptop. I started tapping the keyboard, hacking into the the power line that allowed people at home to watch the news. A replaced all the channels and shows with a video of all the things Endeavor does behind the world's back. The TV screens across Japan changed to a video with me explaining everything Endeavor did, along with videos of Fuyumi, Natsuo, Toya, Rei and Shoto suffering at his hands.

"Now that we're rolling," I said as my laptop recorded me. "You might be wondering why your screens have changed to this. Let me explain, citizens." The mechanical arm flipped around my laptop camera, showing the battle between Endeavor, Kisu and Shoto and the damage the fires had caused. "Is this what you expected of your so called 'hero?' As you can see, he intends to kill these villains who supposedly invaded his home. And I'm sure all of you know that's a big no-go for a hero."

The camera on my laptop caught Endeavor lifting up Kisu by the arm, of course, she was acting like she was weak. Endeavor had a craved smile on his face as he burned Kisu's arm, like he had been holding back his urge to kill us, and he really was. He threw Kisu and sneered at Shoto who sent a raging fire at his father. Endeavor swiped the fire away and started walking toward Shoto while Toya decided to jump in again.

"Not to mention what Endeavor does to his family." I said as I screen recorded a video of Endeavor smacking Shoto. "Is this what you expected of your hero?" Another video of Endeavor yelling at Fuyumi and Natsuo. "You'll find that many heroes are not what you think they are."

By this time, Endeavor noticed I was on top of his roof, recording everything and revealing his secrets. He had a glare on his face as he threw Shoto like the pest he was acting like. Endeavor jumped up toward the roof as Shoto helped Kisu up. Toga sent a wave of fire at Endeavor, blocking off his path.

"Haha! Endeavor, don't leave me out!" Toga yelled as she put her hands to her chest, addressing to herself.

"Maybe you should decide whether to follow your heroes or not. All they want is fame, popularity and attention." I finished up before closing my laptop and allowing the mechanical arm to hide back in my backpack. "Let's finish this up." The wasps in my sleeves came flying out, zooming toward Endeavor. They landed on him and grasped his arms and torso with their arms and legs. They started stinging Endeavor, sending electric shocks throughout his body. Endeavor fell to his knees as I jumped off the roof, approaching him as I put my hands in my pocket.

"If you really wanted to surpass All Might, then you should've acted like a real hero." I said as I pulled a gun out, aiming it at Endeavor. "Heh, you never came close to surpassing All Might. You might as well think about all the mistakes in your life now that your secrets are revealed."

Endeavor gave me one last glare before falling over, falling unconscious from the multiple shocks of electricity. I sneered at him and put my gun away. I honestly just pulled my gun out to look more threatening.

Kisu walked toward me, holding her arm from the severe burns Endeavor had given her. Shoto followed after, looking a little shocked but satisfied, nonetheless. Toya put his hands in his pockets as as he got rid of his maniacal smile while Toga still had her cheeky smile on.

"You son of a bitch!" Kisu scolded me while pointing fingers. "Why did I have to be the victim who gets burned?! Why not make him the victim?!" She pointed at Shoto who gave a dum founded look.

"Because that's what I wanted." I said as I pulled out a crystal from my pocket. Before I could say another sentence, we heard a laugh.

"HAAAAAHAHAHA!" It was All Might. He was incredibly late. I didn't expect him to come anywhere near Endeavor's house. But too bad for him, I didn't have time to deal with him. "Stop there, villains!" All Might pointed at us after seeing the damage done by Endeavor.

"Sorry, No. 1." I said while rubbing the crystal with my thumb. "We don't have time for you."

All Might lunged at us. Before he could land a hit, a blue light engulfed us. The flash of light was quick. All Might looked at where we were previously. He fell to his knees in shock. He was too late to stop us. He put his hands on the ground and growled. He let out his rage and disappointment in himself, yelling to the world around him.