
Blue Whale : Game

From being in depression and going to suicide, Alex played a game that actually wants to end his depression by inviting him to play the game for 1 billion dollars without knowing what kind of level he will have to cross... and after crossing level 1 Alex gets kidnapped and brought to the Blue Whale : Game...... Alex has to end this game before it ends him nor sooner everyone sees Alex's true personality the game made him so worst that no one could kill him or can defeat him the game itself could not kill him despite having the level of life and death Alex every time manages to come out alive and pass all the level so far. did the game made him so best at surviving or was he just hiding his true identity? the question starts to valid as the level goes and where players are dying one by one. Alex manages to be alive.

Fazi_ruin · Realistic
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43 Chs

Blue Whale: level 2

in level 2 players were given a sheet of paper and only a pencil ....

the speaker said in level 2 you have to draw a whale on the sheet of paper and color the whale in red with your blood!! 

this made every player very uncomfortable, but the game has begun, and they can't back now. 

the catch was that if you can't hurt yourself for coloring the whale then you can team up with your partner and hurt them to use their blood. 

but the condition was that if you use the blood of your partner then you cannot skip the next level. 

if the player wants to skip the next level, he or she should hurt only themselves and color the whale to complete the level and can further go to level 4 without playing level 3. 

Enzo started beating his partner till he bleeds and then he uses that blood to color the whale and his level was completed. 

Alex told lily that the next level can be dangerous and that we don't know what kind of game we will be playing. 

this is our chance lily you should hurt yourself and take the risk so we can skip the next level.

lily was already in so much pain but Alex comforted her and gave her the blade from the previous level, and he used that blade too. 

almost every player has hurt their self so that they can skip the next level while those who were scared, they have hurt their partners. 

half player chooses wisely and did not hurt their partners while half of them have gone mad and selfish. 

meanwhile a boy name Jin, a player, started to beat his leg aggressively with the knife and was bleeding heavily. 

then a random guard came and told Jin to stop because if he kept going, he might kill himself, Jin told the guard to back off and was sobbing for his life Jin was in so much rage that he tries to put the knife in his heart. 

the guard took that knife and said " ENOUGH !!" 

Jin told why you are saving me ?? can't you see I am already dead. you brought me here!! it is because of you !! you kidnapped me !! while scolding the guard Jin accidently open the guard's hair and notice that the guard was female. 

Jin apologies to her and the male guard told female guard to get back and they gave Jin the medicate box and told to heal himself. 

every player got a medicate box to heal their wound to survive in next level 

speaker told everyone that they can rest who have complete the level by hurting only themselves and others will move to play the next level. 

Alex dressed lily's wound, and he even dressed wounds of other people because he was a medical student and he told lily that he has experience in all this stuff which put lily in ease.

Jin then went to the bathroom and there he found the female guard and he asked her to tell her how I can escape this game, I don't want money I just want to go home Jin begged to the female guard. 

the guard then removed her mask and showed her face and told Jin that, my name is Sehra. 

after seeing her face Jin fell in love with her Jin told her why are you in this dangerous game ?? it's not safe 

Sehra then laughed saying oh Jin! you are not safe ... seeing her laugh jins heart started pumping and he told Sehra that help me to stay alive and that he will marry her after the game will end. 

Sehra was stunned to hear those word coming out of the very boy she has crush on from the beginning of the game because the moment Sehra kidnap Jin she also got feelings for Jin, Sehra told Jin that promise me you will get us both out of here. 

Jin told yes! my love, and they both went back to the game. 

after completing this level everyone sent the snap to the game as per the rule and now, they wait for others to complete the next level and to move on to level 4 together.