
Bad mood

Shrek Academy

I am not able to think about what it was that gave me away. There could be just too many reasons to it. I live in a weird world with a different power structure than mine.

I have nearly killed 150 thousand people, give or take, and even I am not sure if I left any clues in my current state. His information wasn't complete as well so it hasn't been that long since he knows about me. 

'It must have been the previous heist. Should I have killed the last one as well? I should have used my toxins. I didn't have my knowledge of them at time.'

'...but I could have just created new ones. No, no more poison. What happened has happened. Just let it go and it's good. It always has been.'

He cleared his mind and went on his way like usual. If that Old Man tried to get chummy again, Fan Lin was going to destroy him until he begged to be killed. Be it now or later. Time was almighty.

What Fan Lin didn't know was that it was a coincidence that he was found.

After getting rejected by Fan Lin when the Spirit Pagoda had offered him to become their member in the Earthrock Alliance, the expert had informed Qiangu Dongfeng about Fan Lin and his tremendous growth in such a small amount of time. 

Qiangu Dongfeng saw some of the records of Fan Lin and became interested in his potential. Hence he sent the expert to look out for him after knowing that Fan Lin was just a wealthy orphan with offensive actions and no actual background to protect him from his dozens of enemies that he was creating.

Seeing Fan Lin temperament, he had an inkling that Fan Lin was definitely going to enter Shrek Academy to further his studies and he was right.

But it all changed on that fateful night when he learnt of the truth that was hidden behind the foolish victim face of Fan Lin.

When Fan Lin went to the Skysea City to finish his plans, the expert had also followed him since it was his job to bodyguard Fan Lin till he arrived to Shrek City. That's when they realise about him being the perpetrator of all the 'mysterious gang' massacres.

Qiangu Dongfeng, at that moment, decided to get Fan Lin on his side at all costs since he had a plan and Fan Lin could become the final cog of it, setting the decades long dream into reality.

To him, Fan Lin was a born weapon, be it his mutated Martial soul that gave his second Spirit ring or his cultivation growth or the mere fact that he could cause a large scale deathknell whenever he wants to.

That's why he had personally came to get Fan Lin to his side but was rejected by him, ruthlessly at that. He had read Fan Lin's information and knew that Fan Lin would definitely do as he said, he was a madman who more than 100,000 lives in his hands. He has no compassion or respect for the society. He also knew of the amount that Fan Lin has earned which pushed the credibility of his words even more.

Fan Lin had earned enough wealth that he could buy several dozens smaller cities for himself without baiting an eye.

Now Qiangu Dongfeng was thinking of ways to either make Fan Lin work with him willingly or to force him by cutting his so called backups.

He could not let go of Fan Lin now as he could help him in his plans or be an obstacle to it, considering his plan was....

And Fan Lin had seen his face, what if he snitched and brought unnecessary attention?

"I will try one more time."

Shrek Academy

After coming to Shrek, Fan Lin went to train in the back forest of the dormitory.

And by the time I returned, it was already night. This was the first time that I trained even after all the excess energy was drained and taken care off.

I needed to take my mind off things, many things, because if I didn't, I know that I may have given in to myself. Clearing my thoughts away doesn't seem to work now. The new thoughts just keep tormenting me.

Which is the most terrifying thought for the current me?

The thought of me repeating my past mistakes. Some things should never be done, even if your intentions are right, even if you were not in control, even if you are the victim, the circumstances could be a hell in itself.

Someone's ignorance can never become the justification for his actions, be it good or bad.

I should have not underestimated others just because I killed a few hundred thousand. I must have gotten arrogant since I have never been caught, huh?

Now someone knows about me, about what I am beneath my facade as a normal Soul Grandmaster. That someone is also strong. Stronger than that Soul Sage I took down using cowardly methods.

'Who's there?"

While he was in his thoughts, he saw someone trying to illegally enter someone's house. That person was Xie Xie. So he went and grabbed him by his shoulder and threw him out.

'Just how many times am I going to meet this guy today?'

I thought while turning when a shadow suddenly kicked me in the back, throwing me towards Xie Xie.


*Half and hour later*

In a small but well decorated room decorated in a royal vintage style and an elderly woman with white hair as the background portrait.

Everyone involved in the incident assembled in the teacher's office of the outer court school building.

Along with them were Shen Yi, Wu Zhangkong, and the teacher in charge of the second grade, all whom had been summoned directly. However, none sat down. The only person seated was the headmaster of the outer court and an elder of Sea God's Pavilion, Elder Cai, also her portrait in the background.

"I was coming to the dorms when I saw perpetrator Xie Xie, trying to enter victim Yuanen Yehui's room, so I went and gave a shoulder throw to him. Nice and simple. A moment later she suddenly kicked me in the back ( pointing to Yehui) so we started fighting. I wasn't serious though(truth). Then that thing came along with those two and attacked me( pointing to Tang Wulin and the two girls) for no apparent reason or justification. I became a little angry so I incased Yuanen Yehui's leg, hammered Yu Zhengyu who had gotten involved at some point of time. Then that girl restricted my body movements so I sent a crystalline crystal to her stomach, a blunt crystal, and knocked her out as well. Wulin was caught off guard during that time so I uppercut'ed his chin. Getting emotional during a fight isn't a good thing. The elementalist girl got distracted because of his injuries as well and I knocked her out with a punch to her solar plexus and threw her far away. At last , Xie Xie sneak attacked me, so once again I double sided wall'd him(The one Albedo did to Kevin 11). After that Yuanen Yehui attacked me and I tore her clothes, by mistake, after that enforcers came and I attacked him as well and this happened." I said to Elder Cai.

"You need to practice your explanatory skills a little more boy."

Elder Cai said after listening to Fan Lin's explanation.

It was a weird mumbo jumbo of childish perception but it still conveyed the general gist of the situation from his perspective.

'We lost to this guy!'

Meanwhile by the side, Tang Wulin, Gu Yue, and Xu Xiaoyan stood with strange looks painted on their faces. Tang Wulin did feel that Fan Lin felt a bit familiar but since they never actually interacted that much in the past, it wasn't that apparent to him.

Because a teacher had treated Xie Xie's wounds, he was able to stand alongside his classmates. Perhaps feeling regretful, he hung his head low.

Yuanen, sporting a fresh change of the school uniform, stood on the other side of the room and glared daggers at him the entire time. She looked like the incarnation of a demon bent on destroying him since the situation started due to him.

But it was Yue Zhengyu who wore the oddest expression of all. He was just a passer by so thought he had found an Evil Soul master, only to be brutally mauled by some guy he met for the first time in his life. He stood next to Tang Wulin, his face twitching as he fought to restrain himself on inviting Fan Lin to be his family's(his) personal bodyguard.

And Fan Lin was standing at the side near the wall while having an internal monologue.

Humans... are weird creatures. They become docile in front of strong and overbearing in front of weak. But there are times when they don't care whether a person is strong or not. That's when they die.

Fan Lin was nearing that point. From the beginning of the day, one after another, he had been facing events that ruined his mood.

If he was Mob, then a 95% would have shown in the black background.

I... did I finish my quota of luck after entering Shrek or something?

Not a single thing is going my way, I am way behind in secondary profession, knowledge about Battle Armors and I just got exposed today, had dust and leaves blown towards my face(your fault) and then suddenly assaulted when I decided to help.

Why the am I getting Deja vu? Am I born in the star of no helping? Whenever I try to help someone, the situation gets messed up.

Aaaaaah stupid.

"From our investigations, we have concluded that the working student in the first grade, Xie Xie, went out for an evening stroll. Because he wasn't aware that Yuanen changed rooms, he mistakenly believed that a thief had broken into their dormitory and went to investigate. At that time, Fan Lin was coming from somewhere and saw him. He threw him to the courtyard. However, Yuanen Yehui happened to be taking a bath at that time…" The enforcer's mask of seriousness cracked, revealing an awkward expression.

The group's eyes darted to Yuanen. So her full name is actually Yuanen Yehui.

"Afterward, Yuanen Yehui discovered Fan Lin outside her window when he was closing it(I was?) She thought that he had peeped on her maiden body. In her fury, she attacked Fan Lin with deathly intention. Yue Zhengyu knew of Yuanen Yehui's Fallen Angel soul, so he misunderstood the situation. Later, Tang Wulin, Xu Xiaoyan, and Gu Yue also arrived on the scene and misunderstood as well. This is what led to their battle."

Elder Cai was speechless after listening to the enforcer's explanation. After a few seconds of gathering herself, she spoke, the temperature in the room dropping with each successive word. "So you're telling me this was all because that brat Xie Xie was trying to peep on a girl?"

The whole night had been one surprise after the next. And now that Elder Cai summarized the entire incident in this way, the situation was even more unexpected. Clearly, she stood on Yuanen's side. Poor Xie Xie would be penalized heavily.

'Yeah and like I would be spared since 'I was closing the window '. When? After you kicked me on the back?'

Tang Wulin took a step forward, grabbing the room's attention. "Elder Cai, it's not quite like that. The only reason Xie Xie was outside of Yuanen's room was because he thought someone had broken into our dormitory. He didn't know Yuanen lived there at all. It really was just a misunderstanding."

Normally, Elder Cai would not normally appear to oversee such trivial matters. But in this specific case, she was also the teacher in charge of the first grade. Therefore, it was her responsibility to figure out what happened.

Elder Cai directed a calm gaze at Tang Wulin. "So you're saying Yuanen Yehui should let others see her body for free?"

"That's…" Tang Wulin was at a loss. There was no one in the right or wrong in this situation!

'Can't we hurry up? I need to wash their blood on my clothes."

I interjected without any fear. With each passing moment, my rage rising by a higher and higher. It seems my anger is clouding my judgement and I am letting it do so.

All the eyes in the room turned to me.

"Okay dear. So did you peep on Yuanen because she was fluffy?"

Elder Cai asked me. 

"She isn't fluffy. Don't insult fluffy, No, not that. I didn't peep on her."

I answered, taken aback as she mentioned fluffy. Good memory.

"So why did you peep on her?"

Elder Cai asked again.

"Haah? Okay maybe I misheard you, or I am hearing things before it has happened. I wasn't peeping at her, neither did I try to. I just saw him trying to do just that and threw him out. She unreasonably kicked me in the back. My back. Background back."

"I wasn't trying to peep. I really wasn't."

Xie Xie mumbled in a nearly crying voice due to the remaining pain and guilt.

"Okay then it's this gorilla's fault. She was the one being unreasonable. You were just trying to check for any intruder. I was just trying to stop an intruder. She is the faulty one to attack without confirmation."

I said, my words shocking everyone in the room. They didn't get my sarcasm. They really didn't.

But it was too late for me. My irritation and rage had crossed the line already. Now it would be rational badmouthing to any and all that came in front of me.

"Who are you calling a gorilla, you shameless peeping tom."

Yuanen Yehui exclaimed in anger, just by a single sentence, Fan Lin transferred half of her anger from Xie Xie to himself.

[What wise words.]

"I am not a peeping tom, you chimp brained woman who has a difficulty between understanding a simple situation, and even if I was, I wouldn't have peeped at you since there was nothing to see anyways. You are just a child. Nothing more. Nothing less."

"You... You pervert, I saw you looking at me with my own eyes at that time. You lying perverted bastard!"

"You kicked me on my back. On my back, how the heck did you saw me with your own eyes then?"

"Oh, then what were you doing in front of the windows and I did saw your shining yellow eyes peering through the window before I attacked."

"That was when I turned around to look behind me, at the window not at you, after throwing that kid!"

"Haah, you said it now. You were looking in the window. What else are you going to say?"

"Unreasonable gorilla woman, listen to my first sentence, you kicked me in the BACK, Only my head turned around by the time you kicked me. Only my head. I. Didn't. Turn around. With the intention to see you or anything. That would just be soiling my eyes and soul at the same time. I can't even fathom the fact that you even thought that I would have the desire to watch a child like you naked, that's an insult to everything I am and If I wasn't being held by the so called moral compass at the moment, I would have used my full strength while fighting."

I was frustrated and angry. So was she. But I had a higher vocabulary of insults. 

"Don't call me that and you did say that you turned around."

"Only my head and I didn't see anything. I really didn't."

"Then how dare you say that there was nothing to see, you emo bastard."

"You want to play that way, okay unreasonable gorilla woman, I would rather visit a strip club and pay 300 contribution points per minute instead of seeing you naked. I promise that I did not saw any thing, even the mole underneath your armpits was something that I saw later in the fight."

"You, You emo shit, you say that after seeing all of my body."

"I didn't see anything, when I turned around, a towel was covering most of you and in a split second, you changed before kicking me. There was nothing to see! Why the heck are you not understanding it, do you really have the brain of a Chimpanzee or something?"

"You fucker, you did saw everything then. I will kill you."

And Yuanen Yehui plunged at Fan Lin, who used his Blue Silver Grass to restrain her hands. Even now, he still was holding back because if he didn't, a murder would happen and an innocent life would be gone.

And to clarify something, this was happening in the office of Elder Cai and everyone that were present a few minutes ago were still present now.

Be it in rage or something else, Both Fan Lin and Yuanen Yehui completely disregarded the others as they once again started to nearly fight.

The teachers were going to interfere in their fight but Elder Cai stopped them.

"Are you ears just for decoration woman, why are you so adamant on it?"

I said while releasing her as she released her Dark Angel Martial soul. Both of us knew of each others strength and hence decided to talk once more since the other options weren't any good.

"Then would you have committed to your crime if you had seen me naked?"

"I would not. I mean it depends on the person and I would not peep onto someone."

"See, you would not have and why didn't you tell them before that you saw the inside of the room?"

"I didn't said that cuz you would not believe it."

"Yeah and how would I believe you now that you haven't seen everything when you just said that now."

"That's why I wasn't going to say that in the first place. And I really have no interest in child like you. Forget it. I will just compensate you. Let's just get over with this matter. I need to wash my clothes and go to sleep."

"What do you mean 'compensate me'? You saw my body and think it could be settled with some money. Not only that you have been denying it till now. Do you think I am an easy woman just because I am a student in the working dormitory? You emo shit."

"Listen Gorilla, I didn't peep. It was a mistake that I saw the insides of your room and you in your towel but let me clarify. This is the first time that I saw you, I have no interest in your body, I haven't been peeping, I am a student of the working dormitory as well and I had no intention to make you feel little or to insult you when I said about the compensation. You are just dragging the matter, I just want to leave if I can do so with a bit of money then I will. I need to clean the blood from my clothes since I don't have any spare uniforms for tomorrow. And you are not a woman, not at all."

My thoughts started becoming blurry. Maybe my mental condition has deteriorated once again due to unknown reasons. I don't know. Something feels wrong.

"Then how much did you saw?"

Yuanen Yehui asked.


"So you still want to remain adamant on your claim that you saw nothing?"

She added.

"Let me change my words, I didn't saw any questionable assets of yours since the towel covered it."

"So you saw everything else then?"

Yuanen said. I looked at her. Forget it. Unreasonable people are dumb. Let's not reason with them. 

"Yeah but I didn't peep, your body happened to be in my line of sight and I averted my gaze. That's why you were able to kick me or I would have blocked it if I was looking at you. Trust me, you don't have the body that can make me completely stunned or anything."

My words felt like adding fuel to fire and I still was asking myself why hasn't she given up!

I know this but I can't stop myself, don't want to stop myself.

"... how can I believe you? You could be lying for all I know. You did mentioned going to the strip clubs anyway."

Yuanen looked at me and said. Her temper suddenly in her control.

"I went there to exchange Federation coins for cash since the liquidation there was a lot."


"It isn't an excuse! You can go with me later to verify."

"Why would I go to the strip club with you?"

"You started it by saying it was an excuse. Now what? Scared of truth? Or the woman in you afraid of proving herself?"

"I am not scared of anything? Let's go and show me that you were just there to exchange contribution points."

"I will. come with me then."

Fan Lin took her hand and went towards the door with her. Both of them totally ignored the people around them in their argument.


Elder Cai said while rubbing her temples.

Her scream jolted both Yuanen Yehui and Fan Lin from their own world and they looked at Elder Cai while Yuanen Yehi furiously jolted her hands from Fan Lin's grip.

"Both of you, return from the door."

She said as she looked at both Yuanen Yehui and Fan Lin in speechlessness.

"You both are quite the work, huh! Completely disregarding our presence in your love talk."

Elder Cai sneered at them.

"Shut up, you unbearable virgin hag."

I said without any thoughts. The whole room had a moment of pin drop silence.

But to be fair, it wasn't Fan Lin's or Yuanen Yehui's fault.

Fan Lin was an unreasonable person himself and he had been mentally fragile since the sudden death threat that he got in the morning, adding the other things that happened to him throughout the whole day and the fact that he had exercised more than his capacity, then got into a sudden fight without any knowledge and was now blamed not just as a peeping tom but also as lovers with some random girl he just met, it hurt him mentally. It hurt him a lot.

It hurt his feelings for his wife and that was a taboo point for him.

So after a full day of foul mood, Fan Lin erupted... on the wrong person.

Now he had two choices, one ask for forgiveness before the unreasonable hag or two, spend his entire first grade in misery.

Now Fan Lin in his anger had an ego of 1000, so what do you think he chose?

"Unbearable virgin hag, huh?"

Elder Cai muttered, veins poping on her head as the whole room was silent. The teachers knew that Fan Lin would have a terrific grade 1 from now on.

"I just met her today. You shouldn't use those words. It hurts my feelings, far more than you think. Sorry by the way."

Fan Lin may have an ego of 1000 but ability of self control surpasses that ego and he forcefully calmed his emotions.

'Should have done this before. Should have done this from the beginning.'

I thought while looking at Elder Cai.

"Haah. Okay, my fault. You are strangers. Now I am asking for the last time, how much did you see?"

Elder Cai said slowly although the veins on her head hasn't disappeared.

I looked at her and then towards Yuanen Yehui.

"Don't get angry, but this area was covered in towel and there is nothing to see. No bumps or curves or anything. If you have doubts, we can recreate the situation again. She can even kick me as well."

Fan Lin got closer to Yuanen Yehui and used his hands to vertically show that there was nothing.

All the people in the room, except Yuanen Yehui, thought that he has to be crazy mad to be doing this in front of all of them.

Yuanen Yehui on the other hand calmly punched him with all her strength, causing Fan Lin to turn his head but the damage was absorbed by green crystal shards that covered his ribs.

"See, If I have been looking then she would never have caused me any damage."

A few moments of silence ensued.

Elder Cai then snorted. "The matter is clear already. All seven of you working students are such a handful. You've only been here how long? Yet you've already caused such a ruckus. If I don't punish you, then the heavens wouldn't be fair. Xie Xie, as the main instigator, you will be fined five thousand contribution points. I don't care if this was a misunderstanding on your part and I don't care if you had good intentions. Three months is all you're getting. If you don't pay the fine before then, you'll be expelled. Fan Lin, you'll pay Yuanen Yehui ten thousand contribution points as mental trauma compensation. You have one week to pay her."

"Any problems," Elder Cai asked us.

"I do" Fan Lin replied.

All the eyes turned to Fan Lin.

"'He still has something to say!!!"'

She stared at me and then asked," What is your problem?"

"But what about my compensation? She kicked me out of nowhere."

"The gall of you." [Yuanen]

"Then you want to see her naked. Is that what you want for compensation?"

Elder Cai said with an icy voice.

"... no. (That's worthless. I just want to go and clean my clothes and sleep. That's it. )"

Fan Lin said after a full minute.

"What's with the pause?"

Yuanen Yehui asked him.


He shook his head, his thoughts just his own.

"And now that it is over, Fan Lin, you have to pay Yuanen Yehui 15000 contribution points for whatever you saw. You already said that you saw only a part as the other part was covered in towel. This proves that you did saw Yuanen Yehui while she was bathing, even if you had no intention to, you did saw her body and caused a mental trauma to her."

'Body, her body, not parts, don't make it sound weird.'


"And then you gravely injured her later on, the physical injury may cause her cultivation problems in the future so 5000 contribution points and a nourishing pill as compensation as well."

"You also tore her clothes while fighting so 1000 contribution points and 5 new sets of dresses as compensation for that."

"I heard her room's window also broke down, you change your room with her and pay for the damages to the window."

"You also disturbed her during her 'medicinal bath' that she spent her whole month credits on, wasting it. 2000 contribution points and a whole month of top grade medicinal bath as compensation as well.'

'Should I bath her as well?' It took Fan Lin all his self control to stop himself from saying that.

"You also caused physical and mental traumatic experience to your classmates and senior, 1000 contribution points as compensation to each."

"And lastly, 30 thousand contribution points for the fact that you saw Yuanen Yehui's maiden body. She can't just show her body for free."

I looked at Yuanen Yehui and I can see the pity in her eyes.

"Should I just marry her off as well? Cuz I am pretty sure even her husband would not spend this much on her."

Now it was the time for the room to be shocked again.

Fan Lin finally couldn't hold back. Between suppressing his emotions and letting it go, he chose the latter.

Elder Cai stared at him.

"100,000 in compensation for looking at her maiden body and for being disrespectful towards her."

"But isn't this unfair that I am only one to pay compensation when they all attacked me."

"For using words like strip club and visiting them before your coming of age, you have been fined 40,000 contribution points."

"... I just have three million contribution points for now and the things that you asked reaches 19 million contribution points."

Fan Lin said after a sigh. He did have money and to him, it was like dirt as well but the condition that he was forced to pay was something that he didn't like.

And now it was the working students that were in shock, since the exchange rate for Federation coins to contribution points was 100:1. If he has three million contribution points, that would mean that he had 300 million Federation coins.

That's a big sum.

"And is that enough to reverse time so that you haven't seen her."

Elder Cai asked.

"uh-huh. huh, can I just go out for a minute?"


"You won't be able to bear it. Just let me go out. Please."

Fan Lin said and immediately walked out of the door.

After that, sounds of laughter echoed the hallway and into the room as Elder Cai let the sound in. The laughter was cheerful and of amusement.

Now all the people in the room just had a single thought. Fan Lin had either become mad or was mad and by mad, they meant mentally unstable.

A few minutes later he came in and looked at the sour faced Wulin.

'Something must have happened.'

"So I accept. I will compensate her."

Fan Lin said cheerfully.

"Did you take drugs or something kid? You are creeping me a little."

Elder Cai said with a smile.


Fan Lin's cheerful face turned into emotionless in a second.

"When can I leave?"

I asked.

"What were you laughing at?"

Elder Cai asked in interest. She really thought she broke another student.

"Just a joke that I remembered."

I said.

"What is the joke to make you laugh so much in this situation?"

"Just a joke my friend told me once, that the walls have ears."

"You had friends?"

"I did."

"What was so funny in that you laughed?"

"I remembered his other words, those who don't lose their virginity by 50 become great saints. That's it."

Elder Cai looked at Fan Lin's expressionless face.

"Okay. All of you can go. And 100 points as compensation for telling me that joke."

Elder Cai said and Fan Lin and the other students left the room.

The teachers remained in the room, looking at the furious Elder Cai who had kept her anger inside her for latter times.

"That kid is interesting. This year has many interesting kids."

"What are you lot looking at me for? I am not angry at him. I just find his mutated Spirit soul to be interesting. That second ring is one of a kind. That's all."

All the teachers (three of them) looked at her and took their leave.

Fan Lin immediately went to the forest to check his inner self.

Something was definitely wrong with him today.

The moment Elder Cai's words resonated with his memories, he realised that his actions for the past few days were a little forced.

They didn't feel like his own. Like something was making him follow a certain path.

Normally, he wouldn't have left the forest even if he had finished his training, he often has the habit of sleeping in the forest and he would not have broken it.

He also couldn't find a justifying reason as to why he was going into the dorms where the protagonist trio was even though he wanted to avoid them for now.


Really big chapter.

I had wanted to break it into two parts but since it's a rewrite and I would have to take all the chapters to put the new chapter.

I said forget it. I will leave a note.

And for the people who are re-reading it.

This chapter is the point where everything changes from the previous one.

I wrote Gloomy Forest in a multi work series you know.

So last year, when I took the advice of a person to include a female lead, I failed, miserably at that.

The story became a mess and I was solely responsible for it.

The character that I wanted wasn't shown but fear not, he will be, in this story.

And All the Blue Silver Grass stories are cannon. All seven of them.

But with the pace that I am posting these. I think years would have passed before you read the last series.

But not my fault okay.

My job tooks a really big chunk of my time everyday and despite what you all think, writing and editing a single chapter takes about 2 hours in average and many a times, I have deleted whole chapters when it didn't make any sense to the continuation of the story or writting.

So for the past months, I had been working on getting out of my job and finding another job that doesn't take that much time.

Finally I settled on YouTube. I took me six months to get 1 thousand subscribers and the channel had been growing for the past three months.

If this growth continues, then in around three to 
