
Blue Silver Energy Grass

A small change can cause some big repercussions. How? Let me show you. Follow Fan Lin. Once again. For like the third time. Except this time, he will get over his wife, with the reincarnated version of his wife.

God_Hand · Book&Literature
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35 Chs

I know you

Douluo Mainland

Eastsea Academy.

Fan Lin's life turned out to be normal for the next few weeks. He attended school normally, trained his Spirit Power and steadily advanced in his cultivation.

He also used his second chance at the platform and killed a few hundred more people this time, attracting quite a lot of attention from both the Spirit Pagoda staff and all the participants.

Now that he had two Spirit Souls and not that many chances to come to the Spirit Ascension plane, he went mad and the result was foretold already.

< I want the attention of the higher ups of the Spirit Pagoda. Someone said standing out in here is the best way to do that. >

He skillfully used his words and changed the situation on his side though. Now most of the people thought that his intention was to gain the 'attention' of the higher ups and not that he just wanted to slaughter humans to his heartfelt since people don't actually die in the Spirit Ascension plane.

His life was once again on a smooth path until one day(today) someone came to meet him and said this:

"I know that you are an Evil Soul Master."

'Deja vu?'

The person saying this was a woman that Fan Lin was sure he had never seen or met before.

'Is she a relative of those informers that died?'

'Did she somehow survived the killing and was here to avenge her brethren?'

Thoughts began to churn in his head as he followed the female to a small seafood restaurant.

'And just when I thought of moving on from the past, someone came to drag me down again.'

'But not this time!'

'I do have some of the old command toxin left with me, should be enough if things went south.'

He mentally cheered himself and sat opposite to the female.

Both of them sat silently waiting for the other to start. No one said anything till the waiter come to take their order.

"I will have the Sharkfin soup and a bowl of cold noodles."

The female said to the waiter.


Fan Lin gave his order as well.

*Some more awkward silence till the food arrives*

"So... What are your motives? What do you want to do?"

The female said after eating some of her food. She had came prepared.

She thought she had came prepared.

She wasn't.

Once she said those words to him, the atmosphere seemed to change as she couldn't utter another word when he stared with his dead eyes.

Her mind went blank and despite thinking of a lot of cuss words and slangs about her and her situation, nothing came out of her mouth.

No matter how much she tried. She was genuinely scared.

He was genuinely scary. It was an instinctive reaction of her to be scared.

So on his suggestion of changing the location, she could just mindlessly come to the Seafood restaurant near the Eastsea Academy.

All the thoughts of blackmailing him of his past deeds seemed to slowly vanish on her way to the restaurant and now she was sitting alone with the Evil Soul Master who had presumably killed the previous Mecha Corps Captain.

'And in less than a hands distance at that!'

Thankfully her predicament changed with the voice of the waiter. She looked at the waiter and all the people in the Seafood restaurant.

'This place is full of people, he would not do anything here.'

'I was seen with him in a lot of cameras, there are tens of witnesses as well, that also adds another layer of safety for me.'

'Yet what is this ensuing fear that I feel.'

After gathering some courage as she ate some of the food, she finally said what she wanted to ask.

"So(now that you are trapped), What are your motives now?(Don't try to hide it from me as I know all about you). What do you want to do( by infiltrating the Pagoda and acting as a student)?"

[The words in the brackets are her thoughts that she couldn't speak due to fear.]

What Fan Lin heard was this:

"So... What are your motives? What do you want to do?"

'Idiot, speak clearly.'

The female chided herself in her mind and glanced at Fan Lin. He calmly looked at her and said.

"I am currently living a quiet life. I go to school, has some future aspirations and I want to live a normal, fulfilling life without any shadows of my past."

"At least I was living a normal fulfilling life before you came. So let me ask you, what do you want? Depending on the answer, you might be the one whose fin I will soup or I will just let you go."

He might have the naive and hot blooded stupid teen self of his past incarnation, but he also possesses the ruthless nature of his midlife self.

It's just his stupid teen self was more dominant most of the times. Not for now at least.

The female silently drank some spoonfuls of soup and thought: How is the situation reversed? Doesn't he fear that I may have subordinates?

What if they leaked his information? Or that I could be a part of a bigger organisation?

Does he not care?

He didn't.

Is he stupid?

He... No comments.

To him, just the fact that the female existed in front of him was enough. He could get whatever he wanted from her. He had his ways; ways that she couldn't resist.

"I... I don't know what you are planning, but if it's something bad, I will stop you."


He tilted his head a little as if thinking about something. It would have been cute if he was cute, he wasn't.

He took his killing intent and began to speak. The female suddenly felt as if the fear and oppression on her disappear. Now she could think and speak properly.

"You don't actually know huh? So you are here to be the hero? I don't know how you got it but I have turned a new leaf. Don't make your foolishness be the reason for my change of heart."

"If you want to be mother kindness, go find someone else to pester. Get in my life again and..."

"I am not an Evil Soul Master."

He got up and left the Seafood restaurant. The female sat their quietly for sometime before drinking the rest of her soup and finishing her noodles.

She then ran towards the direction of the Eastsea Academy and called for Fan Lin again.

"Command toxin."

"Let me finish firs..."

She couldn't even finish her words before becoming silent, her eyes dazed.

"Cover up our meeting, forget about it, forget about how you got my past, forget my past, don't try to learn about my past, if you have some proof, destroy it completely, some acquaintance, then check and deal with them accordingly, don't need to go overboard, think of something to replace this memory and bye."

Fan Lin set a series of commands into the dazed female and left the stunned woman on the road. Some seconds later, the female's eyes shone with intelligence as she looked around her surroundings a little confused at first but then 'remembered' what she was here for and went on her way.

Fan Lin, on the other hand, reached his dormitory and started to inscribe some rank 2 circuits on the inscribing sheet.

He didn't want to back on his words and neither did he want to stretch the matter more than it required.

Simply, he didn't want to waste even a second of his life on something that he deemed both unnecessary and useless, aka contemplating his past actions.

"If I could end everything in one fell swoop then I should do it."

And so he brainwash the female. He didn't care if the female had some heart wrenching story that might require his assistance or it may be a message that she wanted to deliver it to him.

He liked his new life. It was good.

"Not gonna ruin it now. Won't let it be ruined by someone else as well."

"I should be a proper Rank 2 Mecha Maker in about three more months."

"Three months later, this academic year will end as well."

A small briefing on the Protagonists of DD3.

Tang Wulin, a son of a God, the male lead and a crafty but good hearted person(?). Is a glutton and has a dragon in his body.

Hardworking, calm and lucky protagonist, although the luck came in balance and each lucky encounter took something from him.


Gu Yuena

The female protagonist. Follows Tang Wulin everywhere for foreshadowing reasons.

Quite strong. Can control the elements. Moody and cold towards others.

Nothing much for now.


Xu Xioayan

A Lackey of the Protagonists. Part of the protagonist group.


Xie Xie

Another Lackey of the protagonist. Better than Xu Xioayan. Part of the protagonist group.

This are the spoiler free intel on the Protagonist.

I will include the Intel's of other people at the bottom as the story progresses.

It helps for some people.


Read my other works as well.

A small break.