Moving around within the city, Hui Yue quickly found a marketplace where he heard multiple merchants yell out the prices of their items. To Hui Yue’s satisfaction, the prices they used were copper, silver, gold, and spirit coins; something that he still had plenty of.
Grasping his money storing memory stone he looked inside, and a pleasant amount of coins could be seen within. Although Hui Yue had coins, he had no intention of spending any of them soon. His only plan was to find the castle and find Wan Qiao to ask her to assist them in leaving Shenyuan.
After having come this close, both Hui Yue and Lan Feng were filled with worry and hesitation. Both knew that the relationship between Lan Feng and Wan Qiao was not the best, but here they were. It had been more than four thousand years since their last encounter. Now they were going to request help from an old acquaintance.