
Chapter 6

Mason's POV

1 Day Earlier.

"What are you doing?! I told you not to go outside and now look at you, you got killed!" I yelled at Travis who doesn't listen to simple instructions. This is why I play by myself because he doesn't know how to play the game right.

We were in my game room playing Fortnite letting out some steam from basketball practice.

"You told me to check to see who was outside!" Travis yelled back at me and I rolled my eyes, paying attention back to the screen.

This game can get intense when you are trying to prove something. My phone started to ring in my pocket and I pulled it out to see Eva was calling me. I let the call ring until she got the message that I didn't want to talk to her.

"Who is blowing up your phone?" Travis asks, stuffing some potato chips in his mouth.

"Eva wants to come over to have sex with me. Ever since we had our little one time she has been calling me nonstop."

"She has been trying to get with you for the longest and she threatens everyone that tries to talk to you."

"Not my problem as long as I don't get involved with it." I shrugged, not caring about what she does.

When the game finishes, I walk out of the game room having Travis following behind me. Going into the kitchen, I started to search for food.

"We should throw a party Friday night since your parents won't be here till next week." Travis hops on the kitchen counter.

"Remember the last party we had? You all destroyed the whole house and my parents were pissed at me."

"It is not our fault we had a contest for who can break the most things."

"That's the fucking problem there if I'm going to have a party it is going to turn out how I want it."

"Whatever." He mumbles under his breath. "Do you feel bad about crushing that Blue kid in the Gym today?" He asks while grabbing an apple from my fruit bowl then toss the apple up and down.

I almost forgot about him. He seems fucking weird to be a virgin. "That's his name?"

"Uh, yeah, he is super smart and he always hangs around with that Junior girl." He replied snickering that he doesn't have friends and he chooses to hang out with a Junior.

"No, I only did that to help our team win the game and he shouldn't have been in the way." I pull out a box of Cheez-Its from the top of the refrigerator. "He seems off being the only person in our grade to be a virgin. It's kinda pathetic." I chuckled, then tossed a Cheez-It into my mouth.

"You know that Zack is trying to get with him. I bet he wants to hit it also."

"I like to see him try. The boy won't even let people breathe around him. Do you know how many people he had rejected? Too many to count." I shook my head at how many people he can get.

How can you reject people that are trying to get with you?

"I bet you can't." He said and it caught my attention instantly.

I narrow my eyes at him. "You said I can't do it?"

"No, if no one in the school can't do it then what makes you think you could." He responded by snatching the box of Cheez-It out of my hand.

I chuckled at his statement while shaking my head. "You must not know who I am? I can seduce anyone."

"Sure." He rolled his eyes, not believing in my words.

"Ok, I bet I can seduce him by the end of this year." I accept his bet to persuade the virgin into sleeping with me.

"Deal and If I win I get to have all your game systems, get to ride your four wheeler whenever I want, and you have to do whatever I want."

"What if I win?"

"I get to run around the whole school with just my boxers only."

This is going to be easy. I can use my sweet words and charms to win him over, but he was going to be hard to impress because he is a feisty little one.

That Zack boy is already trying so I have to try to beat him at his own game.

Let the games begin

I walked into the school hallways the next morning trying to look for Blue but he wasn't at his locker like he usually is. I look down at my watch to see it was almost time for the first period to start.

Travis walked up to me with a smirk on his face. "Waiting for your target to arrive?"

"Yes, but he isn't here yet now leave me alone." I dismissed him from this conversation.

"Your time is ticking." He taps his watch while walking away from me. I have a lot of time to win this bet. I want to get this over with so I could prove something to him that I can seduce anyone in this school.

"Mason!" A feminine voice calls my name and I turn around to face Eva who was power walking up to me.

Eva stops in front of me, putting her hands on her hips. Her blonde hair was swinging from side to side. "Why haven't you picked up none of my calls or texts?"

"I was busy." I replied in a bored tone, not in the mood to deal with her bickering early in the morning.

"Like?" She asks, wanting to hear my answer.


"You don't even do your homework so stop lying to me, Mason! Just tell me you didn't want to talk to me!" She yells, making everyone turn their heads towards us.

"You are causing a scene, Eva! I didn't want to talk to you yesterday because we are not fucking together and that was a one-time thing. I hit it then I dipped just like I do with the rest." I hiss at her and she shakes her head with hopeful eyes.

"Mason I could treat you so right. I'm different from all the people you've dated." She said, protesting. "Do you know how long it took you to notice me? You have all these trashy girls and infested boys in line waiting for you like a free sample."

"That's the point. I'm the free sample and everyone is going to have one taste of me." I said and her blue eyes were glossy.

"How could people go crazy over you? This is an example of boys like you. You ain't shit!" She screams at me that causes more attention to us.

"But you still come back to me." I laugh in her face, then all my attention was on Blue who was walking down the hallway.

His white hair was a messy mess, he had on a black hoodie, a pair of blue jeans, white converse and he looked like he hadn't slept at all.

"I'll talk to you later." I said, not looking at her then walked away from Eva who was still yelling after me.

Time to approach my target

Walking up to his locker, I stood behind his locker, waiting for him to close it. Finally, he closes it, then he looks at me within disgust.

I smiled at him by how aggravated I can make him by just standing here.

He raised a brow at me. "Are you going to stand here and stare?"

I bitterly laugh at his statement. "I'm going to make a once and a lifetime opportunity." I said trying to get straight to the point but he cuts me off.

"Look, I don't want to hear about this opportunity you're trying to offer me. Whatever it is you can offer to someone else who gives a fuck." He spat at me then walked away.

He needs to stop being so angry all the time so I can do my part. He is going to fall for me if he likes it or not.

I pulled him into the closet where it was too dark for us to see each other. "What the hell! You are going to make me miss class─" I cut him off by pressing my lips onto his.

His lips weren't as bad as I thought it would be. They were soft and this is the only way to test the waters.

He pushed me away with force, then turned the light on so we could see each other. His whole face was bright red and he was panting.

That was progress.

I smirked at him that I got a reaction out of him. "What the fuck?! You just kissed me!" He yells at me and I stare at him with a blank face, letting him vent out.

He can be so dramatic sometimes.

When he was done ranting about his life away, I dropped the bomb on him. "I like you." I said simply and his eyes went wide.

I could tell he had a lot of thoughts running through his mind right now. "You can't just like someone out of the blue. How the hell does that work?! Not just yesterday you tackled me to the ground then called me a virgin."

"That's what people do when you so head over heels over your crush you do dumb things. I didn't want you to know that." I said, trying to sound convincing the best I can.

He snorted at my bullshit of a statement. "You say that to everyone, Mason. I'm not fucking dumb. You're playing games with me and I'm not going to be part of it."

"I'm serious Blue."

"Now you know my name? The player in the whole school knows my name!" He waves his arms around like he was going insane.

I just figured out your name yesterday.

"You don't believe me?"


"Then I'll prove it to you." I walked up to him, but he pushes me back again. I feel like I'm arguing with a ten year old.

"That's not proving anything to me." He told me while folding his arms across his chest.

"Do I have to drop off a plane with a banquet of roses telling you I like you?" I could do that, but that's a lot of work and I'm only doing this to win a bet not trying to make him fall deeply for me.

"Go to hell Mason." He said before walking out the closet.

This was going to be harder than I thought. We can't even have a simple conversation without him complaining about everything. I need to step my game up.

The door swings open having an angry Zack staring at me.

What's his problem?

He punches me, having me collapse to the ground, clutching my jaw. I glare up at him. "Stay away from Blue. I don't know what you are trying to do, but if I catch you with him again I'm going to break your skull." He hisses at me.

"I could have sworn Blue is a free person and anyone could talk to him." I rasp while getting up off the ground. He grabs my shirt, pushing me to the cabinets and I wince. Damn was he strong.

"He isn't one of your little puppets you can toss around and control. Stay away from him or else." He threatens me then lets go of my shirt and walks out of the closet.

Now I have other things to worry about.

Walking out the closet, I walked inside the bathroom then started to wash the dry blood that was on my lips and the hoodie that was ruined.

Damn, can he punch well, but I expect that from him since we are the same size but he is more muscular than me.

A nasty bruise was going to show on my cheek, but I didn't care. I have to make up a plan and fast.