
BLUE LOVE : Love of Eve and Alec

Alec seeing an Rutilant like like,it lead him to what his everything.that light give him oxygen to live .the blue is it become everything to him.

Neelima_Neeli · LGBT+
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34 Chs

Transplants to Strange

when Alec was looking at Eve's face,Alec was was ringed .he picked up the phone and it was his manager he was saying that there was a urgent matter to take care so please come back in next morning. Alec said reluctantly that yes he will come by tomorrow night.

Eve waked from the sleep ,Alec come to Eve and said he wants to go back for some urgent work.i will go by morning.

Eve said that ok you go , before you go please send me off to the island .Alec said ok then go to bed tommorow morning I will send you off. Alec was packing his And Eve's things .

tommorow morning,Alec and Eve goes to send off Eve at the island .Alec gives all Eve's things to him .with a reluctantly said bye to Eve .he stepped into the boat and he was looking at eve .Eve was looking at that Alec going away from him. Alec's heart was like hurt .

after he come back from the island, Clair was at the door of Alec's room .Alec said that he was going back,when are you coming back.

Clair : where is Eve ?

Alec : he goes to his place ?

Clair : where ?

Alec : it was near here .

Clair didn't believe that Alec said. clair had an strange feeling about that.and she said that she is going with him back. Alec and Clair packed their things they are going to the airport.apec didn't talk to Clair All the way along ,he was looking very gloomy and depressed.clair was pay attention to his behaviors.

next morning,Alec was at the office he doing the works very speedy it's like he wants to go for something urgent.At US Alec the become the old Alec the different one from Clair seen in Bali.

Alec was doing the works quickly and he wants to go to Bali as soon as he finishes the work .Alec asked his manager to do the formalities about Eve's identity proof .all that was in the address of my apartment.

Clair goes to Alec's house and she his sister Anna about Eve , he was very cute , looking like an angel. Anna was very excited about Eve and she wants see him .

when Alec comes from Anna asked Alec about Eve , Alec was startled , then he said you don't have to know about him.he raced towards Anna. she was curious why he is anger towards me .

Alec asked how do you know about Eve ?

Anna said Clair said me that he was with you in Bali.

Alec didn't say anything he goes to upstairs.

in Bali Eve was looking at sky and thinking about Alec .he was always at the island.eve was feeling something he losed.his heart was hurting.his heart is having some feelings for Alec. he wants to be with Alec Everytime ,but he understood it when Alec was gone.but he cant stop himself from falling . he became weak mentally.hebwqnts to see Alec Everytime he thinks of him .he don't know what that feeling was ?.

days are passing Alec and Eve missing both of like hell , Alec was only concern about the work .he don't even talking to anyone. he trying to finish the work , this all was Clair was looking he was very strange one from she seen from Bali. when he was with Eve Alec was a good person.but in here was only care about his work .

Eve was passing time by thinking about Alec and things they did together,at island he was waiting for Alec to come every time.

some day later,

Eve didn't come to island because he tired of coming and waiting here alone. in far there was a boat was coming closer to island.

it's Alec , he coming to Eve after he finished his work .

from the far Eve is seeing someone is in the island, Eve was swimming very quickly to reach the island .Alec was sad that he didn't see Eve when he come to the island .Eve was come to Alec and Alec towards Eve and pulled him up and looked him fully .Eve has no idea that what do him ?Alec was become alive when he seen Eve .he was like he was started to breathe.alec Holded Eve's hands tightly and said that " come with me " ,Eve didn't say anything he goes with him .in the hotel Alec said Eve that come with me to my place.

Eve said ok I will come with you ,

In the next fight Alec and Eve was going to US. Alec cleared all the formalities of Eve and he set a passport for Eve .Alec was come Bali for taking Eve to his place. cuz he can't imagine without him . It's same in Eve's mind.

Alec was wanting to take care of Eve . then both of them ready to go airport.

At airport,Eve was looking at the planes and the people in there.other side the others are looking at eve .

on the Eve was excited about going in that .Eve was smiling all along the way. Alec was enjoying his smiling face.

At US Eve was very surprised by the views.

Alec was moved to the apartment and Alec and Eve was going to live together. but the next day Alec didn't goes to office.the company was surprised that Alec didn't come to office , what happens he will definitely be there. it's time he didn't come to the work. Alec good es to outing with Eve ,to show Eve the places.

they where very happily come from the outing ,al c buy so many things for Eve.

Next day , Alec goes to Company with Eve .both of them stepped down from the car,the whole company was looking at eve .the all girls and some boy are attracted towards Eve. Alec Holded Eve's hands tightly and both of them walked to the office ,today was special to Alec it's Alec's birthday. Alec and Eve goes to the office .Eve sat down at the office couch.

it's time outside Clair and Anna come to surprise Alec with a cake . Alec come out of the office and Anna and Clair wished him . suddenly Alec goes to the office after some time he come outside holding Eve's hand.the whole company was looking at both of them.

Clair was startled when she seen Eve with Alec.Anna was amazed by seeing Eve.

Clair : Eve when did you come !?

Anna : oo is this Eve ,I knew it o my God

Alec : it's been today that he reached.

clair was like what to do ?

Anna was fallen for Eve at first sight.she was looking him very closely. some time Alec was looking Anna.

Anna said Alec that cut the cake ,Alec come closer to the cake and Eve standed besides him ,Alec wish that he wants to be with Eve never apart in mind . he cutted the cake and Clair was expecting that Alec will give the cake first to her ,but Alec gives the cake to Eve first Anna expect that he will to her first.

when he give the cake to Eve Clair don't like that , she get jeolus .Anna think that why did he give the cake to Eve?

And the all workers in there was like , who is Eve ? why did Alec give the cake first to Eve ?

why don't he give to Clair? why Alec is like this ?it's strange...

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