
Blue lock: The God of the field

A young Japanese player by the name of Nakada Shou is born with incredibly talent for football. He was born with the incredible gift of being ambidextrous along with the amazing ability of spacial awareness where he could feel his surrounding better than anyone. With his father blood pumping through his vein and his drive to become the best in the world, what can stop him. He is the god of the field once the ball touch his feet, What can happen when somebody with so much raw talent that may rival nagi has the Drive to actually train and get better on his soccer skill. What happen when that person get thrown into blue lock, will they thrive or will they perish and be one of those forgotten character in the background? Slight romance. Let's find out in this story. A/N I do not own any of the characters except my own. This is my third try at writing a story and as I think I have a pretty decent record of finishing my stories, I plan on doing the same with this on. If you have any criticism I am open to it and I will gladly accept it.

ThePpp_Pppp · Anime & Comics
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245 Chs

The injury (90)

The Match continue for a bit before the whistle was blown, signaling the end of the first half.

Nakada walked off the pitch before entering the locker room where he look at his leg and gritted his teeth.

Pain seared through his leg as he lay there, hardly able to move. He couldn't help but stare down at his injury With each passing moment, the agony seemed to intensify, making him acutely aware of the severity of his condition.

In the end he was quite literally dragged into the healing facility of this place.

They started to give some pain medication to null down the pain before applying Ice to it, they added some bandages before telling him to try and move around by himself.

Nakada stood up before jumping and walking around the room like nothing had ever happened.

Apart from a slight pain, he felt nothing plus the pain seemed to be going away.

Nakada jumped in the air doing some jumping jack before he started to stretch his body a bit, he was as fine as he could be at least he thought.

If he were to guess, this small injury kind of lower the amount that he can perform but even the amount that he is left with, is more than enough to beat them.

As he was stretching his body to make sure his muscle were relaxed for the second half the door suddenly opened to reveal the figure of a familiar person.

Nakada looked at her before saying "I am fine, this won't keep me down" After saying those words he immediately left the room.(Anyone with a brain can guess who that was…)

Meanwhile inside the U-20 locker room.

"How many time are you going to miss this you idol marrying brat" Sae said looking at Sendo.

"This is what happens when you have a chance to score and mess it up, you brought this on us you burglar striker," Sae said with a cold expression on his face

"Gimme a break…how do you expect me to get past that thing, it's not like it was all my fault," Sendou said trying to defend himself.

"Hum, I should have expected this….someone I'm you couldn't compete with him when it comes to scoring goals….you are below his level," Sae said looking at Sendou to which he just twitch.

Sae was right but it still is painful." that still doesn't excuse the fact that you missed 2 opportunities to score a goal…..you suck as a striker"

"Anyway if we lose, they will steal your representative status right…though I don't care about any of that"Sae said with a bored expression on his face.

"We can't let it end like this, "A player said looking determined.

"Use me more, Sae Kun," Teru said tidying up his hair into a ponytail.

As the U-20 team seem like they were getting pump Sae just said.

"Hmph.Look like this match is making you realize how soft you truly are"

"However, you guys made a huge mistake by injuring Nakada"Sae said codly.

"He is injured meaning best-case scenario he gets sub off worst-case scenario he can't give 100%, "A random player said to which Sae sight before opening his mouth and saying "He is most dangerous when you think he is weakened."

As those words left Sae's mouth, it was is as if he was relieving an old memory.


The president of the football association was currently strangling the coach of the U-20 team.

"What going on coach?! I told you to win no matter what didn't I "The fat man said clearly very upset.

"We have Sae Itoshie on our team, do you know what this match means?! Huh?!"The president said clearly pissed.

"Of course but our opponent were stronger than we thought, Nakada is a pain in the ass, "The coach said to which the president just said.

"I don't need excuses, I want result didn't I tell you to injure this dam kid…Victory is justice while defeat is evil…if we win here and make Sae Itoshie our star starter then we will be the pillar of justice for Japanese soccer"The President said still holding the coach quite tightly by the neck.

"Y..Yes!…I know"The coach said struggling to breath.

"Do whatever you must to crush blue lock and destroy Nakada…."The President said kind of pissed

Some more bullshit left his mouth but the fate of this match had already been decided since they decided to injure Nakada.

He was pissed…he would show them hell truth fucking hell…..he may not have his status of new gen 11 due to him being missing from Europe for a year but he was back now and he would show them what this child could do.

Meanwhile with Sae.

"Come one demon-kun let's go wild and make the headliner," Sae said while Shido looked rather excited.

This would be his chance to face Nakada once again to a he was excited would be an understatement.

Shido was beyond thrilled for this.

A/N triple upload cause y'all hit 90 power stones..fun fact I am still 12 chapters ahead as I write faster than you guys can vote. suck it I am better.