
Blue lock: The God of the field

A young Japanese player by the name of Nakada Shou is born with incredibly talent for football. He was born with the incredible gift of being ambidextrous along with the amazing ability of spacial awareness where he could feel his surrounding better than anyone. With his father blood pumping through his vein and his drive to become the best in the world, what can stop him. He is the god of the field once the ball touch his feet, What can happen when somebody with so much raw talent that may rival nagi has the Drive to actually train and get better on his soccer skill. What happen when that person get thrown into blue lock, will they thrive or will they perish and be one of those forgotten character in the background? Slight romance. Let's find out in this story. A/N I do not own any of the characters except my own. This is my third try at writing a story and as I think I have a pretty decent record of finishing my stories, I plan on doing the same with this on. If you have any criticism I am open to it and I will gladly accept it.

Ppp_Pppp · Anime & Comics
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245 Chs

How (160)

Nakada ignored him before focusing on the field once again and in less than a milisecond,he had seen what he wanted and had seen a chance to score a goal.

In an instant, Nakada's sharp footballing instincts kicked in. He could see the game unfolding in slow motion, every detail vividly clear amidst the chaos of the field. It was more than just a pass; it was a calculated masterstroke. 

Nakada's eyes locked onto the figure of Nishioka who seemed to be making a blistering run down the field. It was like an electric current ran through him as he calculated the precise angle and strength needed for the pass. The vision was there, and so was the execution.

With a graceful swing of his leg, Nakada launched the ball. It took off with a low, driven trajectory, skimming the grass like an arrow finding its mark. It seemed to bypass the opposition's defenders with ease. 

And then, in a split second, the recipient arrived—Nishioka racing to meet the perfectly placed pass. The ball nestled at his feet like it was meant to be there. 

With the ball under control, Nishioka sprang into action. Their legs moved in perfect harmony as they navigated the pitch. Dribbling past the remaining defenders, they surged toward the opponent's goal with blistering speed.

The crowd watched in sheer astonishment, their collective roar echoing through the stadium. Nakada had not only showcased incredible mid-air ball control but had also orchestrated a brilliant counter-attack.

It was a breathtaking moment with the fans on their feet and the opponents on the backfoot. Nakada had truly outdone himself with this display of skill and strategy.

As Nishioka started to run up the field with the ball at his feet,he was going to show what he had learned while being in Barcha as so far he felt like he was just being carried and that didnt stick well with him.

Nakada and Bachira wont be there forever and he want to show that he could be a very good player,his style was very close to that of Messi and after watching a bunch of videos and training his hardest,he had gotten a small piece of it.

He didn't rely on flashy tricks or extravagant skill moves. Instead, Nishioka's artistry came from the finesse in his feints and the remarkable precision of his movements. His body was an extension of the ball, and the ball was an extension of his very being.

With every feint, he sent defenders lunging in the wrong direction, their eyes trying to keep up with his mesmerizing dance. His acceleration was sudden, catching them off guard as he slipped through narrow gaps. It was a symphony of deception and balance, a performance that left the opposing players bewildered and frustrated.

It was a demonstration of how simplicity, when mastered to perfection, could be more devastating than any complex skill. Nishioka was like a maestro of the football pitch, orchestrating every move with poise and precision.

As he continued his solo run, it was evident that Nishioka was in a league of his own when it came to ball control and dribbling. With every step he took, the field seemed to bend to his will, a canvas where he painted his artistry for all to witness.

"You are pretty predictable," Chapi said quite bluntly as he stole the ball from Nishioka with such ease that it looked like he was stealing candy from a baby.

Chapi's interception was swift, and the ease with which he dispossessed Nishioka was almost unnerving. He seemed to have anticipated every move Nishioka made, as if he had read the play from the very beginning.

Nishioka was momentarily taken aback, but he quickly regained his composure. He respected Chapi's skill and wasn't about to underestimate his opponent.

"Predictable, huh?" Nishioka retorted, a determined glint in his eyes. "Let's see how you predict this."

Nishioka was ready to unleash another level of his dribbling mastery, fully aware that he needed to step up his game to outmaneuver a player of Chapi's caliber.

Chapi once again stole the ball back from Nishioka and with a bored expression replied.

"You are stale"

Chapi's agility and anticipation were truly something to behold. He didn't seem to break a sweat as he effortlessly regained possession of the ball from Nishioka.

Nishioka couldn't help but feel a tinge of frustration. He didn't like the feeling of feeling so weak. Chapi was proving to be a tough nut to crack.

Chapi rushed forward up the field and ran back toward the barcha team goal by himself something was wrong.

Nakada, who was closely tracking Chapi, noticed something was amiss. Chapi's unusual behavior caught his attention.

The midfielder was sprinting towards their goal, dribbling past any player coming near him,Chapi was not paying any attention to the Barcha players.

Nakada's instincts kicked in as he realized that Chapi might be planning something unexpected. He surged forward to intercept him, not willing to let Chapi take advantage of whatever opportunity he was seeking.

As Nakada closed in on Chapi, the crafty midfielder's face broke into a mischievous smile. With an almost telepathic understanding of his surroundings, Chapi knew exactly what he was doing. He had drawn Nakada near, luring him in, like a spider ensnaring its prey in a web.

In that moment, as Nakada exclaimed, "I got you," Chapi's smile widened. He made a quick, calculated pass. The ball left his foot in an exquisite arc, hanging in the air for a fraction of a second before descending gracefully near the Pxg team's number 9.

The precision of the pass was impeccable. It reached its intended target with an elegance that left everyone, including Nakada, in awe. Chapi had executed a brilliant play that demonstrated his tactical intelligence, making Nakada's efforts seem like mere child's play.

'how'Nakada though had he had made sure that Rin nor Shido were out of his sight before it finally dawn on him...