
Flirty god (199)

Anri, observing Nakada's progress with a discerning eye, expressed her satisfaction. "You have been recovering well, so you should be able to get back into your form before the matches," she reassured him, a glimmer of optimism in her voice.

Nakada, appreciating the positive update, nodded his head in acknowledgment. "So I can play at my best in tomorrow's match?" he inquired, a hopeful spark in his eyes as he looked to Anri for confirmation.

Anri met Nakada's gaze with a reassuring smile. "Yes," she affirmed, her confidence instilling a renewed sense of determination in Nakada. 

Expressing his gratitude, Nakada looked at Anri with a genuine smile and said, "Thank you for helping me heal. I feel like I can put on another 10 out of 10 rating in this match." The gratitude in his words was evident, reflecting not just a physical recovery but also a renewed sense of confidence and optimism. 

As Anri absorbed Nakada's words, a subtle smile played on her lips, a reflection of the pride she felt for his remarkable recovery.

She marveled at the speed with which he had healed, defying expectations and overcoming the fatigue that initially threatened to sideline him for the upcoming match.

Observing Nakada's disciplined approach to self-care, Anri couldn't help but appreciate the meticulous efforts he had invested in his well-being.

His commitment to meditation and daily relaxation had evidently paid off, contributing to the swift restoration of his physical condition.

It was a testament to Nakada's dedication and the profound connection between mental resilience and physical recovery.

In that moment, Anri couldn't help but feel a deep admiration for the man beside her, not just for his prowess on the field but for the conscientious manner in which he approached every aspect of his life.

Anri wanted to see Nakada stats after the game,they probably had ugraded after the show that he had put on for the world to witness.

Anri, with a tablet in hand, navigated to Nakada's player statistics, her eyes widening in awe as she scanned the digital display showcasing Nakada's extraordinary prowess in the Neo Egoist League.

Player Name: Nakada Shou

Position: Forward

Club: [Fc Barcha]

Nationality: [Brazilian/Japanese]

Age: [15]

Overall Rating: 99

Neo Egoist League Ranking: 1st


Pace: 97

Shooting: 98

Passing: 95

Dribbling: 99

Defending: 90

Physicality: 90

Skill Moves: 5 stars.

Weak Foot: 5 stars

Preferred Foot: Right


Clinical Finisher


Speed Dribbler


Aerial Threat

Anri's astonishment lingered as she absorbed the implications of Nakada's unprecedented overall rating of 99 at the tender age of 15. The realization struck her like a revelation, prompting a thought that echoed through her mind like a profound revelation.

'How good would he be when he is actually in his footballing prime?' The question loomed large in Anri's mind, an intriguing and somewhat daunting prospect. Nakada's exceptional skills and prodigious talent had already set him apart as a football phenom, but the idea that he was only at the beginning of his journey left Anri in awe.

The mere thought of Nakada reaching his footballing prime invoked a sense of both excitement and trepidation. What heights could he reach? What records could he break?

As Anri's mind swirled with contemplation about Nakada's extraordinary potential, she was gently brought back to the present by a warm hand on her shoulder. Startled by the touch, she turned to find Nakada standing there, a soft smile on his face.

"Lost in thought?" he asked, his eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and affection.

Anri couldn't help but smile in return, a hint of amazement lingering in her gaze. "Just thinking about how incredible you are, even at 15. I can't help but wonder how astonishing you'll become in your prime," she admitted.

Nakada's confidence radiated as he spoke, his eyes filled with determination and an unwavering belief in his abilities. "You don't need to think about it too hard," he said, his voice carrying an air of certainty. "The answer is quite simple.

I will be the best player to ever grace a football field. I'll break so many records that they'll have to create rules just to limit me. I will make sure that after I'm done, no one can say that I wasn't the best to ever live."

Anri couldn't help but be captivated by Nakada's self-assured vision for his future. His declaration wasn't just a statement; it was a proclamation of intent, a promise to leave an indelible mark on the world of football.

She marveled at the determination in his eyes and felt a surge of pride in being part of the journey of a player with such lofty aspirations.

Anri, intrigued by Nakada's unwavering confidence, couldn't help but seek further insight. "You seem very confident in yourself. What makes you think you will achieve so much?" she inquired, her gaze fixed on Nakada, searching for the source of his conviction.

Nakada met her gaze with a serene smile, his eyes carrying an intensity that mirrored the depth of his belief. "It's simple, really. It's a fact, an undeniable truth. I will be the best," he declared, his words sounding more like a predetermined destiny than a mere aspiration.

As Nakada spoke, a subtle shift in his demeanor caught Anri's attention. The confidence he exuded seemed to teeter on the edge of something more, and she couldn't help but wonder if this was the manifestation of the ego that Ego Jinpachi had warned about.

The intensity in Nakada's eyes hinted at a profound self-assurance, bordering on an unshakable belief in his own destiny.

As the weight of their conversation lingered in the air, Nakada's confident demeanor softened into a playful smile. He took a step closer to Anri, their eyes still locked in a shared understanding.

Nakada continued with his light and teasing tone, "Think of confidence that way. Just like when I say you look stunning, it's the truth. When I say I will become the best, it's the truth."

Anri's cheeks colored slightly at Nakada's compliment, and she couldn't help but appreciate the smooth transition from playful banter to genuine admiration.

"Another undeniable truth," Nakada asserted, his tone laced with anticipation, "is that I am about to leave you breathless."

Anri's confusion gave way to a moment of realization as Nakada swiftly closed the distance between them, capturing her lips in a kiss. 

Nakada's confident assertion translated seamlessly into action, leaving no room for doubt as he ignited a spark that danced between them.

As Nakada broke the kiss, he looked into Anri's eyes, a self-assured glint in his own. "At the end, I was right, wasn't I?" he said, his tone carrying a mixture of playful satisfaction and genuine affection.

Anri, catching her breath, couldn't help but chuckle softly. "You certainly have a way of proving your truths," she admitted, a warm smile playing on her lips. The breathless aftermath of the kiss lingered, a shared moment that spoke volumes about the dynamics they embraced in their relationship.

Nakada, with a satisfied grin, wrapped an arm around Anri, pulling her close. "Get used to it. This is just the beginning," he whispered

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