
Blue lock: The God of the field

A young Japanese player by the name of Nakada Shou is born with incredibly talent for football. He was born with the incredible gift of being ambidextrous along with the amazing ability of spacial awareness where he could feel his surrounding better than anyone. With his father blood pumping through his vein and his drive to become the best in the world, what can stop him. He is the god of the field once the ball touch his feet, What can happen when somebody with so much raw talent that may rival nagi has the Drive to actually train and get better on his soccer skill. What happen when that person get thrown into blue lock, will they thrive or will they perish and be one of those forgotten character in the background? Slight romance. Let's find out in this story. A/N I do not own any of the characters except my own. This is my third try at writing a story and as I think I have a pretty decent record of finishing my stories, I plan on doing the same with this on. If you have any criticism I am open to it and I will gladly accept it.

Ppp_Pppp · Anime & Comics
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245 Chs

Childish fantansy[28]

Time skip the second half

The match between Team Z and team V was getting more intense the more the second tike down.

It seem like they were evenly matched, Nagi bored expression had left his face a while back and now his face seem to have a lot of determination and will to win in them.

He did not want to lose, he did not want to experience defeat and so that pushed him to actually try at something for the first time in his life.

Meanwhile inside the monitoring room, Ego and Anrie we're watching the match.

"Anrie, do you know what an awakening is"Ego asked his assistant as his eyes never left the screen.

"Huh, Umm, like discovering you have a superpower or a regular person becoming something incredible like a supersayen"

"No, That's not it at all, that's just an idiotic fantasy, you busty dummy" Ego said his eyes not once leaving the screen.

"Idiotic" Anrie replied with an angry expression on her face.

"Awakening isn't some sort of super natural phenomenon or acquiring new skills, something as unrealistic as that doesn't happen that just a delusional dream held by those who have never experience success"Ego explain while Anrie had this angry expression on her face that said"my chest have nothing to do with this"

Ego however just ignored her and said"Listen up awakening occur after one has accumulated a lot of experiences, it is learning"

As those words left his mouth, he slight move his head to the right as his eyes than shifted toward the number 8 of team Z.

"Awakening is like trial and errors or pushing yourself to the limit in the pursuit of victory, the scattered pieces of success mesh with each other and the ego blossoms"Ego explained

"In another words, awakening is the moment you learn who you truly are," Ego said lowering his head slightly.

When Ego finished explaining what is an awakening to Anrie, his eyes immediately shift back toward the screen as you could see Bachira seemingly leveling up.

The match between the two team seem to have reached a statemate as neither of them were able to score on the other.

It seem like they were truly even, even thought team Z was playing with one less player that match seem perfectly even.

There was no way anyone could tell who would win this match, that was until Reo made a pass toward Nagi and unlike the last time where Nagi just trapped the ball so perfectly no one was able to take.

Somebody jumped with Nagi and stole the ball from Nagi, as the two players landed and Nagi look up as he had lost his balance while he was in mid-air and was currently flat on his ass.

He noticed the number 10 looking back at him, along with the name Nakada written all over the back of the shirt.

"You won't do shit while I am here"Nakada voice said looking down at Nagi.

As Nakada started to run with the ball, the fear of god was placed on the heart of every player on team V.

They had watched the recording and had saw what this monster could do, Reo was still confident that he could win with Nagi by his side but what he didn't realize was as soon as Nakada had entered the field.

His dreams of winning with Nagi we're now nothing more than just some childish fantasy that he will not get to live out.

As Nakada arrived at the halfway point of the court he decided to do something that no one expected, he shot the ball.

Everybody look stunned as the ball went past everyone and as everyone turn around to look of the keeper had blocked.

They all saw the scoreboard number change from a 2-1 to a 3-1.

Reo face changed completely has he just witnessed somebody score a goal from so far away.

This has to be a dream, their was no way this was possible, his eyes than shifted back toward Nakada has his eyes looked at his rank.

Reo eyes than looked at his shoulder where his ranking should be and he saw it, he saw his rank[Blue lock ranking 261].

Reo eyes linger on his shoulder as he could not believe they was someone better than this monster, this had to be a joke.

What kind of monster would be better than the prodigy of the Barcha club?

Their was no way in hell somebody from this facility was better than him.

Would he lose this match, was he about to get crushed like all those teams that he had crushed in the past.

Was this how it felt to get crushed and to get outclassed.

Reo may have not realize it yet but he was starting to despair and he was not the only one on his teams currently in that state.

Most if not all of his team was currently on that state of mind and nearly 90% of them had already accepted defeat.

"I want to win this match," Nagi said to Reo, and for some reason, hearing Nagi say those words somehow managed to pull Reo out of this darkness that he was in.

"Let do it," Reo said smiling at the prodigy that seem to be getting excited and seemed for the first time in his life to not want to lose this match.

Nagi made eyes contact with Nakada and Nakada just looked at the genius before he said"you are going to experience defeat"

And from the way he said those words anyone could guess that he meant every single sentence and each words.

Was it arrogance or did he truly think he could beat Nagi, what will happen when two prodigy clash against each other.

The clash between the lazy prodigy and the prodigy of Barcha has started, who will come put victorious out of this clash.

A/N I'm trying out new way to shift povs, what do you guys think, it is it good or should I go back to putting pov change?

I made a mistake while written the ranks for the first selection and we of now it should he fixed as they were no other wings apart from wing five.