
Blue Lock: Rest assured, I will be victorious!

There is always a chance to win... You just have to make it happen! Only a hero can do that...

The_Giant_Ramen · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Part 1

In the home of the Matsumae family

Boy - Matsumae Takahiro

In the center of the 4x4 room, standing next to the bed was a guy, his physique suited some kind of track and field athlete, but you couldn't tell he was skinny. At 186 centimeters tall, to look like a professional track and field athlete was amazing. His blond hair, which was usually tied up in a ponytail, was now very sloppily arranged along the center line of his head, in different directions.

The guy with his hair hanging down to his chin level was looking at the piece of paper with his brown eyes. Nothing hid his slightly annoyed look, and there was no hint of a smile until he began to read the piece of paper that came in the mail today. Such a strange way to connect when it's the beginning of 2018.

- Finally, the time has come... What a long time I've waited for this invitation to the "to improve players" project. - The guy grinned, however, his face reflected his thoughtfulness, as did his thoughts.

"Indeed, I've been waiting sixteen years for this moment. I don't know who put me here, but I'm grateful as hell to him! Even though I died at the age of 22 and hadn't even had time to go to medical school yet, my desire to become a famous athlete... apparently worked a miracle! However, no "Gamer" system or similar chit, I don't have one. Yeah, not even a satellite... ...and I don't even have one."

- Didn't you say you wanted to be a professional soccer player? Why don't you accept that invitation? - A woman with long dark hair and a loving smile on her face asked him.

The boy turned his gaze to the woman standing in the doorway that led to his room.

- Of course I'll accept it. However, it says here that I'll be there the whole time until I'm out of the project. I take it there will be a 'Battle Royale....

"Easy for you to say...to a man who has read "this" world."

- Besides, I didn't sign up for the soccer club until six months ago. You know for yourself that practice in the yard, and real matches are very different. And most importantly, it's an invitation from the JFA(Japan Football Association). - In response to his words, the woman at the door frowned. And then exhaled, at his desire to hear praise.

- That's it. That's enough! You don't have to be like this! You performed well according to your daddy. - That phrase made the young teenager chuckle back.

- Thank you Ma. I'll try to come more often.

- You should have done that right away! - After Takahiro's words, she got excited and started to go down to the first floor. - I'm off to make breakfast!

In his room, the teenager lay on his bed and sighed. Looking to his right, he saw a family picture of him, his mom, his dad, and his three other brothers.

- Heh! What a lucky daddy to have a mom... won't stop saying that!

Closing his eyes, he remembered his former life.

Soccer had always been a sport that he and the boys at school played literally all his free time. After his knee injury, which came from intense training and his teenage body, healed and his doctor gave him permission to play and jump in general.

Before that, he had done swimming and karate-do. It was almost professionally that he did the latter. That's evidenced by a bunch of national-level awards, and a much smaller bunch of international awards. However, this was all before his fourteenth birthday, because after his training for 3 hours 5 days a week... his knees said, Bye-bye!

It started hurting like hell, the bone started to "swell" as a result now even putting pressure on his knees was becoming painful. Two years of rehab, and then school games... 10th and 11th grades were fun, but a career in the military or as an athlete was no longer of interest to me.

The grueling effort he put into every hour of his training proved futile. The skills were forgotten... only the body on pure reflexes occasionally refreshed the memory of those glorious training sessions.

From the First Person (Matsumae Takahiro)

They say that without talent, everything is for nothing. I had talent. There was also the effort to bring out the talent... but if there was too much effort? Or did I never have the talent? Maybe it was too early to prepare for the International Championships held in 2019 in the Czech Republic.

After rehab it was easy to get my body back to its capabilities, but beyond that I was afraid of hurting my knees again. However, playing school was necessary to get my body's endurance back. My 20k in 38 minutes at 168 and age 14... was gone!

My body didn't even give me a chance to run on the field for a long time at first... but my physique allowed me to play guard! But! My classmates didn't trust me as a player. So I started as a goalie, my last regular goalie got frustrated after 3 years of constant play as a goalie and left to learn basketball, then I became a defenseman. And dramatically showed the qualities of a forward. Because wielding my feet equally well ...without any lack of precision... ...I was definitely the kind of guy everyone would probably want on their team. It's just that on top of that I was a great passer and a great head player. It's hard not to be able to play with your head when you're 17 years old and you're still adding 1.5 centimeters to your stature.

Already when I went to university, a former player of the main team of the city was studying there. And he told me at the time:

- You're playing at a level... ...but if you play with the professionals, you might not make it. I take it you've been playing for a long time?

Then he was surprised that I had been playing soccer for only two years (that is, not exactly yard soccer, with imaginary goals, primitive tactics... and so on. Honestly, I used to play this way: shot at the goal, it flew over the goalkeeper's head, said it was a goal. Flew not in the goal, said that from my radius was a goal. And it always came through, probably because it was in my team's best interest).

Looking back on my past life and this one, I realize that that life gave me a very valuable lesson in the importance of health, which I then decided to help preserve for all the people on the planet.

I was lucky here: I knew what the world was (I'll tell you why later); I knew my purpose; and I was 22 years old when I was born.

When I heard about Noel Noah...

That's when I knew what I wanted in this life. Not karate as one might think, but soccer. I wanted to help Chigiri, I wanted to play with Nagi, with Rin, with Isagi, with all the main characters...

When I started soccer again, I noticed how much things changed. I quickly mastered the basics, and even my own ball techniques were retrained quite easily. All those skills that I had spent 2 years on in my past life were now so easy to learn again. And I realize it's not because I had past life experiences.

If you've studied biology, you should be familiar with the term "Muscle Memory," although it's actually familiar to every athlete who is seriously exercising. And in this life, I started it literally from scratch. After all, my body was born and had never experienced this type of training. I could tell that my talent was now better than the past. Still, the concept of "talent" exists.

It was so unfair! But it was so in line with the laws of nature!

The talent was so great that it only took me a few months to get all my past skills and even improve on most of them. I was 7 years old at the time, so I was better than my old self only in ball sense and ball technique. Reaction was the same as it had been. Speed wasn't bad... I'm basing this on the people who had practiced with me in my past life! After all, there were five year old karate fighters too... And I practiced physical strength as I should have done at my age. That is, almost nothing! Only my own weight and only an increase in my stamina. So now I'm able to run at full speed for almost the entire half of the half. Although it doesn't compare to some people in the Blue Jail... but that's where some of Japan's greatest talents are under 18.

And when I joined the high school club in high school, I realized that after all, every popad gets a grand piano!

- [Matsumae Takahiro] -

- [Skills(Soccer)] -

[Perfect Stealing: Out of the Ranking System]

A skill that gives you the ability to copy other people's unique abilities, talents, or skills (through the system).

[Over-the-Range Kick: S-]

User has the ability to hit from range: 20-22(F)/23-25(E)/26-28(D)/29-31(C)/32-34(B)/35-37(A)/38-40(S)

[Accurate Long Distance Hitting: B].

User has the ability to hit with 100% accuracy to range: 20-22(F)/23-25(E)/26-28(D)/29-31(C)/32-34(B)/35-37(A)/38-40(S)

[Football Intelligence: A].

User Pro.

[Dribbling: B+]

User - Experienced.

[Passing: B]

- [Talents(All)].

[Soccer Monster: D+]

User has incredible talent beyond prodigy.

[Goal Instinct: A].

User has the ability to sense on instinct the most likely goal.

[Incredible Endurance: A].

User has great potential.

[Athlete's Stamina: A+]

User has tremendous potential.

[Mathematical Genius: S].

User has great potential in areas related to math.

[Ambidextrous: Outside the ranking system.]

The user can control both halves of his body equally well.

Looking at that screen in front of my eyes, then I was both happy and feeling cheated by an omnipotent being. It turns out that I did not know that I could steal talent, and even chance would not have helped, because I could only use it thanks to the system. I have an intuitive understanding of the control of this system. You have to open a person's stats, and take one talent or skill and drag it into your stats. Why one? Because one per day. That way you can also drain what you copy. And thereby improve what you already have.

That wasn't fair at all! Especially after the tremendous effort he had put into the sport. Now that power has turned all the effort over those 16 years into a mockery. He could have signed up for the high school soccer club and been copying different talents for several years. And the talents could be different:

Basic skills: This category includes general skills that can be useful in various areas of life, such as communication, leadership, time management(management), etc. These skills are the foundation for developing more specialized talents.

Specialized Skills: These are talents that are related to specific areas, such as music, painting, writing, scientific research, programming, etc. Here the ranking can be based on the degree of difficulty and demand for the skill in the relevant field.

Unique abilities: These are talents that go beyond standard areas and manifest themselves in special abilities or unique skills. For example, resourcefulness, charisma, intuition, ability to innovate, etc. Ranking in this category can be tricky because these talents can be unique and vary depending on the context.

Why did I look specifically at skills in soccer? Because the other part isn't open yet. So I decided that while I was in Blue Jail I would only copy the skills and talents associated with soccer. Only after that will I start everything related to my personal life.