
Chapter 47: Though Lost, Yet Won

"That kind of dribbling, he's definitely a top-notch expert!"

Shun Izuki looked at Kira's dazzling move as he shook off Hyuga Junpei, and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

Just now, Kira executed a front crossover combined with dribbling behind the back and a step-back turn, all in one fluid motion.

This move may appear extremely fancy, but it's not something that can be achieved without exceptional dribbling skills.

If it were just a matter of imitation, Shun Izuki might be able to replicate such a move, but he couldn't match Kira's smoothness and sense of rhythm.

This made Shun Izuki realize that the Kira in front of him was probably a true basketball elite. His fundamental skills might be even more impressive than all the players on the court including Teppei.

"This is streetball moves, right?"

"So cool!"

"I can't believe I actually believed Kira couldn't play basketball in the beginning!"

The crowd praised Kira's basketball skills in unison.

Meanwhile, outside the three-point line, Kira had already jumped up, preparing to shoot.

He had successfully shaken off Hyuga Junpei, giving himself a comfortable shooting space, and his astonishing jumping ability made it impossible for him to be blocked.

The probability of making this shot was extremely high!

Kira adjusted his posture and then released the ball, creating a beautiful arc in the air.

Everyone's attention was focused on Kira's shot.

The ball drew closer and closer to the rim

And then it flew over the backboard, directly hitting the wall.




Everyone present fell into stunned silence, unsure of what to say for a moment.

Kira's shot didn't go in, and it missed by a ridiculous margin, hitting well above the backboard.

Airballs are quite common, missing the rim, the backboard, and the net altogether but seeing an airball fly over the backboard was a first for them.

Just moments ago, he had showcased exceptional dribbling skills, only to end up with such an absurd shot.

Even describing it as an anticlimax would be an understatement.

"Was that... a shoot?"

"I thought it was a flying missile."

"Let's focus on the positives. At least it shows that Kira has impressive jumping and arm strength, right?"

After a few moments of silence, others began to sarcastically comment.

Meanwhile, Kira rubbed the back of his head and sheepishly stuck out his tongue.

"Sorry, I'm not very good at shooting."

After speaking, Kira lowered his head and carefully examined his hands. The moves he had just executed seemed almost instinctual, as if he had practiced them many times before.

He was well aware that this was the effect of Rice Spirit's skills. However, Kira hadn't expected that the enhanced dribbling ability could also be applied in the realm of basketball.

It was quite a pleasant surprise.

"As for shooting... I wonder if I can use 'Thunder Swarm' to control the arc of the ball more freely."

Kira pondered this idea.

"Putting aside that shot, Kira, your dribbling move was truly beautiful!"

Hyuga Junpei walked up to Kira and praised him without hesitation. He also pushed up his glasses and asked earnestly, "But Kira... is it really your first time playing basketball?"

"In strict terms, no. But it's been many years since I last played. I used to play when I was a kid, and our team would occasionally do similar drills like you guys."

Kira explained with a smile.

It would be too much of a stretch to claim he had never played basketball before, especially after showcasing unparalleled dribbling moves just moments ago.

"Amazing. That dribbling move couldn't be done without years of practice..."

Hyuga Junpei remarked.

Kira is not only a football genius but also possesses unparalleled potential in the basketball world.

"If Kira could join our team, Seirin..."

While Hyuga Junpei was contemplating, Teppei approached him and patted his shoulder.

"What are you thinking about? It's our turn to attack!"

"Yeah, you're right."


After approximately forty minutes, the practice match came to an end. The substitute team that Kira was on had lost the game, but it was primarily a practice session to help the starters work on their tactics.

In this game, although Kira didn't score much, his speed, reaction time, and dribbling skills were exceptional.

"Amazing! While Kira seems to struggle in shooting, he excels in other areas."

Wiping the sweat off his forehead with a towel, Teppei praised Kira without reservation.

"If Kira truly hasn't touched basketball for many years, as he claimed, then with a little practice, he could become a formidable player. It's a pity."

"What's a pity? Kira is already thriving in the world of football!"

Turning his head to the side,Shun Izuki pointed in a certain direction.

"Look over there..."

Following Shun Izuki's pointing finger, they saw a group of girls lined up.

"It's Kira! It's Kira playing basketball!"

"Kira is so amazing at basketball too!"

"Kira is so handsome! Look over here!"

The girls on the side were cheering and jumping with excitement. When Kira turned his head upon hearing the sound, they erupted into even louder cheers.

One of them had spotted Kira playing basketball with the team, and the news quickly spread. Many people came to the basketball court, hoping to take a photo with him.

"I've never seen our basketball club have so many spectators... Is this the difference between a star and an ordinary player?" Hyuga Junpei sighed helplessly.

Seirin High School was recently established, and the basketball club, in particular, didn't receive much attention during regular practices.

But today, because of Kira's presence, a large audience appeared out of nowhere.

Although they won the practice match, in reality, they were thoroughly defeated.

"Alright, alright! Today's training is over! Go about your own business now!"

Riko noticed that many of the girls had come for Kira and, She quickly ushered the crowd off the court and then turned to Kira.

"Kira, we can't stay here for long. Let's sneak out through the back door!"


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