
Blue Lock

'In order for Japan to win a World Cup... We will create the best striker in the world. Which is why 300 of the best high-school forwards... have been gathered for this project.'

'The only information we were given is that we would be moving into some kind of lodging. So now, we're on a bus, traveling through the mountains… and now, we have arrived: Blue Lock!'


"Next... Takeyama Keisuke."

'Things like our wallets and phones were all confiscated. One by one, they gave us all uniforms.'

'Hm? 241...V...?Is this… a ranking? This seems bad.'

"All right, now each of you will go to the room matching your uniform's letter. We'll notify you when to change into uniform." Said the woman in charge.

'Blue Lock, Get ready!'



"Isn't that...?"

"That's Takeyama Keisuke, right?"


"The top scorer for the Tokyo qualifiers."

"Wait, really..?"

"He's also only been playing football for like 6-7 months."

"That was true..?"

Keisuke's face flushed slightly. He wasn't used to so much attention, and the murmurs only heightened his awkwardness. He gave a slight nod and a shy wave.

"Oh, um, hello everyone."

Just as he was settling in, a tall boy with stylish brown hair and a confident presence approached him.

"Excuse me, are you Takeyama Keisuke?" he asked with a slight smile. "Name's Yukimiya Kenyu, by the way."

Keisuke gave a friendly smile and held out his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Yukimiya-kun. And, uh, yeah, that's me," he said, his tone gentle and welcoming.

"Ah, good to meet you too," Yukimiya replied, smiling back. "I heard that you're top scorer in the Tokyo qualifiers. Is that true? If so why'd you come here?"

Keisuke chuckled softly, a bit flustered by the attention. "Yeah, that's right," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was actually planning on focusing on Nationals first, but… I figured I'd give this a shot and see what it's all about."

"Oh, that's impressive!" Yukimiya replied, his eyes gleaming with interest. "By the way, what number did they give you? I got 242."

Keisuke glanced at his arm, shrugging with a sheepish smile. "Looks like I'm 241. I'm still not sure what exactly the numbers mean, but, well… we're all here, right?"


Suddenly, a voice boomed through the room as the overhead screen flashed on.

"Are you done changing, you unpolished gems?"

Keisuke's gaze snapped up. 'That voice… Jinpachi Ego!'

"Hey, Hey... The people in your room will be both your teammates... And your rivals."

"Represented by your ranking. We have estimated your potential based on my judgement and my peers' calculations... It is the number attached to your uniforms. With it, you can gauge your position among the 300 players in this facility."

'Rank 241... Out of 300. Really?'

"Your ranking will change daily based on several factors. For example, going up or down based on your training or the results of your games. And unconditionally, the top five players will participate in a certain tournament six months from now... They will become the selected strikers for Japan's U-20 National Team playing at the World Cup."


'Eh? The U-20 team. Does he have the power to do that?'

"Also... Those who are defeated at Blue Lock... Will be permanently barred from Japan's National Team. We are looking for one crucial component here: 'Ego'. That is what we will measure as you live here in this facility."

"Well now... It is time to play 'TAG'." Ego said a ball dropped from the ceiling.

"The time limit is 136 seconds. The player with possession is 'it'. Whoever is 'it' when time runs out... Can get the fuck out of here."


"And of course, no using your hands. Those are the rules..."

[Rank 252 Nishida Yuji Oni]


"'Tag' is but one of the many exercises pro players warm up with. This 'Egoism Test' I have devised will provide great insight into the selfishness behind these strikers... Prepare, and attack. This isn't your average game of 'Tag'."



"Oi, What the fuck??!!"

"The door won't open!!"

"Ehh? Why am I 'It'? FUCCK!!"

"Fine, I'll surive this!! LET'S GOO!!"

"Whoever gets expelled don't hold it against me..."

"W-wait a sec... That thing about Japan's U-20... Do you really believe what that guy said?! That must've been a bluff!"

Panic flashed across Nishida's face as he pushing the ball with his foot, glancing wildly around the room. Everyone else was already scattering, each player avoiding his gaze and the possibility of elimination.

Nishida sprinted toward the nearest player, but Aryu Jyubei intercepted with a graceful ease, scooping the ball away with a perfectly timed movement.

"Ah, not a particularly beautiful game, but I suppose I'll entertain this," Aryu remarked, casually dribbling the ball.

Keisuke watched Aryu for a moment, suprised by his sudden entrance, but the ticking clock reminded him what was at stake. As Aryu moved forward, Keisuke darted in, a flicker of competitive spirit sparking between them.

Aryu paused, glancing at him with a raised eyebrow. "Ah, Takeyama-kun, I see you're eager to test your skills," Aryu said with a smile that was equal parts challenge and amusement.

Keisuke gave a quick nod, his eyes gleaming. "Let's make it interesting."

He lunged for the ball, but Aryu twisted away, expertly using his long legs to maintain control as the clock continued to count down.



Keisuke stood ready, the intensity of the moment electrifying the air around him. Across the room, Aryu Jyubei posed like a fashion icon on a runway, and Keisuke despite being a bit weirded out felt the competitive spirit ignite between them. Every tick of the clock echoed like a challenge. This was not just a game.

"Are you ready, Takeyama-kun?" Aryu asked, a playful smirk gracing his lips. "Let's see if you can keep up with my stylish moves."

With a step, Aryu lunged forward, his long limbs propelling him into a graceful sprint. The ball glided effortlessly at his feet, and Keisuke felt the rush of adrenaline as he matched Aryu's pace. "I'll show you some style of my own," he retorted, determination fueling his movements.

Aryu feigned a quick left, then spun right, using his incredible reach to flick the ball over Keisuke's outstretched leg. "Too slow!" he laughed, but Keisuke was unfazed. He pivoted sharply, closing in on Aryu, who was now in full control of the ball.

Keisuke studied Aryu's movements, now keenly aware of the use of his long limbs in his technique. "Not bad, but you'll need more than style to win this," Keisuke shot back, launching himself forward. Aryu, with a confident grin, flicked his hair back, seemingly unbothered by the pressure.

As they danced around each other with the ball sometimes bouncing against the walls, Aryu's reach came into play. With his long limbs, he effortlessly controlled the ball from behind, trapping it midair with legs redirecting it with a swift, stylish flick then trapping it with his chest. "This is what true beauty in motion looks like," he proclaimed, his eyes sparkling.

Keisuke narrowed his gaze, refusing to let Aryu's weirdness distract him. Yet, Keisuke wasn't about to back down. He lunged again, this time anticipating Aryu's next maneuver, but Aryu was ready. He sidestepped and leaped, using his jumping power to launch the ball into the air, aiming for another chest trap. Trying to use his reach and height to his advantage

"Stylish, isn't it?" Aryu teased as he traced the ball's arc, eyes focused on the perfect moment to break through. Keisuke reacted instinctively, launching himself to block his dribble charge, but Aryu's long limbs didn't get him close to the ball. He did a roulette, attempting to get past Keisuke.

"Nice try, but you'll need to be faster than that!" Keisuke challenged, adjusting his stance to intercept his path.

Just as Aryu was about to get past Keisuke, Keisuke leaped forward with his foot, narrowly grazing the ball and redirecting its path. Aryu landed gracefully, admiration for Keisuke evident in his eyes. "Impressive! But can you get past my stylish defense?"

"I intend to!" Keisuke replied, determination surging through him as he gained control of the ball.

But Aryu was quick to recover, charging back into the battle with renewed vigor. "You may be quick, but if you can't keep your eye on the prize, you won't shine!" he exclaimed, as with his long legs he won the ball back as he pressed Keisuke from behind.

As he came out the of the clash victorious, Aryu struck a stylish pose, showcasing his flair and inviting the challenge. Keisuke felt the intensity building, the clock ticking down, when suddenly, Yukimiya Kenyu burst into view, ready to join the fray.

"Why don't you pass it over, Aryu?" Yukimiya called, his tone confident, but beneath it lay a challenge, an invitation to engage in a battle for domination.

Aryu chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eye. With a powerful shot, he sent the ball sailing toward Yukimiya, setting the stage for a fierce showdown.

Keisuke sprang into action, his instincts kicking in as he closed the distance to Yukimiya. The atmosphere crackled with tension, the three of them locked in a struggle for dominance over the ball. While whoever had control was 'it,' and neither of them wanted to end up with it once the clock hit zero. This was about proving who was the strongest amongst them.

Yukimiya wasted no time, sprinting forward with the ball at his feet. He expertly maneuvered through the chaos, weaving around other players who quickly stepped aside, sensing the intensity of the clash. Keisuke matched his pace, their rivalry igniting a fire in his gut as they engaged in a high-stakes game of cat and mouse.

"Not bad, Yukimiya!" Keisuke shouted, a competitive edge sharpening his voice.

"Same to you, Takeyama!" Yukimiya replied, a fierce grin on his face as he pushed himself harder, aware that he had to keep the ball away from both Keisuke and Aryu.

As he charged forward, Keisuke anticipated Yukimiya's next move. With only 45 seconds left, the clock was ticking. Keisuke lunged as Yukimiya faked a shot, throwing Keisuke off balance. He felt a gust of wind as Yukimiya broke ahead, but Keisuke wasn't going to let him escape that easily.

But Aryu was also making his move, positioning himself strategically to cut off Yukimiya's path. Keisuke knew he had to act fast. He pushed forward, closing in on Yukimiya again as the ball danced between them. It was a game of inches, and every inch counted.

"Watch your back, Yukimiya!" Aryu shouted, trying to distract him as he rushed in from the other side.

Yukimiya spotted Aryu out of the corner of his eye, and with a swift decision, he cut with the ball to evade him. Just then, Keisuke seized the opportunity, darting in and managing to get his foot on the ball, a fleeting moment of victory surging through him.

"Now I'm in control!" Keisuke exclaimed, a victorious smirk lighting up his face as he felt the rush of having the ball in his possession. But he knew the danger wasn't over. He could sense Aryu and Yukimiya closing in, ready to reclaim the ball.

"Don't get too comfortable, Takeyama!" Yukimiya called out, already on the move again, positioning himself for a quick steal.

With only 20 seconds left on the clock, Keisuke felt the pressure build up in the room. Aryu and Yukimiya were like wolves, circling and ready to pounce. He shifted his weight, searching for an escape route as he felt their presence looming closer.

Then, with a swift maneuver, Keisuke made a quick feint to the left, only to cut sharply to the right, similarly to Yukimiya sending the ball gliding just out of reach of both his opponents. For a moment, he had them both off-balance.

"Nice try!" he called out, but his confidence was quickly tempered by the reality of his precarious position. He was almost against the wall with both behind him. He needed to make a decision fast.

Nishida, sensing the tension, had taken a few steps back, not wanting to get involved in the fierce rivalry brewing among the three of them. He was smart to stay out of it; there was no glory for him in being 'it' in this showdown unlike those three.

5… 4…

Keisuke quickly flicked the ball up against the wall. Keisuke's heart raced as he watched the ball rebound off the wall, its trajectory perfectly aligned with his vision. With a quick push of his foot, he sent himself soaring high into the air. His body twisting as he positioned himself for the perfect shot.

3… 2…

With a swift motion, Keisuke connected his foot with the ball, executing a stunning bicycle kick that sent it flying toward the other side of the room. The ball sailed through the air with precision, but as it descended, Keisuke caught a glimpse of Nishida, who was bracing himself for the hit.

"AAGGGHH!!!" Nishida yelled as he raised his arms to block the incoming strike. But Keisuke's kick was too powerful, and with an downward arc, the ball struck Nishida squarely in the chest.

"Gotcha!" Keisuke called out, grinning widely as he watched Nishida stumble back from the impact. The force of the kick knocked the wind out of Nishida, who flailed momentarily before falling on his back.


~0:00~Oni: Nishida Yuji~


Clap, Clap, Clap

"Good job, you unpolished gems. Let us continue to the results." Ego said as he appeared on the screen again.

"The player we will get rid of is Yuji Nishida! YOU ARE EXPELLED!!"

"WHATT THE FUCK!! What's even the point of this stupid game?! Tag ain't fucking football!! So why're we even doing it?!" Nishida yelled out as he stood up from the ground.

Yukimiya looked at Ego, his brows furrowed. "Yes, I would also like to know the objective of this game... although I have some sort of idea, Mr. Ego."

"At Blue Lock... Everything you do is related to Football. Have a good look of your surroundings, you unpolished gems."


"The area of the room... 16.5 x 40.32 meters... The exact same proportions as a penalty area. About 75% of all goals are scored from this little area. You could say it's the domain of a striker. In other words, in this small space, the positional skills of a striker mean everything."

"Therefore, those unable to survive under such conditions... Can hardly qualify to be talented strikers."

"So... SO WHAT?! Okay sure, the room's width is exact or whatever! But tag's got nothing to do with FOOTBAAAAAAAAAAAAALL!!"

"The skill required by the fleeing side... is tactical awareness. In other words, positioning. As for the pursuer, what they need is not only accurate dribbling... But the precision to make shots that will hit their target. That's what makes optimal Football training. Jeez..."

"That's... That's... How do you expect me to know all of that in just two minutes?! A game lasts more than 90 minutes!!"

"I kind of get it now..." Interjected Keisuke softly.

"The average time a player possesses the ball during the match is... About 136 seconds. You were given the exact same opportunity you would have in a real game."

"Th-then, what'd you expect me to do in just 10 seconds...?"

"Is that what you would if this were a match?"

"Remember from the time the ball hit you, until the clock ran out... You still had about three seconds left. There was plenty of time to survive by shooting it at somebody else. And yet, you wasted that chance."

"Imagine this. You are in the middle of a match, standing in the penalty area... It's the very last play of the game... Your teammate's shot doesn't reach the goal and instead hits your body. When this happens... You had already given up inside. Which is why you didn't notice... That by sheer luck, the ball had fallen... right before you."

"And if you had just kicked that ball towards crowded group you had been saved from your own mistake."

"The one who is 'IT' in tag... That is, the one who has the ball, decides who they want to 'WIN'... But also gets to decide who they want to 'LOSE'."

"A striker carries all the responsibilities on their shoulders. A striker is someone who keeps attacking until the very last second. Keisuke Takeyama, Aryu Jyubei, and Kenyu Yukimiya, who each played their part in the intense competition, demonstrated a perfect example of players who, rather than merely doing what was best for the team, showcased the tenacity and courage to pursue their own goals. That's the 'Egoism' I'm looking for."

"And that is why... This your loss, Yuji Nishida. Now Fuck Off."

"That's... He... Suddenly... Takeyama... Came so fast, it..."

"F-fuck you, this so wrong." Nishida said panting out of breath as he walked out of the room with a broken nose.

As Nishida left, Keisuke lost in his thought felt a rush of exhilaration. 'That was intense! The thrill of showing the difference in strength! To see that despair in his eyes...'

Aryu leaned against the wall, arms crossed, a smile playing on his lips. "That was quite the performance, Takeyama. You really shined the brightest amongst us at the end. That ending was very stylish of you."

Keisuke returned the smile as he came back from his daze, "Thanks, Aryu. It was kind of all instinct at the end. You know?"

"Ah... I see..."

"We... did... it"

"It's... over"


"Don't get too excited over your mediocre successes, true strikers... Tread a path of winning or losing everything... Every single day, in order to keep on surviving."

"How was it? Since you were born... Wasn't this the first time you felt true danger? Were you scared? Shocked? That... was just a taste of Blue Lock's essence. You understand that much, right? The Football you've played all your lives is for weaklings! Didn't you get those shivers? 'Nice... I Survived...!' That is the feeling of 'VICTORY'! So shove it in those brains of yours!"

"Since each time you rejoice in the feeling your 'Ego' will steadily grow. And you'll need it to climb to the top and be the best striker in the world. Congratulations. You have passed Blue Lock's entrance test!"

"Your room was designed for no more than 11 people... So from now on you'll cohabitate together. You Fated Eleven... You may cooperate with each other...And also betray each other... You, and the rivals you'll have to trample...

Are Blue Lock's 'Team V'."