
Blue Lock: Already a God

I only own the MC. MC is OP. Guy was sent to the world of blue lock.

Hero_Acension · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 4 - Blue Lock

Minato POV

Me and Sienna were invited to Blue Lock as I'm here to prove no one is above me but Sienna is here to be the manager for

Blue Lock.

Jinpachi Ego said they were going into the Second Selection so I should join them.

I put my uniform on to walk down the hallway to enter to see little players here yet but I know one I notice from the manga who would help, Ranze Kurona.

I walked up to him.

Minato: Hey, you wanna team up with me?

Kurona: Sure but we need one more.

Minato: Searching now.

I look then I notice someone else from the manga, Yo Hiori.

I walked up to him.

Minato: Yo, you wanna team up with us?

Hiori: Alright.

Minato: Alright, let's go then.

Us three walked through the door to see a team waiting, I don't know two of them but the third I recognized from the manga as well, Kiyora Jin, he would be perfect for our fourth person.

RD#1: Let's get started, we'll beat these three easy.

RD#2: They don't look that tuff.



We had the ball first as I passed to Hiori who was intercepted by Random #1.

RD#1: Your not going anywhere!

Hiori: Where are you looking?

RD#1: Huh?

RD#2: Dude! The ball is over here!

Random 1 looks to see I had the ball but didn't notice that Hiori passed behind to me.

RD#1: What the hell!

Minato: You guys are not worth my time, Kurona!

I passed to Kurona who passed back to me for me to shoot.


The shot made it pass the blue lock man without it noticing.

RD#1: What the hell!

RD#2: How did he shoot a shot like that!

Jin looked with his eyes wide.

Minato: Did you call us easy, who are you calling easy losers.

Jinpachi watched with a wicked smile.

We scored to five and took Jin, this was not even a warmup, I hope there are better challenges then this.