
Blue Lock: Already a God

I only own the MC. MC is OP. Guy was sent to the world of blue lock.

Hero_Acension · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2 - Offered a chance in Italy

Third POV

As Minato was playing with the rest of the children and his mother was watching with a smile a man was in the park going over something.

?: The camp is happening in a week and I have two more positions to fill.

The man went over the papers of names of youth players in Italy.

?: Some have talent while others lack experience, I need a new idea cause the junior tournament is coming up.

The man heard kids playing football which he enjoyed kids having a fun when he saw one kid who looked good with dribbling than the rest.

?: Kids not bad.

He sees Minato do heel pass over there heads to him passing them as he gets the ball back.

?: Ho? He has good technique.

He sees Minato kick a shot that curves in the air to score the goal which shocked him.

?: What was that? He just shot a high vertical shot like it was nothing!

The man was shocked but had an idea, this kid might bloom at the camp.

Minato POV

We were done playing as I see Siana walking to me once her friends left.

Siana: Your amazing at football! The way you kicked that shot was so cool!

Minato: I guess but don't you have to leave too?

Siana: Actually I don't have any parents, I live at a orphanage.

Minato: Oh.

This is truly sad but I like her but not that way, more like a sister kind of way but then I have a great idea.

Minato: Wait right here, hey mom!

I ran to her and explained Siana situation to which she was sad to here it but happy at my question.

Mom: Yes, I think that's a great idea.

Minato: Yes! Hey Siana, come over here!

Siana walked over to us.

Mom: Minato told me your situation so I would like for you to join our family?

Siana eyes widen.

Siana: You mean you want to adopt me?

Mom: Yes, it would be nice for Minato to have a sister.

Siana had tears coming down her face as she nodded yes.

I had a tear come down my face cause in my last life I was an orphan as well with never being adopted til I left the orphanage at seventeen playing football.

Siana: I would love to be part of your family.

My mom bent down to hug Siana to which I'll make my new sisters have the best life.

?: Excuse me.

Mom stood back up to look at the man.

Mom: Can I help you?

Joshua: Yes, my name is Joshua Corez and I'm the scouting manager for the Junior Italy camp gorale, I would like to discuss this young man's acceptance into our camp in a week.

Mom: I see, how long is the camp?

Joshua: Three weeks, and on the last week will be a game between another camp, it starts next week.

Mom looked at me but she saw that I would love that to sigh.

Mom: It seems my son is determined to enter so Minato, will you enter?

Minato: Yes, I will enter.

Mom: Good, that's enough time to do the adoption process for Siana as well.