
Blue Lock - Wild Hunt.

In a world where soccer is more than a game. Toshiro Hitsugaya will go against the most talented in the sport for the title of world's best. Watch as he faces foes and friends alike. Vying for the top spot. Will he make it or will he be one of the nameless that fail to reach the peak. This is Blue Lock - Wild Hunt -------------------------------- Just in case imma just leave this here. It's not compulsory though. https://www.paypal.me/RicklessRock969 patreon.com/RicklessRock ----------------

Rickless1 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs








I had decided to find out what this Blue Lock thing was about. Following the instructions, I arrived at the stated address and made my way inside.

The path led to a big room with lots of other people.

As usual, some of them recognised me right away and tried to make conversation. Some even tried to have a match with me right then and there.

Of course, there were some hater. But it matters not.

I did notice that most of those present were guys I knew to be forwards.

It had me wondering what this was all about.

It would seem that I came early cause I stood there in the room for a while. Finally.

Some lanky glasses wearing dude walked onto the stage.

"Testing. Testing."

Looking at him, I waited for his explanation.

"Congratulation and welcome diamonds in the rough. You're the 300, 18 and under strikers I've chosen. My name is Jinpachi Ego. The man who was hired to ensure Japan's future victory at the World Cup." said the black haired man claiming to be Jinpachi Ego.

Don't care. Just get on with it.

He continued, "It's simple really, due to Japan's history, culture, and upbringing, our football team excels at teamwork and coordination. So it merely stands to reason that to further elevate our team to a higher level, we require something different. Something new. Something daring. Something revolutionary."

He paused.

I agree with him there. The soccer here is so polite. It's sickening.

"A true STRIKA."

Ah. What a joke. I see where this is going. Let me guess he probably thinks Japan needs a striker you excels a passing making plays.

"I'll be performing an experiment to transform one of you 300 into the single best striker in the world. At Blue Lock."


"Starting today, you will live there to undergo the specialised training I have developed for you. You won't be allowed to go home, and your previous soccer careers will be but a memory."

"But this I promise you. If you fight hard enough, if you fight to be the last man standing out of the 300 candidates here."

Last man standing??


"That's all for now. it's been fun."

He concluded.

Oh please, what a waste of my time. He probably wants us to hold hands and learn from each other. So we can grow together.

Power of friendship and all that nonsense.


Some white-haired kid raised his hand and shouted, "Excuse me, some of us have nationals and prior commitments. We can't just discard that all and join your little crazy experiment."

Haha, there you go, the ugly product of your great country's beliefs. I mocked.

He can't take this opportunity in front of him because his friends will be sad.

His navie nonsense seemed to resonate with those present, though.

"He's right. I got nationals too, man."

"I got a job, you know, I can just leave."

I don't want to stay I a room with a bunch of guys. They're aren't even cute."

"My team and I have to train for our upcoming match. I can't ditch them they need me."

Thanks to the power of friendship, they now have the courage to voice their opinions.

FOOLS. The lot of them. FOOLS. Why can't anyone understand?

Football is about one thing and one thing only.

Who can score the most goals?

That and only that.

So why?

Why can't anyone see that? Why God, why?

Ego finally spoke, and his words fell into my ears.

"Hmm, pity. You're all serious ill it seems. LOCK OFF."

"Sorry, forgive me. I meant FUCK OFF."


What is he saying?

"The doors are not locked. Anyone that wants to leave, can go."

"Are you not embarrassed. Are you not ashamed. Are your dreams really this small? This limiting? You would rather be the top high school in some pathetic little town then the world's best striker? The future of Japan's soccer is in your hand?" He mocked.


I found my eyes peering through my fingers. Fixed on this man. Listening to his every word with bated breath.

"Japan's teamwork many be first-rate but in everything else we are second-rate."

EGO!! I almost growled. He had me shaking with excitement. With anticipation.

"LOOK AT YOU. What do you think soccer is about?" He shouted pointing out to us.

IT'S ABOUT SCORING. My insides screamed. My body shaking.

"Is it about teammates? Is it about how many poor little passes you can make? Contentment? Camaraderie? Self-sacrifice? WHAT IS IT ABOUT?!"

IT'S ABOUT SCORING. Again my insides. My body. My mind at uniformly shouting one thing.

"You don't need to think about it. When it comes down to it, dress it up as much as you like it changes nothing. Soccer is about one thing and one thing only."

SAY IT!!!!

"It's about who can score the most goals. End of story."

YESSSS!!!. I found myself hunched almost panting with joy at this man's words.

"If you are looking for a fun game with your pals then Lock Off."

Ego, oh Ego. Finally, someone who understands. Ego Jinpachi, a man after my own heart. Finally.

Unfortunately, some didn't agree, that annoying white haired kid, interrupts Ego.

"Take that back. You take that back this instant. Japan's team is one of the best. Most of us grew up watching them and were inspired by them."

"What? Are you talking about our soccer team? The very team that has never won a world Cup? That team?" Ego responded with disgust.

Hahaha. I laughed wondering if this was the reason i was brought to this world. Could this really be it? Could it be because of this? Could it be because of Blue Lock?

I thought, gazing at the ceiling looking for an answer or a sign.

"YOU." Ego pointing out to the crowd.

"You are the perfect example of what Japan's soccer is lacking."

Can I finially let loose? Can I without care focus solely on scoring goals? Can I finally be free? I asked the heavens.

"Our soccer lacks ambition, hatred, selfishness. It lack GREED." Ego shouted. His words rebounding off the walls, forcing their way into my ears.

Seeming to awaken something in me. Something lost. Something hidden. Something unchanged. Unhinged. Something feral.

Can I finally become Smaug the Greedy??!!!

"For our soccer to advance we need one thing and one thing only.



I closed my eyes staring above. In acceptance. As though I was being baptised. His words serenading me.

"One who would selfishly hog the ball and try to score than pass to an open player."


"You can't possibly become the world's best striker unless you're also the world's biggest Egoist."

Jinpachi I hear you. I was wrong. This. This is not competition. This is not a training camp. I couldn't have been more wrong. Blue Lock is not anything like that. Blue Lock is a banquet and feast. Where the sole survivor feasts on his enemies.

"Someone who would climb on top of 299 corpses. A solitary hero.

The Egoist."

Blue Lock is an all out bawl to the death.

"Picture it. It the World Cup finials. 85000 people in the stands watching you down on the field."

I see it.

"The score is nill nill in the second half of extra time. It's the last play. With a pass from your teammate you're through the defense."

Yes I see it.

"You against the goal keeper. 6 metres to the right is your teamate. If you pass your team is guaranteed to score a goal."

Me? Pass? NEVER.

"The championship. The hope of a nation. They're all riding on you."


"Only an insane egoist could take that shot without a second hesitation."

It is rightly my goal. I rather lose than pass.

Lage gates opened up behind Ego, spreading his arms inviting us in.

"Now, pass through and be transformed. Discard your common sense. Remember out there on the field you the star. You and you alone."

"Nothing should bring you more enjoy that your own goals. Live only for that glorious moment."

"And if you can't then you are no striker at all."

Okay Jinpachi. Show me what you see.

I can't stop a smile from creeping unto my face.


Just in case imma just leave this here. It's not compulsory.


