
A Budding Flower

Ji-won stood there smiling at Jun-oh's shocked expression, 'get in' he said opening the door for Jun-oh to enter but Tae-ri who was closer quickly hopped in and sat down in the passenger sit and Ji-won looked at him a little bit angry but he just smiled and motioned for the rest to sit down when they've both sat down he entered into the driver's sit and frowned at Tae-ri but he just smiled back at him. 'I'll drive now' he said and they both drove down to the school making small talk on the way there.

They arrived at the place where they usually have breakfast near the school and came down from the car to go in but Min-ho quickly excused himself saying he had something important to do that morning and he was going to skip breakfast which was really shocking because Min-ho was the foodie of the room but before the others could say anything he ran away and Jun-ho and Tae-ri just made eye contact and smiled at each other which did not go down well with Ji-won who was already feeling jealous.


Min-ho hurried up to another canteen inside the school campus only to meet an angry Sara, she saw him coming and just started walking away pouting and he ran after her.

'Please wait' he said as he got close to her and pulled her back. 'I'm sorry I'm late'

'Why did you leave me here standing she said looking sad.

'I was trying to discharge the other guys and I did not want them to suspect anything, I'm really sorry, I promise not to keep you waiting again.

'I'm going to forgive you this one time but if it happens again I'm breaking up'.

'Ok my love, Min-ho said smiling like a puppy that just got forgiven by his owner, alright come let's get something to it before you class starts. And Min-ho held her hand while they walked into the restarant.

'Are you sure they won't come here? Sara asked him

'100% he said smiling.


The three of them went into the canteen and sat down, they sat down for a while in awkward silence before a waiter came to take their order and after they had placed their orders like people who did not know why they were there the waiter finally left them smiling awkwardly and they continued in their silence.

'Am I interrupting anything' Tae-ri said, should I move somewhere else so you guys can talk in private?

'You're just realizing that now? Ji-won thought to himself but instead he just said not at all, you might be able to even help out a little since you're also in the same department.

'Ok do you want to talk about it or wait until after we are done eating? Jun-oh asked

'After we are done eating, I'm really hungry

The waiter soon brought their orders and they all ate and chatted happily sharing each others food and when they were done, Ji-won brought out his laptop and explained the project briefly to Jun-oh and Tae-ri was also able to make some contributions and they got a little bit carried away before they looked at the time and Jun-oh and Tae-ri realized they have a class and they hurried out of the canteen leaving Ji-won to settled the bills and Tae-ri promising to pay him back later.


Jun-oh hurried into his class and saw his friend Tae-yang and he quickly motioned for Jun-ho to come and sit down quietly as the lecturer was already in the class and he quietly bent down and walked towards the sit and sat down quietly.

'Where have you been? Tae-yang asked him, you're never late

"Something urgent came up', Jun-oh answered

A girl sitting down in front of them looked back at them and mouthed for them to keep quiet which they did after apologizing to her. And then the lecturer started the class by asking for his previous assignment and stating that if anyone had not summited the assignment they would be in serious trouble.

The class ended with the lecturer giving them another group assignment and pairing them into group and this time Jun-oh had two girls plus his friend Tae-yang as his teammates and honestly he did not really care. He was looking forward to his meeting later on with Ji-won.


As soon as Ji-won's lecture for the day ended he rushed out of the lecture hall before Si-woon will say anything and he was about to ask Ji-won to have dinner with him but as he turned Ji-won was no longer on the sit, he looked towards the door and saw him hurrying out. 'What's the rush all about?' he shouted but Ji-won was already out of the door.

He got to Jun-oh's class and was looking all over for him and saw him sitting down discussing something with his course mate and he walked towards them but only Tae-yang noticed him and whispered to Jun-oh that a senior was walking towards their direction. Jun-oh looked and saw Ji-won but he had walked up to them.

'Are you still busy? he asked Jun-ho

"Not really we just finished

'Ok, Ji-won said grabbing Jun-ho's hand and turning to face Tae-yang, 'If you don't mind I'll like to steal your friend, we have important work to do.

'I don't mind at all Tae-yang said laughing, goodbye he said waving at Jun-ho as Ji-won took him away and Jun-oh waved back smiling and walked together with Ji-won out of the class.

'Where are we going to? Jun-oh asked Ji-won and they walked out of the lecture hall into the campus?

'I was going to suggest the Library but we need to talk a lot and we might disturb other people so I was thinking we could go to my place

'Your place? Jun-oh asked shocked

'Yes, we can also order the foods we want and work while we eat' Ji-won said smiling 'but as long as it's okay with you

'It's not entirely a bad idea, Jun-oh said warming up to the idea, 'Let's do that

'Okay, wait here Ji-won said let me bring the car and he hurried to get the car before Jun-oh changes his mind and after he brought the car Jun-oh entered and they both left.


The got to Ji-won's house and after he parked the car he directed Jun-oh to the house and opened the door for him. Jun-oh was instantly amazed as he stepped into the apartment, it was totally different from his hostel dormitory.

'This house looks amazing, Jun-oh said admiring the house. 'Are you a secret cheabol or something better' Jun-oh asked turning to face him looking amazed but Ji-won just looked at him and smiled then walked towards the fridge

'Do you want something to drink?' Ji-won asked Jun-oh as he opened the fridge but Jun-oh just came to the fridge and stared inside, "It looks like you have everything but just give me water for now, let me start with that.

Ji-won was just smiling at how cute he was, 'I had no idea you were this cute he said laughing at him and giving him the water. "What do you mean? Jun-oh asked 'Nothing Ji-won said as they headed to the living room and they both sat down. 'What should we order? Ji-won asked, 'is there something in particular that you would like to eat. "I've been craving black noodles, Jun-oh said. 'Okay let's order that and some fried chicken' Ji-won said picking up his phone and placing the order.

Jun-oh stood up and walked towards a door 'Is this your bedroom he asked pointing to the door and Ji-won replied yes and he asked if he could take a look inside and Ji-won agreed standing up to join him.

He entered inside the bedroom and he was amazed at the size of the bed, the bed was big enough for three persons to sleep in comfortably and he got closer to touch the bed and it felt very soft in his hands so he sat on it and bounced un and down laughing like a small child and Ji-won just stood near the door admiring how cute he was.


Tae-ri went to Jun-oh's lecture room to look for him but he could not find him there and then he went to their favorite spot in the library but he still could not find him there. He had called Min-ho earlier but Min-ho claimed he was busy with an assignment which he seems to have plenty of lately and for that he was very happy because it meant he could spend more alone time with Jun-oh and the thought excited him but now Jun-oh is no where to be found and his phone was down so he walked alone to the hostel feeling sad and plugged in his phone and turned his phone on then he dialed Jun-oh's number. The phone rang but no one picked up, he dialed it again and still it rang but no one picked and then he dropped a message asking him where he was and he should call as soon as possible because he was very worried. Then suddenly a thought occurred to him but he was seriously hoping it was not true but still he picked up his phone and dialed Ji-won's number and he picked almost immediately and he asked him if Jun-oh was with him and he said yes.