
BLUE HOUR: The Primes

The story of ten magnificent beings. Merged and living in the same world. Despite their big differences and history. Samuel took the initiative to lead their team for a common purpose. And they are the first ever unity that came from both sides, either from evil or good. In this story, you will find how they will relate to and learn each other's culture. ᴅᴀᴛᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ: 09/03/22

SuitorofHell_v2 · Fantasy
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71 Chs

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 63: ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇʟʟ

Yalex watched in astonishment as his friends remain stoic and unmoved on their spots. Their eyes were shut close as if an airborne disease might burn it if they open it.

He lowered his gaze at the boy who was clutching on him for dear life. And he can't help but find him cute like this.

Yalex appearance had began detoriating. Slowly morphing back to his original form as he now breathes the air of his home.

The lower part of his left cheek had decayed, exposing a withering and dusting skull. Eyes were raging red with a single spot of black on the center. His hair were dishelved yet styled somehow. Both of his eyes from his brows had an open slit. Exposing a decaying tissues of his face. His skin color looked way further than pale. Like it's been dead and close to decay like his face.

His neck too were sliced open and a part of his bone were visible. He was wearing a ragged dark silk clothes. It looks burnt and old school but Yalex wore it well like a new fashion line.

Lupin appeared from his back with a welcoming smile gracing his lips.

"Welcome home master." He greeted and everyone's eyes shot open at his deep and dark voice.

"Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" Everyone's instinct was to scream when they saw Yalex and then they bolted away and ran.

Trevor didn't bother to budge on his spot and kept his eyes shut. He didn't wanna look or he might pass out. Even with the strange and scary voice. He didn't want to open his eyes at all.

Unfortunately. They failed to recognize the demon because of his new appearance. And to see him up close was a great welcome to his home that they all ended up fleeing away. Thinking that he's a stray demon.

"Keep everyone out. Especially my brothers. The angel and I will be out to play for a while." Yalex instructed and Lupin immediately obeyed.

Once Lupin was gone. Yalex flicked his finger that made everyone who were running eventually entered a loop that brought them back to the demon.

"It's me." He said with a fell voice before any of them can flee again.

"I can't stay here!!!! I wanna go back!!!!" Yvel cried and hid her face on Jade's back. Her arms gripped tight on the curious dragon.

"C-can't you... go look on the same way as earlier? You look h-horrible!" Trevor said without opening his eyes. But he could read from everyone's minds of what Yalex looks right now.

Yalex grinned and decided to tease the younger. He brushed his dead fingers on his ruffly hair and made sure to give his explanation whilst intimidating him.

"You're all safe in here so feel free to wander off. There will be devils coming but I have covered you all with some sort of a dimensional loop. They will be brought to my battlefield where Blue and I can play with them." He explained. Eyes glued to the sorcerer who were obviously succumbing slowly to fear.

How is he fu**ing cute while scared?

"The temperature here isn't that high. There aren't any fires as well. Although there will be souls but they're completely harmless since they are the new ones who are about to be receiving 'the punishment'." Yalex added and laughed at the mention of punishment.

Or the fact that he can already imagine their scared faces once they start encountering those billions of souls once he leaves.

Note that they're all mixed from the worst and harmless.

"I'm scared. I can't feel my legs." Coleen whimpered in tears as she is now flopped on the dead grass ground. Her legs were visibly shaking tremendously and she feels like she's about to hyperventilate like Trevor did earlier.

Even Yvel were so close like her. Completely scared while hiding behind Jade.

Atleast, the others had managed to not give in to fear. Or maybe as long as they don't look at Yalex and realize why scary is one of the many words to describe anything that came from hell.

"Let's go. Let's make this quick so we don't have to stay long." Blue said bluntly and pulled Yalex away from Trevor without hesitation.

The removal of his heavy presence made Trevor shakily gasp before he flopped on the ground. Heavy breaths and shaking body like the sorceress.

The three youngsters are a complete shivering mess.

"You're all fragile and weak! Get your sh*t together here! Otherwise you will be the cause of failure of our mission." Yalex said to them with stern. His words held no remorse.

His gaze soon turned to Samuel.

"Make sure they're hard as my skull before we leave. This is a perfect place for everyone to prepare for the main mission." He said. Yalex did not wait for a response and casted a fire upon himself and Blue. The two leaving just like that.

"Yalex right. This place, no place for fear. Or else, we! Dead!" Ysabella said and tried to help Coleen to stand up but it seemed pretty useless for now.

"Okay. We'll stay here for an hour. Then we go. You all must learn to be stronger than this. Do not succumb to your fears further." Samuel instructed them.

He and Ysabella decided to help Coleen while Jade tried to comfort Yvel who was still trying to hide behind her. Rhian went to help Trevor.

The three admitted to be scared of the place. Especially Trevor who was beginning to be paranoid because of his last visit.


"This place looks like an arena..." Blue mumbled as he scans the entire ruins around him.

"It is an arena. The great colosseum." Yalex said with a grin. He sat down a huge debris of rock. Waiting for hungry demons to appear. "Although it's kind of like a replica. Just for this fight!"

The whole place is the same as the old colosseum. It looked ragged and worned out. Freshly destroyed.

The atmosphere is thin and it was unbearably hot everywhere. Blue could feel his sweat trickling his forehead every five seconds.

There is a strong wind but it stinks of dead bodies. And everywhere he looks seems only to be the shade of rusty orange.

"Does it always smell like this in here?" Blue asked with stern and looked at the comfy demon.

"It stinks with filth right? Better get used to it!" Yalex chuckled and stood up. His sword appearing on his left hand with a black smoke.

Blue slithered his eyes. Magically reading and understanding the carvings on the blade.

It said;

May this weapon forged by the God's angels

Help its wielder to proceed to his duty.

"Where did you get that sword?" Blue asked. His eyes not leaving the carvings on the blade.

Yalex showed off a wild smirk. His tounge flicked his exposed teeth before he spoke.

"From your people!" He said and Blue shifted his gaze to him with his brows furrowed. Indicating that he's curious.

"From an angel? Of death?" Blue asked and Yalex only cackled.

"It was part of the ancient histories Blue! I had a duel with an angel of death once! His name was Moár! I won and he died! And his sword is my prize!" Yalex stated proudly and lifted the blade in front of his face.

"That angel was the first one to die in your people's history! And he took the race of dwarves with him!" He added and giggled sheepishly.

Blue only let out a sigh. Turning away just as when he heard clamoring sounds.

It sounded like those demons are already coming.

Blue looked up and he saw different kinds of demons climbing from the top and crawling down to reach them.

Mostly to him, since he's the fresh meat and the outsider from their domain.

"My dogs had longed for an angel's visit. I hope you understand if they give you a too much of a welcome." Yalex chuckled and started swaying his sword carelessly.

The demon noticed that Blue wasn't holding any weapon to use. Which he should because there is no way he can fight the demons with bare hands.

They're all dead souls so touching them won't help.

"You wanna try my baby?" Yalex offered the angel his sword and Blue just looked at it bluntly.

"They're dead souls. How do you propose to fight them?" Yalex asked and Blue only looked at him nonchalantly.

Seconds later and he grabbed the sword by its hilt. Accepting the offer.

The angel found the sword rather comfortable and lightweight on his hand.

Again, the angel smiled lightly. Even unaware of himself.

Soon, the sword glowed white. Its darkened presence has lifted and the black shades of smoke that was surrounding it turned into white. The carvings on the blade started glowing too.

Yalex only grinned.

Of course that sword will be awaken for Blue. It's a sword of an angel of death and they have been using that sword ever since the first angel of their race.

But when Yalex took possession of it, the angels had stopped using any weapon. Because that sword is the only weapon that was and will be forged by the angels of heaven for them.

"You should keep it. It is meant for you." Yalex said to him.

"You said you won it. You of all demons would never give me something like this for free." Blue said to him suspiciously. Both of them looking ahead upon seeing that some of the demons are closing in on them.

"I have your emotions, don't I? But Trevor will explain to you later why you should have that sword." Yalex chuckled and started running towards the demons.

Blue briefly looked back to the sword on his hand.

Is there a reason why I feel a connection with it?

Blue decided to follow after Yalex. He swung the sword effortlessly and it caused a strong wave of light that made all the lowly beings turn into dust and was blown away through the wind.

Blue was beyond surprised of what he just did. It was so fast. And he didn't even feel a single tiredness from it yet more than fifteen demons that had arrived in the colosseum dissipated into dusts with just one wave.

"See? A perfect weapon for an angel of death!" Yalex chuckled and slowly clapped his hand.

"But those are only small souls."

"Wait until you meet my brothers..."