
BLUE HOUR: The Primes

The story of ten magnificent beings. Merged and living in the same world. Despite their big differences and history. Samuel took the initiative to lead their team for a common purpose. And they are the first ever unity that came from both sides, either from evil or good. In this story, you will find how they will relate to and learn each other's culture. ᴅᴀᴛᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ: 09/03/22

SuitorofHell_v2 · Fantasy
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71 Chs

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 55: ʜɪsᴛᴏʀʏ ᴏғ sᴀᴛᴇs

"This is wrong...."

Trevor whispered as Yalex leaned back to get a better look at him.

"What is?" He asked.

"This. All of this..." Trevor cried while Yalex put him down to stand up. He was still holding him by his waist and pinning him to the tree.

"Why is this wrong?" Yalex hummed and started leaving pecks on his temple. Soothing the younger's cries.

"We are mates aren't we? Nothing is wrong with what we're doing..."

"It's not like you and Coleen already have something going on..." Yalex whispered and Trevor immediately pushed him back with a surprised expression on his face.

"Y-you knew?!"

"Of course I do. It's not very hard for me to see the insecurities of others." Yalex stated as he gave a sly smirk to the younger's flustered face.

"As long as nothing's going on between the two of you. You're mine and you will come to me whenever I want you to." He whispered in a commanding tone.

"B-but... What about Ysabella. Y-you like her? This is practically cheating." Trevor muttered as he averted his gaze from the demon.

Yalex simply chuckled and started attacking his earlobe.

"I do like her. It's unexplainable. But I will remain loyal to you as long as you have no other commitment."

"H-how am I suppose to believe you?" Trevor almost whimpered. Trying to distract himself from what Yalex was doing to him.

Yalex leaned back and bit his lip. His eyes wandered as if he's thinking for a proper answer.

"Uh... Because I told Gammon I'll fu** your brains out and make you my father's slut. But I didn't?" He stated but sounded more like asking him.

"We are each other's weakness after all."

And with that. Yalex pulled his face to look at him. Crashing their lips again.

Their kiss this time had a sense of urgency and clear want.

As much as Trevor wants to refuse so bad. Something in him was forcing him to comply. Other than the weird sensation that seems to be inviting him towards the demon. Maybe its the mate instinct thingy.

"D-don't t-take it f-further than t-this." Trevor whimpered in between their kiss.

He felt the older gently nodded before harshly kissing him, biting on his lower lip that made him gasped a loud yet satisfying moan.

Trevor gripped onto his arms when he felt Yalex slipping his hands underneath his clothes. Tracing it from his waistband to his abdomen. While his mouth is too busy sucking on his neck. Adding brand new hickies on there.


"They're here!!!" Yvel squealed as soon as she spotted Trevor and Yalex entering the gates while dragging a dead tiger behind.

"Let's go. Hurry." Yvel said and actually dragged Samuel and Jade with her so they can help carrying the tiger to the lounge.

Ysabella was holding her little brother. It had smelt the flesh of the tiger and that kind of riled him up. So she and Coleen had to distract him.

Blue and Rhian wasn't there since the two volunteered to take a security check around the house. Guarding them in the process just like back in Samuel's home.

The sooner the two entered the house. They were greeted by Samuel and the other two girls.

But when the three saw their current state. Especially Trevor who was blushing so hard due to their unnecessary attention.

Trevor looked completely dishelved. His hair and clothes were tousled. His lips are swollen and his entire neck and jawline were marked with hickies.

"Stop staring." He grumbled and pushed himself in the house. Finding a secluded place to hide due to so much embarassment.

"What did you do?! You didn't raped him didn't you!?" Jade snapped at Yalex.

"It's alright. Don't worry. It was just a make out session." Samuel said as he sighed the sooner he had finished watching a glimpse of what the two did in the forest.

"Ahh whatever! Let's bring this in so we can feed Kitsch! If we continue to starve him, we'll all end up his roasted meal!" Yvel said and decided to help Yalex of pulling the dead tiger in the house.

Samuel and Jade helped them too. Bringing it in the lounge.

Coleen joined Jade and Yvel outside the room since they didn't want to see how Yalex will 'cook' the 'food' for the dragon and the phoenix.

"Where's Trevor? Didn't he left with Yalex earlier?" Coleen asked when she noticed that Trevor is nowhere on sight.

"He's hiding." Yvel pfft as she giggled.

"Why?" Coleen asked very clueless but the girls kept giggling.

"Come on. Let's ask if Rhian have some make up we can use. Maybe you can help Trevor with it." Yvel said to her as they went to walk upstairs to search for the vampire.

"Why do I need to help Trevor with make up?" Coleen asked again as she tails behind them.

"Because you're the only one who's good with make up?"

"Good at what?"

"Oh shush. Let's just look for that vampire and stop asking questions. You'll see him later anyway." Jade said to her.



Blue had almost toured the whole house. And now he found himself inside an old and burnt bedroom. The bed however looks new compared to everything inside the room. But it's burnt and had large ripped part on the middle. Deep shade of dry blood stained its mattress and Blue can easily tell that someone was murdered here.

"My parents." Rhian suddenly appeared in the room.

Blue slowly turned to her. His expression had remained blunt ever since Yalex took it away from him.

"My parents died here." She said again.

"Now that you mentioned it. Have you find anything else about your relation with Yvel?" He asked and Rhian only shook her head.

"What Trevor said long ago was the last thing I was informed. It's not like a moon goddess have any datas about herself." She said as she approached the male and stood beside him.

"But what about you? What is your guess?" Blue asked while staring deep at her. Rhian looked at him, not bothered by his stare and found it rather inviting.

"The same thing when I first saw her. I didn't feel anything though but I've seen my father's face on her. A huge hunch that she is possibly my little sister." She stated before looking back on the bed and let out a dejected sigh.

"I was surprised when you two figured it out... Because it was true that my father was a cheater. And of course. Yvel isn't my only potential step-sibling."

"Unfortunately my mother hated that fact so she went berserk. Both of us hunted down all of my father's mistresses. Including their offspring."

"Because the SATES will never allow a bastard in the family and wants me to remain as their only descendant."

"One by one. My half-siblings were killed alongside their mothers. I was there and I remember how satisfying their screams sounded when I ripped off their skins with my fangs..."

"But none of us knew it will end badly."

Rhian looked back again to Blue. Before passing her gaze to the tall and old dusty window that had cracks and holes on it.

"My father murdered my mother here one night when I thought they were just having sex as usual."

"He was having an outrage after he learned that mom and I killed every last one of his other families."

"I was there too when he killed her. My dad tried to kill me too but the SATES protected me."

"Eventually. It turned into a huge massacre. Our families killing each other and my father had his own allies. Maysie's family were one of them."

"Vladimir and I fled away from this place. Along with a few people of my clan to protect me. And when we came to that city. My people were killed by protecting Vladimir and his family. So they swore to look after me in place of my now dead family."

"I guess one luckily escaped from my mother and mine's wrath."

Rhian chuckled as she looked back on the bed. The scene of her father biting off her mother's limbs began playing in her mind.

"If she is your sister. Are you going to kill her too?" Blue asked.


"If she is my sister then she deserved to live as I did. Apart from her duty that I have no right to take away from her. She would mean as the last family I ever have left. And she will be my sole duty to protect as a SATE."

"I have learnt my lesson. It was our rash decisions that took away my family from me..."

"And that same kind of decision..."

"Is also one of the many reasons..."

"Of why you feel so far away from my reach now."