
BLUE HOUR: The Primes

The story of ten magnificent beings. Merged and living in the same world. Despite their big differences and history. Samuel took the initiative to lead their team for a common purpose. And they are the first ever unity that came from both sides, either from evil or good. In this story, you will find how they will relate to and learn each other's culture. ᴅᴀᴛᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ: 09/03/22

SuitorofHell_v2 · Fantasy
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71 Chs

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 25: ᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴇғғᴇᴄᴛ ⁱⁱ

Blue quietly sat beside Rhian as the two drove back to the mansion. He could feel the heavy tension between them especially knowing that the vampire beside her is tired and obviously thirsty.

She needed to get away from mortals as soon as possible which is why she was driving kind of haste.

Blue would usually panic in this state. But he was more focus on Rhian. Especially at her eyes which is now blood red.

He always loved staring at those blood red eyes.

As soon as the two arrived at the mansion. Rhian hurried to her personal dungeon and ransacked her storage to get an amount of serum to drink before heading out to the forest.

She was really quiet but also grumbling just to herself.

Blue thought she must be sensitive right now so he decided to just wander around the house just like he does whenever he's bored.

But as he was walking down the empty hallways. Blue heard a familiar voice. Muffled and whimpering. Blue traced where the voice was coming from and discovered that it was in Trevor's room.

His eyes widened as he hurriedly placed his ear on the door. Trying to listen more clearly. But only a few seconds later, the door suddenly opened. Revealing Yalex, glaring straight to him.

Blue quickly looked behind Yalex and saw Trevor curled on his bed. Hugging his knees and hiding his face.

"What did you do to him?" Blue asked sternly and attempted to walk in but Yalex blocked his way.

"Move! I want to check on him!" Blue growled and battled glares with the demon.

"He's fine. Now you can leave." Yalex said in a blank tone and dragged Blue out of the room without any form of hesitation.

Once he got Blue away, he returned to the room and locked it.

Blue stomped his feet on the wooden floor and started spewing bad words to Yalex.

After whining there for atleast half an hour. Blue finally gave up when he heard nothing but silence. But for all he know, it's probably just Trevor's magic making it silent so he would leave.

With a frown on his face, Blue stomped his way to the backyard. Strolling for countless laps just to kill his time.

Soon, the sun had settled down and it didn't took long for the sky to grow darker.

Blue sighed and decided to go back and check on Trevor. Maybe they're already finished with whatever they were doing earlier.

He knocked on Trevor's door. Expecting Yalex to be the one to open it for him.

"Blue?" The boy shot his eyes wide open when he heard Trevor's voice behind the door.

"Y-yes! I-It's me!" Blue said and waited until the door was opened by Trevor.

Blue scanned him with worried eyes. Quickly noticing the weird bruises-like that was littered all over his neck. Blue checked the room and noticed that Yalex is no longer there. Especially without any sign of his presence.

Trevor opened the door wide and gave space for Blue to come in before closing the door again.

Blue didn't exactly know what he'll do so he just stood there in the middle of the room. Watching Trevor as he sat on the floor while leaning his back on the bed.

"Are you alright?" Blue asked and Trevor gently nodded his head.

"What did Yalex do to you?" He asked and Trevor was quick to look away. His lips and hands were trembling while his eyes were glistening with tears.

That's when Blue finally took in the boy's current state.

His hair is completely dishelved. The first three buttons of his uniform were undone. His jaw, neck and collarbones were covered with fresh hickies. His lips were also swollen and red.

"Trevor? Did he touched you?" Blue asked as his voice grew darker with just the thought of it.

Trevor whimpered as he shook his head vehemently.

"Don't fu**ing lie to me!!! Look at yourself!!! You're a fu**ing mess!" Blue couldn't help but yell in terror at the boy.

Trevor remained the same and shaking his head no. Whimpering while silently crying and hiding his face on his knees.

"Trevor! J-just say something! You look totally messed up. What the hell did that fu**ing demon do to you!?" Blue rambled and Trevor looked up to him with his eyes pouring with tears.

Blue could feel something in him breaking. He wanted to hug his friend right now. But he just can't.

"I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to shout at you. Just please tell me what he did." Blue tried to ask in a gentler tone. But Trevor is so stubborn and kept his mouth shut about it.

Blue decided to let the boy just cry for now to let it all out. He sat not far from him and silently watched him crying. Humming in a comforting sound to calm the boy.

Soon, Jade, Rhian and Samuel finally arrived. The winter prince looking so exhausted and the way Blue sees it from the window, the girls were actually carrying Samuel.

"They're here." Blue said to Trevor and he looked at him while sniffing.

"Y-you should fix yourself first. I-I'll go check on them." Blue said before he went to the door.

But before he totally leave, he spoke to Trevor who were just standing up.

"Whatever happened. I hope you get over it. I'll be here to help if ever you need me." He said and left after that.

Blue hurried to find the other three. Seeing them struggling to carry Samuel to the stairs.

Blue gasped in shock seeing their leader unconscious.

"W-what happened to him!?" Blue exclaimed and as much as he wants to help them carry Samuel, he just can't or he'll end up killing him.

"What do you think!" Rhian scowled as she and Jade continued dragging Samuel to one of the guest rooms.

Rhian was just coming back from her hunt when she saw Jade and Samuel in front of the gate. The two were in a taxi while Jade and the taxi driver were trying to pull Samuel out of the car.

Rhian immediately came to help after Jade paid for their fare and apologize to the driver for the inconvenience. Once the taxi had left, Rhian helped Jade to carry Samuel inside who is unexpectedly heavy.

The two eventually managed to bring Samuel in his room and threw him on his bed. Quickly flopping on the floor very exhausted and catching their breaths.

"What the hell happened to that prick!" Rhian yelled at Jade who is the only one who knows what actually happened.

"Can't you let me catch a break!? I've been carrying him since we left school!" Jade whined.

Blue carefully watched Samuel. Lying uncomfortably on the bed and snoring loudly.

He looks so tired.

The boy thought while tilting his head.

Soon, the girls finally stood up from lying on the floor and helped Samuel to properly sleep on the bed.

Just in time when Trevor arrived.

He looked like he just finished showering and he was wearing a turtleneck.

The girls didn't bother to ask why Trevor seemed eerily quiet. He is always quiet. Assuming that he probably just got into a fight with his mate.

"What happened to him?" Trevor asked and Jade decides to tell what actually happened.

Jade found Samuel pinning random announcements on every bulletin boards of the school. Jade decided to help him seeing how Samuel would yawn and rub his eyes from time to time.

She could obviously tell that Samuel is very tired. Especially with all that he is trying to take care of.

"Why don't you rest? I can just finish this by myself. It's nothing much for me." Jade said as she looked at Samuel with worry.

Samuel refused her offer and insisted to finish the task together. Eventually, the two finished by sundown and the school is now void of students except the two of them.

Right after the two exited the school gates, Samuel passed out on the spot. The guard quickly helped the two and called for a cab. Struggling to carry Samuel inside.

Jade was relieved to the very least for remembering Rhian's address, otherwise she would have no other choice but to bring him in her own place since nobody knows where he lives.

"Wow. I guess he's really really exhausted. Shouldn't we call Professor Jessi about it?" Rhian asked and the three gave her a questioning look.

"Why do we need to call her?" Jade asked. "He's probably just tired. He'll be fine once he gets enough rest." She added.

"He doesn't have to worry about school actually. I mean all of us." Jade said as she giggled to the three.

"What do you mean?" Trevor asked.

"He told me earlier that we're all one week suspended. I already told Yvel and Coleen about it and they said they might visit here tomorrow." Jade explained in between her playful laugh.

"Wow! That's literally the best news I've heard so far!" Blue exclaimed as he began sharing ideas of what he'll do for the week without school.

"By the way. Why aren't I seeing that demon around?" Rhian asked and gave Trevor a questioning look.

Jade and Blue were quick to notice the sudden tense of the boy.

"He still need to pay me back for causing this to us!" Rhian added and bumped her fist to her palm.

"He left." Trevors said shortly as he avoided their gaze.

"Where did he go?" Jade asked, not peeling her eyes off of Trevor.

"I don't know... A guy named Lupin called him. They kept mentioning the name Gammon and then he left in a rush." Trevor mumbled and at the mention of the familiar name, Rhian's expression quickly went sullen.

"Oh. Okay." Was all she said and cleared her throat before standing up and leaving the room.

Blue and Jade were quite taken aback at her sudden exit.

"Why do you seem so down though? Yalex didn't go far, did he?" Jade asked and Trevor gave the same silent response as Blue.

"He's fine. Just a little shaken up. We'll leave now, you can stay here and watch after Samuel. I'll tell the butler to bring you something to eat." Blue said before gesturing Trevor to leave with him.