
BLUE HOUR: The Primes

The story of ten magnificent beings. Merged and living in the same world. Despite their big differences and history. Samuel took the initiative to lead their team for a common purpose. And they are the first ever unity that came from both sides, either from evil or good. In this story, you will find how they will relate to and learn each other's culture. ᴅᴀᴛᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ: 09/03/22

SuitorofHell_v2 · Fantasy
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71 Chs

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 23: ᴅᴇᴇᴘ ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛs

"I've never seen any of your past or future." Samuel said and Jade quickly looked up to him with disbelief. Their faces only a mere inches apart.

"W-what do you mean by that?" She asked.

"It's kind'a strange actually." He said as he leaned back and crossed his arms.

"I only see future possibilities from you only when you're with someone that I could be seeing again. So it really depends if you're with someone that is involve with me. But if we're together and you're by yourself. I can't see anything like there's a firewall protecting you." Samuel explained while chuckling in between.

Jade could only mouth an 'O' as she finally understand what he meant.

"You have no idea how frustrared that made me feel. You're the only one who have something that I could never try to foresee. So it feels really clueless with you at times." He said while scratching the back of his head.

"That's fascinating to hear! You're making it sound like I'm special!" She laughed and her eyes closed as she laughed and lightly hit Samuel on his arm.

"Well you are special!" The prince said in a rather simple way but enough to make the mermaid a blushing mess.

Causing the atmosphere to get more awkward. Samuel cleared his throat and decided to ask his previous question again.

"So... Aren't you going to tell me why they sent you on land?" He asked while fiddling with his fingers.

"I-It's a... a little embarassing though..." she said and lowered her head to hide her now heating up cheeks.

"I-is that so? I-if it's uncomfortable. You don't have to tell me." He said, hoping he did not force the girl or something.

"Y-you'll keep this a secret okay? Promise?" She asked with the littlest voice and Samuel couldn't help but coo and just want to hug her right now. But that would be rude.

"I promise!" Samuel said happily and waited for the girl to speak.

"M-my people h-had been sending purebloods to land due to one main reason."

"It's been a while... since our population slowly depletes. There aren't much of males to mate with during mating season. We have no babies anymore."

Samuel silently gasped at the new information. He didn't have any idea that mermaids had been having a very concerning problem with their population.

"The ocean is now polluted. And many tribes finds it hard to find new virgin places to reproduce without being spotted by humans. So we decided to go on land to mate with humans. Hoping we could increase our population. Which is why we now have half-blooded mermaids. But that wasn't enough because there aren't many purebloods now." Jade explained very carefully.

She could only hope that Samuel won't judge her people for being so desperate to increase their pureblood population.

"I-is that why they send you on land? To uh... m-mate too?" Samuel asked as he too felt an increase of temperature on his cheeks.

"I-it's different... I mean. A few changes was made. My mother gave me a different order." She said and felt like curling down into a ball because of embarassment.

"Your mother? By means the current queen of seven seas?" Samuel asked with a rather amused expression.

"Yeah." Jade replied shortly.

Samuel noticed how uncomfortable Jade had become. So he decided to stop asking about the topic.

"It's alright Jade. You don't need to tell me if it's really not comfortable for you. I understand." He said and ruffled the girl's hair to cheer her up.

"Don't worry. I'll try to see if I can help in any way to your people." He said and Jade lifted her head to look up to him.

"I-It's okay! You don't have to. It's my mission. S-So I think I-I'll do it myself." She said and forced out a fake smile.

Samuel only nodded his head as they both continued walking. A comfortable silence taking over a short while.

Jade looked up to Samuel. As much as she wanted to tell someone about the real mission that the queen gave her. She felt too embarass to tell it, especially to Samuel.

It's not like she can tell him casually that...

Hey! My mother told me to find a handsome man from another race to make sure that my child remains a pureblood.

They needed to keep their pure bloodline intact. Which is why the only way to save it is if Jade finds another pureblood from another race.

Her child could be a half-breed but because of having both pureblooded parents, the chances of the child being a pureblood is high.

The child could either be a pureblood of her or his mother's kind or also from the father's side.

Jade shook the thoughts off her mind and decided not to think much about it.

After a few minutes of strolling, the two abruptly stopped when Rhian and Yalex suddenly appeared before them with a black puff of smoke all over them.

Samuel quickly took notice of the one werewolf being held hostage by Yalex. While Jade was more than surprise at the blood covering both Yalex and Jade's body instead of seeing the hostage.

Yalex really slayed his look. Despite bathing on others blood. It only made him look hotter with now blood filth perfectly matches with him.

"You two really outdid your hunt. I'm certain Vladimir will be jealous now that you found a new hunting partner!" Samuel chuckled at Rhian.

"I'm the best right?" Yalex said proudly and tugged on the wolf's neck, causing it to wince in pain.

"Let's go back. Blue might feel conscious if he doesn't see you before lunch." Samuel said and that was the cue for Yalex to bring them back to the mansion.

"We'll take him to your dungeon. Go and clean up before Blue--"

"Too late."

Samuel cut Yalex words when Blue's familiar scream echoed in their ears.

Samuel quickly dashed to Jade and covered her ears while Rhian and Yalex could only groan because of their tortured eardrums.

"B-blood!!! Oh my God! Are you alright!?" The boy asked as he panicked and ran to check Rhian for any serious wound.

The other three looked at each other. Finding it a bit awkward being with the two.

"Wait! Wait! You're not a soul right?! Please tell me you're not!" The boy cried in realization.

Rhian rolled her eyes as she huff. Yalex started giggling and mocking her causing Rhian to get more annoyed than she already is.

He suddenly smacked Blue's head causing the crying boy to yelp and shriek.

"Why did you hit me!? I was just worried about you!" Blue began crying and pouring tears down his reddish cheeks.

"Atleast you know I'm not a soul." Rhian scoffed and decided to pull Blue with her before Yalex can tease them more.

"Go ahead. I'll go inside myself. I'll go back to the room where we stayed last night." Jade said to Samuel and smiled at him and Yalex before leaving to follow the other two.

"Wow! Now I understand why there are mermaids souls in my domain. They are also witches!" Yalex chuckled derisively as he watch how Samuel was completely whipped by the mermaid's smile.

"They have a tricky seducting habits! And I think you fell for that trap!" He said and Samuel quickly threw him a deadly glare.

"Do you know that I'm immune from things like that!? Why do you think I last this long being a hopeless single!?" Samuel snapped as they began to walk to the dungeon while Yalex is dragging the unconscious body of the werewolf with his left hand.

"Geez. You're very sensitive for someone who never even had a sexlife!" Yalex snickered and Samuel immediately grimaced at his statement.

"Eeew!!! I know what you're thinking! Don't you even dare drag us in your sex life. You're so freaking horny!" Samuel exclaimed defensively and Yalex grinned slyly as a fox.

"Don't play dumb with me! I know you're having dirty thoughts inside that huge mind of yours!" Yalex mocked and Samuel's cheeks began to flush red again.

"W-what do you know!" Samuel stuttered.

"I'm a demon. I can feel it from my bones every dirty thoughts that plays there in your mind!" Yalex slowly muttered as if taunting the winter prince.

"Gosh! You're really embarassing you know! And horny too!!!" Samuel snapped again before hurriedly walking ahead first while stomping his feet.

"Oh please! I'm not horny! But if you want to see it! I'm in for that!" Yalex laughed and Samuel turned to him with a dramatic gasp.

"Shut up! Don't you even think of touching Trevor or I swear!" He said and pointed a finger at Yalex who simply gave him an eyeroll.

"Haha! I'm so scared!" Yalex snickered and opened the door of the dungeon with Samuel's help.

Yalex chained the werewolf inside before the two left. Still arguing and bickering like it's only normal for them to do so atleast once a day.