
Blue God: Origins

Have you ever tried writing a story about a meek, humble young man on a journey of adventure and self discovery only to end up writing a story about a dark god who doomed his world to an age of suffering? Well, THAT'S WHAT I DID! Here's a synopsis for Book 1 - Song of the Unborn Blue God: Origins takes place in a dark fantasy world. A broken and unbalanced place wherein the knights of the kingdom risk their lives to battle the forces of darkness. Kalosýni is one of people who live in this world, but thanks to the efforts of his father, he led a pretty sheltered life. However, an unexpected cry on a seemingly normal night leads to a journey that will lead Kalos, his father and a pregnant woman on a journey across the kingdom of Faacri.

The_Akondor · Fantasy
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29 Chs

12. A Singing Child

Not thirty minutes had passed before Estella regained consciousness.

"What's going on?" She asked, her face riddled with confusion.

"The baby. It sung." Kalos said as he handed her a trusty water skin. She took a big sip before checking her belly for any changes in her situation. She frowned before letting out a relieved sigh.

"What happened after that?" Estella asked as she took another big sip of water. She then noticed that Eevana was laying next to her, her body was covered from her neck to her ankles in strange black markings. They locked like tattoos, but they looked closer to burn marks than anything.

"What happened to her?" Estella asked.

"I don't know. Once the baby started singing, everything went to chaos. By the way, how are you feeling?" Kalos asked, then a loud growl roared throughout the room.

Estella shyly smiled.

"I could use a snack right about now, hehe." Just as the words left Estella's mouth, a knock came from the door.

Raymond lazily got up to check and found a knight wearing a rather formal outfit.

It looked like a tailor-made suit. It was mostly black with silver bits here and there.

This particular knight had a few badges stuck to his jacket, which must have made him a pretty important person.

Raymond exchanged glances with the others before the knight spoke.

"Pardon me, your eminence. Head knight Neelae Yolson has prepared her apology on behalf of Tolman." The knight said as he gestured that they leave their room.

"Alright everyone, leave your things, I'm sure this won't take long," Raymond said.

"The head knight wishes to speak with his eminence only." The knight said, taking care not to make direct eye contact with Raymond.

"Oh? Well, that there is my son, that's his aunt and that's a friend of mine." Raymond said, causing Crimwal to blush ever so slightly.

"If I'm going to attend whatever the head knight has planned, it'll be with my people," Raymond said with a rather stern expression.

"I see. Then please follow me, your eminence." The knight said and they were soon led to what looked like the biggest, most fortified building in Tolman.

They entered the fortress of a building only to find a lavish interior and high ceilings decorated with chandeliers.

The floor was paved with a dark blue carpet and the walls were covered with various pieces of art that ranged from portraits to statues.

The knight led them up some stairs and stooped once he arrived at a large door.

"The head knight is inside." The knight said while bowing deeply.

Raymond rolled his eyes, then caught Kalos reading a certain red book.

Raymond snatched it and put it in his pocket, causing Kalosýni's head to droop.

Meanwhile, the knight opened the door, allowing Raymond's group to enter.

Upon entering the exceptionally large room, they saw Neelae standing next to a large desk.

Along the way, stood four knights, who by the looks of their badges, were highly decorated.

Raymond's group approached the table, which only had six chairs.

Raymond took a seat, prompting Kalos and the others to sit as well. This meant that there were only two remaining seats, but there were five knights in the room.

"I hope you forgive me, but I was not going to participate in whatever you've planned without them." Raymond said.

"Oh, tis no bother at all, your eminence," Neelae said and three of the four knights left the room.

Raymond recognized the one who remained.

Hagert something or the other.

Raymond also noticed that the knights hadn't taken their seats yet, so he let out a sigh and waved his hand lazily.

"You may sit," Raymond said and the knights did so.

Raymond saw that Neelae had gotten an eyepatch. It clashed against her white hair and eye, but she had retained some of her beauty regardless.

"I'm sorry for taking your eye," Raymond said.

"No! I should be the one begging for forgiveness since it was I who attempted to witness your awesome power." Neelae said while lowering her head.

"What does that mean?" Crimwal asked.

"Well, not everyone can see my light. Actually, most people see my magical power as darkness, but in truth, the light is so pure it's impossible for normal people to see, yet it can still casts itself on creation. It's strange but that's how it is. She tried to analyze my power, but the cost of seeing my light was her eye. Think of it as a self-defence mechanism activated by her body. If the head knight had completely seen my light, she'd most likely have been paralyzed… permanently." Raymond said while looking at the suspiciously decorated table.

It was covered in a cloth that looked rather similar to the ones used for dining tables.

This made Raymond salivate.

Crimwal on the other hand gasped as he figured out why he saw nothing but darkness whenever Raymond used his power. But something else also wasn't adding up.

"Wait a minute. If that's true, then why does reality sink into darkness every time Kalos uses his magic?" Crimwal asked.

"That's just his power. I can't explain it, but it manifests itself that way," Raymond said.

Hagert's brows furrowed.

"I see. But I would still like further confirmation that you are indeed who you say you are." He said with a raised nose.

"Hagert!" Neelae yelled, but Raymond stood up and walked a little bit away from the table.

"No, it's fine. Invite the others back in. If I'm gonna make a comeback, it's going to be in style." Raymond said with a wink, making Kalos lower his head in embarrassment.

Neelae invited the other knights into the room and they lined up along its wall. They knelt as they faced Raymond who spread his arms in a grandiose manner.

"Behold!" Raymond said as he extended his right hand in front of him.

[Come… Raymungr Eexel]

Raymond said in a strange language and suddenly the room was bathed in a pale light.

Then, pale white symbols started appearing in front of Raymond. Both on the floor and above him.

The room shook momentarily before Raymond moved as though he was grabbing something and in that instant, the number of symbols in the room multiplied until they covered the entire room. They're numbers concentrating near Raymond.

Then everyone saw it. The thing Raymond had grabbed. A giant fosblade. It was covered completely in intricate symbols and marking and its light seemingly blessed the hearts who witnessed its manifestation.

"My goodness." Hagert gasped as the symbols in the room disappeared.

Neelae sat completely still, her mouth agape.

The other knights kneeled even further as Raymond placed his super fosblade on his shoulder.

"Happy? Here it is, my Eexel and if you're a knight, you know what that means." Raymond said as he held the shimmering blade most casually.

"Awesome!" Kalos explained before running to his father's side.

"Dad, how can I do that? Teach me! Teach me!" Kalos said as his body struggled to stay in place with excitement.

"Mmm… only an eminence can create an eexel, but you've surprised me before. We'll try it another time, but until then you must focus on strengthening your will. An Eexel is the embodiment of the will of an eminence. Unshakeable, unrelenting and most importantly, unbreakable." Raymond said as raised his hand, gathering particles of darkness. He then shoved his Eexel inside them and like that, it was gone.

"So where were we?" Raymond asked, snapping Neelae back into reality.

"Oh, yes. The apology, but I must humbly request that we have dinner first." Neelae asked and almost as though they'd rehearsed this a thousand times, the knight left the room, only for waiters and waitresses alike to enter the room with numerous dishes.

They placed the makings of a feast on the table and then quickly made their way out of the room.

Raymond noticed that Neelae and Hagert didn't have any food on their side. This was strange. He knew they weren't trying to poison him, at least not yet, so he wondered why they weren't eating the possible ton of food that was on the table.

"Aren't you going to eat as well?" Raymond asked.

"To eat with the eminence? I could never do something so outrageous." Neelae said.

"It's ex-eminence, by the way, and I'll feel bad if we're the only ones eating, so please," Raymond said.

Neelae and Hagert looked at each other briefly before taking two of the smallest plates.

Raymond didn't care, as long as everyone was eating.

Everyone then proceeded to eat what had been served.

Kalos took great care in picking out which dishes were best for Estella, only for her to disregard his wishes and eat what tasted best.

Crimwal ate whatever was closest and after eating literally one piece of bread, Raymond downed all of the alcohol on the table.

Speaking of excessive eating, after Kalos finished helping Estella, he proceeded to eat half of the large table's contents.

All Neelae and Hagert could do was watch as Raymond's group ate what was enough food to feed a small village.

The meal eventually came to an end and after the servants cleaned everything up, it was back to business.

"Alright, first off. I'd like to apologize for getting your men killed. Yes, Estella is carrying a singing child and it was careless of me to bring her into such a crowded city." Raymond apologized as he searched the room for any signs, traces or hints of alcohol.

"No, it's my fault for not checking sir. I'm to blame for letting my men succumb to darkness." Neelae said.

"Yes, Pendents are becoming harder and harder to manufacture as Eelenite becomes ever rarer," Hagert said.

"Mmm… Eelenite is still rare?" Raymond asked.

"Oh! I forgot your eminence held his rank over two decades ago, but yes. Eelenite is as rare as ever and the order has prioritized its use in pendants and various other pieces of armour."

"Wait a minute! Aren't you all avoiding a certain subject?" Crimwal asked, his eyes wide.

"What?" Raymond, Neelae and Hagert asked simultaneously.

"How old are you exactly?" Crimwal asked, his brows raised.

"Mmm… I- I don't actually know. A century maybe, hehe." Raymond said with a chuckle.

"Wait a minute! If you're over a century old, then how old is Kalos?" Crimwal asked.

"Oh, yes…" Estella chimed in while eating some fruit she had in a basket. She didn't mind eating them, but it was Kalos who gave them to her.

"Oh, no. Kalos is definitely nineteen-ish. His mother was human after all."

"And you aren't?" Crimwal asked with narrowed eyes.

"Curb your suspicions, I am very much human, but I am… unique," Raymond said with a fake cough.

"Anyway, it would seem that this was a mess on both sides so I'd like to apologize on behalf of my group," Raymond said.

"We are truly humbled. What would you like for all the time you've wasted dealing with us?" Neelae asked.

Raymond looked up into the chandelier above him in thought.

"Do you have any spare carriages? A four-seater to be exact." Raymond asked, prompting Neelae and Hagert to look at each other intently.

"Er- yes. We will get your eminence one right away." Neelae said hesitantly.

"No. I only wanted one if you had some to spare, but it seems like the economic situation here is quite dire. You did do a good job of hiding it. Hundreds if not thousands of knights must come here monthly. All hungry- wait a minute! Doesn't this town have a swordsmanship school or something?" Raymond asked.

"Indeed. Tolman is home to one of the most prestigious schools for knights in all of Faacri. We could tutor the eminences son if it pleases your eminence." Neelae offered, but Raymond simply scratched the back of his head.

"Mmm… I already taught him all he needs to know so when it comes to combat and I really don't want him to pay to learn what he already knows." Raymond said.

"Oh, it would be free of charge your eminence. I, Neelae Yolson shall personally sponsor his education." Neelae said proudly.

"No, that's not the problem and stop saying your eminence all the time. It's becoming annoying. Call me Raymond." He said while waving his hand dismissively.

"Of course, eminence Raymond," Neelae said with a smile.

"Anyway, we could use some camping supplies. I'll pay of course." Raymond said as he tapped his finger on the hardwood table.

"That's not necessary-" Neelae was about to say but Raymond cut her off.

"Listen, it would seem there's something you don't understand. I'm no longer the eminence. I'm a criminal. A murderer. Do you want to know why I got kicked out of the order? I killed a thousand knights in a day and almost killed the herald of light. That aside, when your messenger rides to Eslaf Retnec and reports that I'm alive do you know what's going to happen?" Raymond asked.

"The order will issue a bounty on my head and I will become your enemy. Now, I have fully accepted coming out of the shadows so that I can openly experience life's wonders with my son, but the price I'll have to pay for what I did is still due." Raymond said brining a heavy silence upon the room.

Neelae looked down in thought. She had heard all about the third eminence, Raymond Yulrun, but she always thought there was more to the story. She even entertained the possibility that he was innocent. Also, the stories never said anything about him attacking the herald of light.

Neelae was at a loss for words, but Hagert understood what Raymond wanted.

"So what you're saying that after you leave, we will become enemies?" Hagert asked.

"Possibly. However, the ideal scenario is one where we do not meet again." Raymond said.

"Is that why you wanted a carriage? So that you wouldn't have to kill any of us?" Hagert asked, his eyes narrowed.

"Yes. But, I cannot use my rank as-"

"I'll give you mine." Hagert interrupted.

"Uh-" Raymond was taken aback by Hagert's sudden niceness.

"I've heard about what you did. No one ever explained why or how it all happened, but I'm willing to bet that it wasn't as simple as a knight going rogue." Hagert said, speaking directly to Raymond.

"When the time comes and our order declares you our enemy, I'd like for you to be as far away as possible. For the sake of my men and the sake of Tolman. If the worst comes to pass, I will not hesitate. I will try my best to kill you, but when my sword falls and you take my head, I ask that you spare my men." Hagert said as he lowered his head.

"I agree with Hagert. Personally, I'd like to avoid fighting with you if it comes to that, but the course of fate is unchanging, so I will give you the supplies you need, eminence Raymond." Neelae said as she lowered her head.

"Mmm… thank you," Raymond said.

"No, it was a frightening pleasure to meet you. If I can be a bit blunt, you're far more… human than I expected. The title of eminence is said to be given to the closest to the goddess and yet here you are. Walking among us. You even have a son. Can he use magic?" Neelae asked as she shifted her white eye towards Kalos, who stared back at her with curious eyes.

"Hehe, can he use magic, she asks," Raymond said while nudging at Crimwal's arm.

Crimwal let out a defeated sigh.

"Show em your blade, boy," Raymond said with a proud smile.

Kalos tilted his head in thought.

"Should I make one as big as yours?" Kalos asked.

"He can already make fosblades?" Hagert exclaimed.

"Just make one you knucklehead!" Raymond said and in that moment, particles of light and dark started gathering around Kalosýni's right hand.

They then created a medium-sized sword, which was intricately decorated like Raymond's Eexel, but with less overall brilliance.

"It's… solid?" Neelae gasped while Hagert rubbed his temples in confusion.

"Yes. The boy is a genuine freak of nature." Raymond said with a bright smile.

"Look who's talking," Crimwal said under his breath, but Raymond looked at him with amused eyes.

Crap! Crimwal cursed internally.

"Wow. Eminence Raymond is truly fascinating, it's a shame that this may be the last time we speak as allies." Neelae said with a lowered head.

"Nah, don't worry about it. What I described to you was the worst-case scenario. If luck is on our side, the order will think your messenger is lying, cut off his head and send it back here." Raymond said causing Neelae's shoulders to drop even further.

"Is there anything else you'd like before you go?" Neelae asked.

Raymond then noticed that the sun was shining through the window. Almost a full day had passed since their arrival in Tolman.

"Other than the carriage and supplies, nothing," Raymond said as he got up.

Everyone else followed his lead as they all walked towards the door.

"Sorry, but I must ask, where are you going?" Neelae asked as the morning snow fell on her finely made clothes.

"Carimae," Raymond said as Hagert walked off.

Meanwhile, Raymond, Neelae and the others went to the motel and began packing their things as Neelae's men got the supplies Neelae had promised.

They now stood just in front of the motel with a sleepy Eevana.

"That makes sense. Heading out to Carimae so that both you and the singing child are out of the order's reach. But forgive me for continuously questioning your actions, why did you betray the order?" Neelae asked.

Raymond looked around and saw that Kalos had somehow taken back his book and was nose deep in its pages.

Raymond moved closer to Neelae's ear, causing her to tremble with fluster, but that feeling didn't last long because of what Raymond said next.

"Kalos was a singing child."