
Blue Flames

Matilda of the East, a name given to just a girl. A girl with a Gift. After losing her mother, she finds herself as an apprentice to a powerful Wizard. Can she learn to control her powers as a new revolution builds around her? Can she become the High Wizard she's destined to be?

Mo_Wasik · Fantasy
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7 Chs


"No! Master Jacob I don't want to go!" I yelled at my aging magic master.

"Do not snap at me, Matilda. Act your age; you are thirteen." My magic master scolded.

I scowled deeply at Magic Master Jacob. At thirteen, someone from high power was supposed to summon for a child taught by the Council of Magic. Most kingdom's wizards were quite ancient and in need of an apprentice to take their place. I was summoned by King Richard and Queen Alanna in the Highlands, the most historic and largest kingdom in the land. In the Highlands resides not only the king and queen, but the High Wizard. He was said to be the strongest, wisest wizard among all others.

"Master Jacob I want to be free! Not cooped up in some old castle!" I whined. In reality, I was scared. I didn't want to go because I didn't think I was ready to leave, to be trained under the eye of the High wizard. It was so much pressure, my heart was stuck in the cold grip of anxiety.

"Matilda, you are my student and the child I consider a daughter. Do you think I want you to leave?"

I looked at the ground in shame, not answering. I knew Master Jacob didn't want me to go. He was just doing as the Council commands. The High Wizard was old, he was going to need a successor.

"As I thought. Do not fear, my child. Master Gabriel is going with you to make sure you pass well." Master Jacob said, putting my hand in his own.

His wrinkled hands were soft and warm against my own, comforting me. My expression softened and I sighed. Master Gabriel was the youngest wizard on the Council and my dearest friend. He was like an uncle to me. I felt the anxiety loosen it's grip on my beating heart. It was no use, I couldn't fight the choice that was made for me and neither could the man that raised me for eight years of my life. I was just going to have to accept it like he had.

"Fine. I know I have no choice in the matter anyhow. I will go pack..." I pouted and sulked away to my room. As I pulled out my clothes out of my dresser and put them in my bag, I found an old wooden box I was given. Master Gabriel gave it to me on my seventh birthday; for keepsakes, he said. I opened it up; inside was a couple rings and a folded piece of cloth. I picked it up and put it to my nose. The scent of rosewater and fresh grass filled my senses, putting me to ease. I don't remember her face now, but even just a reminder of her love for me was enough to put to rest all of my negative thoughts. I took the cloth away from my face and folded it, putting it back into it's place. With a heavy sigh, I put the box into my bag and continued my task.


"Gabriel, please take care of my star pupil." Master Jacob said to young wizard as we packed our horses for the trip.

"Of course Master Jacob. I will only leave if need be." Master Gabriel assured him as he mounted his horse.

Master Jacob made his way toward me. Just like before, he took my hand in his.

"Matilda, your journey through training will be knowledgeable and, in some cases, dangerous. I send you with my grace, my luck, and this," Master Jacob took his hand away and I felt there was something in mine. I opened it and inside was a white crystal bound on a thin chain.

"This, Matilda, is the Witch Crystal. The previous High Wizard gave this to me as a gift." He grabbed my shoulders and looked at me in my eyes. His were glossed over, holding back tears. "You are only to use this crystal if its absolutely necessary. If you find yourself in serious trouble, call upon the White Demons."

I took the thin chain and put it around my neck and the crystal under my shirt. My eyes welled up with tears and I threw my arms around the old Wizard.

"I will miss you, Master." I choked out.

"I will miss you as well, my daughter. One day we will meet again. May that one day be at your celebration for the title High Wizard." said my master, hugging me back.

Too soon did I have to mount my horse and leave my home. Déjà vu came over me as I looked back at the towers I grew up in sadly. I saw my mother, sobbing into her hands on the ground. I swallowed the lump in my throat and turned away. I kicked my horse's side to gallop and catch up to Master Gabriel. Now was the time to make my masters proud; to become Grand Wizard of the Highlands.

As we rode, I sighed. I knew it would take years for me to be a successor to the High Wizard. What if I wasn't ready when the time came? What if I failed?

"You know festering in silence won't help your dilemma. What's on your mind, Mattie?" Master Gabriel asked.

I looked to him, a ghost of a smile on my face. 'Mattie', a nickname he's called me since I arrived to Whitebridge. Gabriel looked almost the same as he did those eight years ago. His hair was still long, half up with a bun. The bun had sticks holding it tight, with periwinkle-colored crystals sticking out of the back. He had an actual beard now, like all men on the Council. I never understood why men of the magical realm all felt the need to all have beards. The other children and I would make jokes about it being the center of their magic, the most powerful wizard had the longest beard.

"I'm just... scared, Master. What if I-" I was cut off by his hand being held up.

"If you were going to say 'fail', then banish thought from your mind, Matilda." He said, firmly. His eyes were glued to the trail in front of us until now. Gabriel's brown eyes bore into my blue ones. His gaze was serious, intimidating. "I was there when King Richard and Queen Alanna requested a student who would be a worthy successor to their High Wizard. You were the only one that we could think of who would not only be a worthy successor, but one to surpass the High Wizard. Jacob and I didn't want to give you up, but we knew that this was best for you."

I stared at Gabriel in shock as he took a breath and averted his eyes back to the trail. "The High Wizard has similar power to you, a fire only you can control. That's why we agreed to give you to them. He can teach you better than we ever could. I was lucky enough to be approved by the Council and their Majesties to accompany you. I couldn't let you go alone, not with so much pressure about to be put on your frail little shoulders."

I snorted and rolled my eyes, looking to the trail. "I'm not frail, Gabriel. I could handle it myself. I'm not a child anymore." I muttered.

When I was younger, I used to be small and weak. I was skinny, and even though I would play it wasn't enough to keep me at a healthy weight. We grew food, but I don't remember eating much as a child. Master Jacob described my house and my mother to me a few years ago and, from what it sounded like, we were poor. But as I got older, being fed regularly and as much as I wanted and playing with the children every day, I became lean. My legs were strong from running around, playing tag with the girls and the little ones. The boys would challenge me and we'd wrestle. I had my fair share of wins against some of them, older and younger.

There were some children I had spats with because they were mean, bullying me and the smaller children. But some of those times, I had lost control of my anger and my power and some of the children got hurt. The burns were never bad enough to where they scarred but, after that, I knew they were scared of me. I still had friends, those who liked me regardless of my lack of control but I was terrified. This is why I couldn't fathom being anything more than a lackey for the Council.

We rode on for hours. I groaned and took a drink out of my water pouch. "My ass hurts." I muttered.

"What was that, young lady?" Gabriel asked, looking at me from the corner of his eye.

"Um, we've been riding for a long time. Could we stop for the night, Master Gabriel?" I corrected, quickly. Though we are close, my Master does not like it when a young lady utters a curse. He would say it was unladylike and unprofessional for a Wizard.

"Only Dark Wizards use curses, Mattie." He said, as he always did. "But yes, we can stop here for the night. A Wizard needs their sleep."

Gabriel got off his horse and helped me off of my own before taking the reins, pulling the horses into the trees and shrubbery. We set up camp soon after he cleared a spot for us to set our tent, in a circle of trees. As we laid asleep that night, I missed the warmth of my bed, the creaking of the old manor, even the twins next door who hardly knew sleep at all.

Just like that, like it was eight years ago, I promised myself to one day go back. This time, I knew this promise was possible.