
- Blue Flame -

The main character of the story, Aky, tries to discover what is the meaning of his mysterious dream that keeps getting every night

TitanHimself8 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

- Chapter 6 - Two sides, Part 2

1 hour before the current events...

Yugi is having his morning coffee while watching the TV. Risa and Niza are in the background trying to feed Aky breakfast, Risa is trying to put a spoon of normal cereal in his mouth while Niza is trying to shove a whole piece of raw pork in his mouth.

"Niza! Raw meat is not a breakfast dish! I wanna eat something light!"

Aky said to Niza. Although she didn't stop, she was eager to give him the piece of raw meat.

"Come on! You need something to give you enough energy for at least 12 hours! Raw meat is delicious!"

Niza said to him. Aky pushed her face back as he takes a spoon of cereal and begins to eat from it.

"You might enjoy raw meat, but he just doesn't! He isn't as primal and wild as you are!"

Risa said to Niza as she stepped in between her and Aky. Niza then gets a bit frustrated as she tries to push Risa away.

"What?! What do you know, weakling?! The strongest must eat this! Not some pathetic stuff like that ce...um...cereal! Yeah! Cereal! It's for weaklings!"

Niza shouted at Risa as they both argued while Aky was eating the cereal.

"It seems like Niza has to beef with everyone in here. Except for Yugi and me..."

Aky thought to himself as he was finishing the cereal bowl.

Yugi was watching the TV as there was now a new show dedicated to the heroes of Japan.

"Hello and welcome to the first episode of Hero Diaries! A new series that is dedicated to the appearing heroes in Japan!"

The host said with an excited smile on her face. She then shows a picture of Okure in her battle uniform which was basically a casual outfit with a hoodie, she just had a white samurai mask on. Yugi then gets closer as he is interested on the things they are gonna say about Okure.

"We are going to dedicate this first episode to our great hero! The afternoon hero, Fire Saber! We will be looking at the crimes that they've stopped, the criminals they've caught, the experience of those criminals when they met them and more interesting facts about them!"

The host said while still holding a big smile on her face. Yugi just sipped his coffee while he watched the show carefully.

After the host explained all the crimes Okure has stopped, she began to show the criminals that she has captured.

"Now we will listen and read about the experiences that these criminals had in the encounter with Fire Saber!"

"First criminal, Zaraki Hitokishi, a member of a small yakuza group said this: 'Their movements were fast, so fast that they dodged all of the bullets I've shot from my automatic gun. I knew I stood no chance. Even though they had a katana, they didn't use it on me. They actually punched me right in the chin. The aim on that punch was so accurate that it broke two of my teeth including a bright copper one. Besides their name being Fire Saber, I've felt a big wave of cold run through my upper body as soon as their fist swinged up towards my chin.' What a unique experience! Fire Saber really is holding back against these criminals! So amazing!"

The host said. Yugi places his cup on a nearby table.

"You are still not using your real ability. Fow how much will you hold it back, Okure?"

Yugi said as he listened to other experiences from other criminals. They were basically the same as Okure tends to knock them out mostly in just one blow. And they all felt that wave of cold air in front of them.

Okure's real ability is still unknown to everyone, except for Yugi and Risa. Okure's one and only ability is her katana that has a flaming blade.

Back on the big table. Everything was settled down as Niza was now biting on her piece of pork while Risa was eating honeybutter with bread. Aky was looking at his hand as he was trying to summon a blue flame out of it, but soon enough he stopped trying it.

"No, not here. I didn't master it and it is too destructive. Maybe I should go to that mine?"

Aky said to himself as he looked at his hand. He then turns to Yugi.

"Hey...um...boss? Is it okay for me to go to that mine? I want to try something out."

Yugi looks at him. He stared at Aky for a few seconds before pressing a green button on his tablet's screen. And soon enough Gise came into the room, she was basically a bit over half of Aky's full height.

"Sure Aky, but Gise will have to go with you. You need to have someone to keep an eye out on you. Because you don't know, those blue flames can appear and cause danger to not only the mine, but to all of us!"

Yugi said. Gise's eyes widen as she is shocked.

"W-w-wait!! I have to go with him into the mine just because he wants to go there?!"

Gise hesitates for a bit before letting out a sigh.

"Okay fine. But I'll have to prepare myself for it! I don't want to turn into ash!"


Back in the tunnels under New York. Okure was standing behind Dag's severed body as it was slowly regenerating.

"Hmm? Still standing up after that?"

Okure turned back to Dag as she then pulled a pin from a grenade with her teeth as she threw it towards him. He immidiately got turned into bits as his head only remained. Okure's attention then turned towards Megan who was sweating while she was having a big smile on her face.

"What? You wanna fight me next Fire Saber? Then go on! I'll impale you!"

Megan shouted at Okure as she raises her hands on the air.

"Try this!"

As soon as Megan raised her hands in the air, a large amount of bloor travelled towards Okure like bullets from a mini-gun. The blood came from the walls of the tunnel and behind those walls were dead bodies of workers and innocent people who either died from building the tunnel or in some unfortunate situations.

Although, Okure was too fast for that. The blood puddles froze around her as she dashed towards Megan while avoiding it. Her fist then quickly striked Megan's stomach as she sent her back flying towards a nearby wall. It was also noticable that in the moment of the impact Okure's hair changed its color. It turned bright silver just like her eyes.

"That Korean dude hired people like you to work under him? Such a joke you are."

Okure said as she stared at Megan who was visibly in so much pain. That gut punch even made her puke a bit.

"What is that strength? Are they a human who gained an ability on the day they were born?!"

Megan thought to herself.

In December of the year 2023. scientists have discovered that almost 25% of humanity has a special ability. They had a special and safe way of awakening it. After a person awakens their ability they also gain superhuman strength and speed. But those people who haven't been born with an ability seek a way to obtain one in a special yet really dangerous and risky way. Dag is a perfect example when a human takes too many turns in gaining more power. He lost his humanity completely...


On the same day, at the same time...

New York...

Sixth floor of The Spiral's skyscraper...

"The city has really been peaceful lately hasn't it?"

A mysterious voice of a 40 year old man said as he held a glass of fine whiskey in his hand while looking at the city streets and parts of New York.

"Sir Jin, we have successfully finished the first phase of making your weapon."

A young guy behind him said. Jin turns around and smiles at him.

"Great job, mister Kyle. Why don't you join me for a drink since you are free now?"

The 40 year old man, Jin, said to Kyle. Kyle nodded and approached Jin. Jin handed him a glass and filled it up a bit with some whiskey.

"You look like you want to say something, Kyle. Come on, you may talk to me as much as you want to. I am not an evil boss. Ask or tell me anything you want."

Jin said to Kyle as he finished pouring him a glass of whiskey.

"Well...um...I was wondering if you are ever going to go back to South Korea."

Kyle said to Jin.

"I already said that I ain't coming back to that country. It's not like I don't like it, but I just don't see any way of improving The Spiral in there. Out here in America I can easily seek for many genius people with hidden talents, like you Kyle."

Jin said.

"The goal of The Spiral is to make humanity stand out again. I want no being to stand up and be stronger than us. With our creations we will make our species the strongest and the greatest in history. That's why we have to hunt down every single ancient demi-human that we find. And right now my target is that dragon. Not the one with pink flames, but the one with blue flames. He will bring us greatness and power."

Jin said to Kyle. Kyle just nodded as he seemed to not care about demi-humans as well.

"By the way, sin Jin. The shark demi-human is ready for extraction."

Kyle said to Jin. Jin smiled.

"Perfect, bring him in so I can see him."

Kyle nodded as he got out of the room.

A few minutes later he comes back with a rather tall young man with features of a shark. A fin on his back, both arms and legs, a shark tail, sharp teeth and gills. He was tied up in a construction made out of steel and metal which held him still. Jin approached him and got his face close to him.

"Tell me shark boy. What is your name?"

Jin said to him. The shark guy growled.

"Go to hell, dumb human."

The shark guy said. Jin rolls his eyes as he then brings a kitchen knife from a table nearby.

"Your name, shark boy. It is definitely not 'Go to hell'. I would like to remember your name after I give someone that demi-human drug. So i can tell them the name of a brave individual who sacrificed themselves for us, the humans, the greatest race in history!"

Jin said as he pointed the knife at the shark guy's neck.

"You monster. You ugly human being!"

The shark guy said to him, clearly unfazed by the sharp knife that is pointed at his neck.

"What a shame..."

Jin said as he then stabs the shark guy in the chest, missing his heart. The demi-human screamed in pain as his blood dripped quickly on the floor.

"Get the maids ready, this room will get very messy. And turn up the syringe system on the construction."

Jin said to Kyle and other workers around him. They push the four buttons on the construction as Kyle comes behind the shark guy and ties his mouth with tight robe so his screams can't be heard. The construction then stab the shark guy in the neck, arms, legs, and back. The large syringes sucked a lot of blood from the poor demi-human. Jin then pulls the knife out of his chest as a lot of blood pours down on the floor. He then grabs a test tube out of his pocket and grabs a small sample of the blood.

"For my collection."

Jin said as he closes the test cube and wipes his face with a tissue from his other pocket. He approaches a bookshelf and pulls a certain brown book. That big part of the shelf rotates as it shows a big collection of many test tubes with many types of blood in it. After he wrote something on it, he puts the test tube that was in his hands in a special spot that was dedicated to water types of demi-humans.

"That goes there. Now then, did he die? I can't hear him scream anymore."

Jin turned around at his workers as the shark guy was getting more pale.

"Sir Jin, his heartbeat is still going, but it is getting slower."

Kyle said. Jin approached the bloody body of the shark guy. He gives it a smell.

"Smells exactly like fish. Disgusting. At lest for me. Now get him out of here and gather his blood. And let the maids in."

Jin said to his workers and Kyle as they exit the room. Three young maids come in to clean the bloody mess up as Jin gets back on the balcony to enjoy the afternoon with a glass of whiskey.

"Hm? Kyle didn't finish his glass? Well, guess more goes for me!"

Jin said to himself. The maids in the room whispered to themselves while cleaning the room.

"He's such a fine man."

"I know, he's so elegant."

"But do you think these acts are kind of cruel?"

"I do, but he does that all to improve us, to make us stronger, that's why he is so perfect."

Jin sips out of his glass of whiskey as he looks at a nearby park and the people in it.

"Soon you will all be under my control after I get his blood. The blood of that dragon. When I do that humanity will be unstoppable. We will get on top of everything. I am coming for you, dragon guy."


Underground of New York...

3:32 P.M.

Okure stood in front of Dag as he held a badly wounded Megan in his big hand.

"You bastard! I'll rip you to pieces! This girl right here gave me a reason to move on with my life!"

Dag screamed with anger as he began to run towards Okure. But Okure just rolls her eyes and swirls her finger around.

"Blah blah! You are really one of those boring ass characters from a manga who just has the most pathetic reason to be angry! She just got stabbed a few times, it's not like she can't regenerate from it!"

Okure said as she jumps up in the air to avoid Dag's punch. She then launches herself from the celling of the tunnel. In the moment before the fall, she swings her sword and scrapes its blade against the wall of the tunnel, a few small sparks come out and a single spark lights up her blade. Dag activated his barrier in time as he blocked Okure's attack in time. He got pushed down as Okure was slowly overpowering him.

"What's wrong?! Can't keep up with my strength?! You drug addict!"

Okure said to him as a grin on her face grew. Dag then pushed her back, she lands back on the ground after doing a clean flip in the air.

"You stupid girl. You might be strong and talented, but let me tell you, the strength I have is far greater than yours! And I achieved it with hard work and dedication!"

Dag screamed. Okure rolls her eyes again as she lets out a groan.

"Come on man. Hard work and dedication? You think that buying drugs and using them is hard work? How stupid!"

Okure said as she seemed to be very bored. This got Dag really mad.

"I'll show you! Stupid girl!"

Dag said. He clenches his fists and screams out. His big and deformed body begins to change shape and get even bigger. His muscles bulged and his teeth also get sharp.

"What's this? A transformation? I see that you've watched a few anime of the older generation!"

Okure said as she seemed to be joking with Dag. Dag's body changes into a much bigger and much swole one. His skin tone changed into grey. He lets out a scream before he dashes forward. This made Okure block an attack from him as he was now much faster

"He really got stronger and faster! He is stronger than any enemy I've faced before! This is so interesting!"

Okure thinks to herself as she gets sent back but lands on her feet.

"Should I use it?"

She grabs on to her mask but soon enough she lets go of it.

"Nah, I'll hold back!"

She thinks to herself as she runs forward towards Dag. Now a few large whips of blood come travelling towards her from behind Dag. Okure pulls out her sword as she ignites it by scratching it against the concrete floor. She slides down quickly as she dodges and cuts the blood whips with her sword. She then launches herself from the floor towards a nearby wall and then towards Dag. She clashes against his fist as it is now hard as steel.

"Not using your barrier now huh?! You are so confident of yourself, dumbass!"

Okure said to Dag as she pushes herself from him and kicks the wall behind her. The kick made a hole the wall from its strength. Okure bounces off the floor and then the celling and the other wall. Her speed increased as she surrounded Dag with her afterimages.

"Showing off now huh?!"

Dag said as he got very irritated. He tried to punch one of the afterimages. He obviously missed and soon enough his feet and whole legs were sliced off by Okure as well as his head. But now he regenerated within a second as he now activated his barrier. He tried focus on the afterimages for a second, but he just can't do it, Okure is just too fast, faster than any bullet. Dag then relied on his luck...


And right after he said that, he swings his fist in a random spot so quickly that he got Okure...

...almost. She held on to his arm as she stapped her sword in it.

"Not bad! You are such a gambler!"

Okure said with excitement as she pulls out her sword and quickly moves to sit on Dag's shoulders.

"Now I am in control!"

Okure said as she stabbed Dag's head with two knives from her pockets. She stabbed him right in the brain as she began to control all his movements. Megan was finished healing herself up with her blood as she was then met with Dag who was being controlled by Okure like a toy.

"What the hell?!"

Megan shouted in shock as Okure controlled Dag to punch her. Megan fortunately and barely dodged it.

"Come on! Come on! This is getting fun!"

Okure shouted in joy as she was obviously trolling them both with her strength and skills.

"Get off him you crazy bitch!"

Megan screamed as she summons a blood sword from her hand and dashes towards Dag's feet.

"Not letting you close!"

Okure said as she controlled Dag to throw punch. But once again it missed as Megan successfully slashed Dag's feet and legs quickly. It crumbles his balance as Okure lets go of her knives.

"Woooah! God damn it! You are such a slowpoke, big dude!"

Okure said. Dag gets back to his senses as he quickly turns and punches Okure with all his strength. Okure barely blocked it as she is sent towards the celling of the tunnel. The rocks around Okure almost break her mask as she is now sent i the streets of New York and then on top of a tall building.

Dag and Megan come out of the ground as they are ready to fight in the open against Okure.

"Nice one Dag!"

Says Megan. The civilians around them scatter in fear as they know that this place is too dangerous now.

"You two..."

Says Okure as she gets out of the dust.

"It's time to get serious."

Okure says as she takes off her mask and shows off her sharp and shiny silver eyes.

"Finally! Come at us with all you've got!"

Dag screams out. Okure throws her mask down and turns the floor under her feet into ice. Okure's mask served a purpose to hide her eyes as her true ability ice manipulation. As soon as her eyes glow upon her enemies, her ability can get out of control once she activates it.

Okure then summons a whole slide under her feet as she slides down towards Megan and Dag with her sword ignited once again.

"I am not only hot, but I am cold too! Be proud of yourself, because I'll fight you with all my might now!"

- End of chapter -