
Blue eyes next door

Jake Rakesham and Elizabeth Clinton were best friends who did everything together until Jake left without even saying goodbye ..... This was hard for Elizabeth but as they say life goes on . Years after when things are finally going well for Elizabeth. Jake and his family move next door to her family . Will this make them friends again or something more or will there be someone else to take the heart of Elizabeth before Jake can. In a world of ex best friends, former crushes , new crushes , heartbreak and betrayal what could be in store for Elizabeth with this boy with blue eyes next door.

DurojaiyeAdedayo · Teen
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81 Chs

The ball is in your court

Betty's p.o.v

I stretch my hands as I get out of the bed. That was the best sleep I've had all week.

Why does it feel like I have something important scheduled for today? 

Oh, now I remember. The match against briarwood is today. I glance over at the clock on the table beside my bed. They must have started by now. 

"Mum, Dad", I scream as I walk out of my room in my nightwear. I walk down the stairs and see my mum, dad, and brother eating breakfast and they didn't wake me up. Traitors.

"Mum, dad please can one of you give me a ride to school"

They all turn to look at me.

"What's happening in school?" My mum asks

"The swim team is having a match against a neighboring school," I explain.

"I would have loved to take you but your dad's car is faulty and we are using mine to go somewhere," My mum says.

"Can't you just walk, your school isn't that far" Josh adds.