
Blue eyes next door

Jake Rakesham and Elizabeth Clinton were best friends who did everything together until Jake left without even saying goodbye ..... This was hard for Elizabeth but as they say life goes on . Years after when things are finally going well for Elizabeth. Jake and his family move next door to her family . Will this make them friends again or something more or will there be someone else to take the heart of Elizabeth before Jake can. In a world of ex best friends, former crushes , new crushes , heartbreak and betrayal what could be in store for Elizabeth with this boy with blue eyes next door.

DurojaiyeAdedayo · Teen
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81 Chs

Chapter 11

It's already 8:00pm . It seems time goes by quickly when you're angry .

I put on the clothes I selected and add a few touches of makeup to face .

I pack my hair up in a pony tail and look at my image in the mirror. my brown hair really looks nice .

After I'm done admiring myself , I pick up my makeshift rope and throw it out my window it goes down , doesn't reach the floor but it's low enough.

"this shouldn't be too hard, it looks so easy on television, I just hope I don't get caught , but I still can't believe that my mum didn't even come to apologize and I'm starving , I hope there's food at the party" I say to myself while looking out the window.

I take a breath and start climbing out the window , it's not so hard , it's actually really easy .

I'm seriously doing this Izzy would be do shocked when I tell her , she won't believe me, there's only one way to make her believe .

I reach for my phone in my bag but by doing so I quickly loose my grip on the sheets .

"ouch" I say and rub my behind.

Note to future self : never try to take a selfie while climbing out a window.

someone bursts out laughing from behind me and I immediately know who it is.

"that was hilarious , why the heck did you bring out your phone" Jake says trying to control his laugh .

" please stop laughing and help me up" I stretch my hand for him to help me ,he looks at it for a second then takes in and helps me up, but just before I'm fully up , he lets go and I fall again.

"psyche" Jake starts laughing again like a little kid.

"dude! seriously? grow up" I rub my behind again.

He stretches his hand to me but I ignore it and stand up on my own .

"let's go my car is over there " Jake gestures towards the front of his house.

surprise is written all over my face

"you have a car ?"

"of course I do"

"then why have you been taking the bus to school " I ask

" my mum's car was faulty so she was using mine" he explains

"okay lead the way"


we finally arrived at the party after picking Izzy up .

we walked into the house and there was loud music and people drinking and eating around the house ,I didn't even know half of the people I was seeing .

"Izzy I'm really hungry , let's grab something to eat" I dragged Izzy to the kitchen , there was a snack tray there so I just grabbed a snack and started eating it,

"you seem to be very hungry " Izzy noted

"yeah I am , something happened at home" then I went on to narrate everything from when I got home to when I snuck out .

Izzy was so shocked .

"how are you going to get back without getting caught" she asked , I hadn't thought about that ,

"I don't know, I'll think of something ,but let's not worry about that now, it's a school night and we are at a party let's have fun" I giggled.