
II. Plans and Schemes

Ivory felt light hit her face, and when she opened her eyes, she recognized Blue's large chamber. Ivory ignored the grogginess she felt and forced herself to awaken. Ivory turned to see that Blue was still asleep next to her. She tip-toed out of his Queen-sized bed and quietly left his room.

As Ivory walked down the staircase to the elevator, she smiled at her new pink and brown bear-designed pajamas. Hawks and Lily forced her to buy them, so she did. Ivory was happy that Hawks and Lily were her friends and could count on them, even if it meant she lost Viper. Sometimes, people leave so that better friends can enter.

Ivory made her way to her chamber and checked her phone. It was 8 a.m.

The youthful gang member started her daily routine, and when she finished, she decided to get some breakfast. Ivory made her way to the kitchen, where she bumped into Harley.

"Ivory, I've been meaning to speak to you," Harley said.

"Oh, do you need me to do something for you?"