
II. Mi Amour

Ivory sobbed as she told Rover everything that had happened. Rover embraced her as she sobbed. Ivory felt worse telling Rover rather than better. Ivory didn't want to return to the club, and she certainly didn't wish for the men to think that they could do whatever they wanted. The young woman felt so sacred for Swindle H and couldn't unsee nor forget her condition when she entered the room. Blue and Harley showed no mercy when beating Swindle H.

"Ivory, you didn't know any better. It's wrong for Blue to punish you," Rover angrily said.

"I told you, Blue hates me."

"No, he wants something from you," Rover said. "I'm second-guessing why he attacked you."

Ivory then remembered what Lucky told her, and Rover agreed.

"I think that's why Ivory. I told you, do what Blue wants."

"Blue can't like me. Blue told me if I disobeyed that my punishment would be worse than Swindle H's punishment."

"You don't know what Blue and Red are doing to her, Ivory. You shouldn't think the worst. Look, go and do what Blue says and never do something like that again. If Lucky is wrong, then you most likely hold a high chance of dying."

"Lucky must be right — I'm a maid, Rover. I don't believe that Blue demoted me because of Viper. She isn't important to him."

"I know. Blue is probably doing it because — I don't know, Lucky knows something. If that's true, no one will care, honey. We're gang members; even if someone wanted to protect you, no one will."

"Rover, do the other members dislike me?"

"I'm not too sure. The others do act strange around you, I will say that. Spike mentioned that once. If Blue wants to be in a relationship with you, then there should be no reason why he wouldn't tell me unless he feels that he can't trust me enough."

Rover's phone vibrated, and he held his phone, reading something.

Ivory felt like someone was watching her. Suddenly, she turned, and her eyes widened. She saw a transparent person staring, all burnt and bloody. She saw that it was Roxie. Ivory noted that she burnt Roxie's dead body, so Roxie couldn't be here unless her spirit was visiting.

Ivory felt like crying, but she was stunned. It was as if Roxie never died.

"Ivory, get out when you can! Blue isn't who you think he is. If you leave, don't return to the orphanage. Please, Viper will be next; I don't want you to die," Roxie warned, and she stepped closer, her wounds and the blood disappeared.

Now, Roxie stood woundless and how she always looked before she was murdered.

"No one blames you. Blue made you cremate me because if he didn't, he would have hurt you. Forget Viper; she told me many things."

"She told you what?" Ivory asked.

Rover stopped and looked; his eyes widened.

"Ivory, are you okay?"

"Those things don't matter, Ivory. Viper isn't your friend. Please, find a way out. When the police come, escape, and leave New York City. Leave and never come back."

Roxie was gone. Ivory didn't feel anyone watching her anymore. Ivory then realized that she could see, feel, and speak to the dead. That was the strange feeling she had always felt.

"Ivory, what's the matter?"

Ivory was confused. "Nothing."

"You were talking to nothing, honey. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry, I got lost in my thoughts."

She went to leave, but Rover stopped her. "Are you sure you're, okay?"

"Yes, I do that when thinking about things. Don't worry, Rover, I'm okay."

Then, she ran to her room and closed the door. Ivory couldn't believe what had just happened. Her whole life, Ivory always felt entities watching her. Now, she knows Blue doesn't spy on her, spirits are around, and she can just sense them. Ivory glanced at her vent, wondering how the ghosts and vents were or could be connected.

Ivory then noticed some outfit on her bed and wondered why it was there.

There was a knock at her door, and Ivory said, "Come in."

She figured it was Rover but felt nervous when Harley stepped inside. "Blue wanted me to tell you that he's driving you to the club, so get ready."

"Right now?"

"Yes, I put everything on your bed — and wipe yourself down before you go. You're leaving on short notice."

"Oh, so that's what the outfit is. Thanks, Harley," Ivory said. "Also, will I ever see Swindle H again?"

"No, but that's what happens."

"What goes on down there?"

Harley raised a brow, "I don't think you're not ready for that talk, darling. You have ten minutes, so hurry. Meet Blue in the garage," then she left Ivory's bedroom.

Ivory grabbed the clothes and threw them on. She stared in the mirror, seeing tight leggings and a mesh top. She groaned, seeing that her bra was easily seen, but knew that's what it meant being a stripper. She fixed her makeup, threw on some eyeshadow, and carried her heels to the garage. She held her bookbag in her hands, waiting nervously for the gang leader. She observed the outfit: black leggings and a see through top. Her outfit wasn't over the top like it was when Roxie, Birdie, and Swindle H had taken her. Then again, Blue isn't them, and the women weren't Blue.

Blue entered the garage, and the two made their way to the strip club.

"Do you remember the rules?" Blue asked Ivory.

"Yes, boss, I won't let you down."

"You better not."

Then it was silent. Ivory's eyes darted all over the car, and she'd catch Blue glancing every now and then. Before her very eyes, Ivory found herself outside the strip club. She exited the BMW and saw Birdie and Fox entering the building. Ivory felt a stabbing sensation in her abdomen; her period had just ended, so she knew that she wasn't menstruating. Ivory felt that something would take place at the base tonight or tomorrow.

"Fox and Birdie know why you're here. They're keeping an eye on you," Blue stared at Ivory, who had forgotten about the stabbing sensation. He nodded over to the door, "Go inside. Have some fun; you're a prude."

"What? I'm not a prude!" Ivory said, feeling insulted.

"You are a bit. I guess that's what happens when you're an orphan your whole life. What the men want isn't personal. You shouldn't walk out thinking that they want you or that you'll see them again. Go, the longer you take, the longer you'll stay," Blue said.

Ivory ran inside the club, said hello to Birdie and Fox (who said hello back) and removed her flats. She stuffed them in her bookbag and put on the gold heels. Ivory stood and groaned; she didn't like how the shoes felt but ignored the feeling.

A woman made her way over. "You're Ivory, correct? Fox told me you're here for four hours."

"Yes, I'm Ivory; who are you?"

"Rebecca, stay with me!" Rebecca said, and the two made their way over to a table with four young men.

Ivory felt nervous because she didn't want to see Chris again but was ecstatic when he wasn't sitting at the table. Ivory felt more confident being with another stripper. At least the two could be uncomfortable and suffer together. She looked around not seeing Chris anywhere. She frowned, realizing that Chris did trick her. It didn't make sense to Ivory, but she knew that Blue would find out why Chris manipulated her. Ivory also knew that Blue would have him murdered.

"Hello boys, this is Ivory. Sorry, she just started her shift," Rebecca said, and the men smiled.

Ivory smiled back but wanted to jump off a bridge. Ivory knew she had to do this. She turned to see Birdie watching, and the woman nodded. Ivory gave a tiny nod and paid attention to Rebecca and the men.

Ivory sighed, feeling anxiety stiffen her chest.