
II. Ivory and Her Endorsement

Ivory stood for a few minutes in the garage all alone. Then, Blue had just entered the garage, and Ivory saw that he was wearing a black and white tuxedo. His hair was in its usual pompadour style. He stopped and stared at Ivory, who made her way over to him and the black limo.

"You look nice," he said calmly.

"Thanks, so do you," Ivory gave a small smile.

"Right," Blue said, opening the limo door, "Ladies first."

"Thank you," Ivory said as she sat down. She grinned; she loved the limo.

The ride to the restaurant was silent; Ivory was reading about orbs while Blue was texting someone. Suddenly, Blue grabbed Ivory's phone and placed it in his pocket. She looked confused, wondering why he did that, but he pulled her over to him.

"Do you know what happened to Swindle H?" Blue asked, leering.

"Yes, Red took her to the basement," Ivory said, not wanting to get Rover into trouble.

Ivory didn't want to mention what Rover had told her because she felt that Rover would die next. Ivory decided that playing dumb was the best option.

"Why don't I update you?" Blue asked as his arm wrapped around her petite waist.

Ivory felt uncomfortable but didn't say anything. She told herself it wasn't personal, like what Blue had told her about the men at the strip club. Blue told Ivory everything that Rover had mentioned to her, and Ivory shook her head.

"Blue, why did Red amputate her?" Ivory asked as the limo sped down the highway. "I understand the concept of the red room, but why did you feel it was necessary?"

Ivory felt that understanding Blue was significant; she needed to know why he was so hostile and sociopathic. If she understood, then her new life would make more sense. Blue wasn't like anyone she had even known before. Blue was different and ungodly, but he probably had a reason.

"She deserved it. She tried getting Linda into trouble and you and Harley went through all of that trouble finding Harley that useless lady for a maid; she and Charm manipulated you, and you were shot," Blue shrugged. "How's your abdomen?" He gently placed his hand onto her abdomen, and Ivory gently jumped. She had no more pain, but it felt strange having her demented boss touch her.

"Oh, I'm fine," Ivory said. She wondered if they'd be at the restaurant soon. "Do you feel, how do I ask this without you strangling me?" Ivory said quietly to herself.

"Strangle you? I'd never do that, Ivory," Blue crossed his arms. "If you have a question you can ask. You're the only member that's uncomfortable with me. Why is that Ivory? Why I do I scare you?"

"Because you kill people," Ivory said. "I fear you killing me the way you killed the others. Plus, you smacked my head onto that table once."

"Sorry, sometimes when I'm heated, I can be violent," Blue pinched her nose. "I shouldn't have done that. I was assessing your homage and wasn't sure where you stood."

"Okay, I forgive you," Ivory was careful with her words, wondering why he pinched her nose. "Why do you torture people the way you do? Members have said you don't need a reason to hurt someone."

"I injured you, once, and I didn't have a motive. I need a reason to torture someone," Blue explained. Ivory nodded. "Those people were putting my gang at risk, and those people knew the rules. Those people scream, beg, and cry when they face punishment, but they wouldn't care if my gang were brought down by the police at their bidding. That's why I love torturing people the way I do; People are weak."

Ivory understood. She thought that Blue's explanation was brilliant. She didn't think that torturing people was right, but she stayed quiet. Ivory could tell by the passion in Blue's eyes when he explained himself that he took great pleasure in persecuting and inflicting pain onto people.

The limo stopped driving and Ivory looked out the window, seeing that they were outside a restaurant. Blue and Ivory entered the restaurant; Ivory was amazed; the place had a beautiful staircase that lead to the second floor, a fountain, a harpist, and beautiful architecture. The wealthiest people that Ivory had seen in her entire life flooded the tables, chatting silently. Soft and poetic music filled the room. The hostess sat them down with a dark-haired and hazel eyed man. The man was wearing a tuxedo like Blue.

"Hello, I'm Damien," the handsome man took Ivory's hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you," Ivory smiled.

Now that Ivory saw Damien and Blue standing together, she thought Blue was handsome, too. She always thought that he was attractive, but she considered him a terrible person and felt that was a good reason to not note his appearance.

Ivory and Blue sat; the three ordered their beverages and meals and got down to business. While eating, Ivory told Damien everything that she had told Blue regarding the prepaid phone and Charm. Damien said that he did some digging, and that Charm was a Red Wolves member, and most likely used Ivory because she was a new member and didn't know better. Then, Damien showed Blue a photo from a security camera, showing Swindle H and Charm hanging out outside the club.

After dinner, Ivory peered out the windows, seeing parked cars with men inside, knowing that they were making sure the three were safe. Ivory felt strange; the whole week was casual and normal. She guessed the mafia life wasn't always dangerous and bloody.

"Goodbye, Ivory, let me know if Blue gives you a hard time," Damien winked, and Ivory laughed.

The three parted, Blue, and Ivory entered the limo and Blue asked Ivory how she felt going to dinner.

"Honestly, it was relaxing," Ivory said as the limo sped down the road, "It's nice not having people betray the gang, being shot, and having uncanny oddities happen for a week."

"The mafia lifestyle is like that; only the strongest can handle it," Blue leaned closer. "How would you like to accompany me more? You're a great business partner; I don't mind you accompanying me for business dinners when needed."

"Sure, I don't mind," Ivory replied, believing that the mafia lifestyle was how she'd live.

Ivory didn't think she'd ever get out, and Blue certainly made that clear.

"What if we change your position?" Blue began and Ivory's heart jumped, "I notice that people trust you too much."

"Honestly, I thought it was all in my head," Ivory said, processing what Blue had told her.

She was happy someone else noticed it, too.

Blue shook his head. "No, don't you see; people trust you too much. Therefore, Swindle H and Charm thought that they could somehow manipulate you because they thought you could help them. Remember, people like Charm and Swindle H are conniving. People trust you; they believe that they can get information out of you and that you won't notice a thing. You're a pretty good master manipulator, Ivory."

"What do you mean?"

"You manipulated Swindle H into taking you back to Charm because something about him rubbed you a certain way. It led him straight to me," Blue said, "Do you know what you are?" Ivory shook her head. "I think you're an empath," Blue began, "Empath's can be dangerous because they mimic people, and those people see their flaws when they're projected back. People feel like you can help them, but you can use that to your advantage."

"How?" Ivory asked.

"There's this glow about you; people like you, they're drawn to you. If you don't listen to your intuition more, people will drag you into their mess. Notice the signs and play along. That will make sure you stay safe. Humans like you are rare; people love rare and will abuse it as much as they can. Those men tried to abduct you for their benefit," Blue shrugged, "but you can benefit me if you let me promote you."

Ivory felt strange but excited. She had no idea what Blue had in mind, but it felt right. Her new position felt like it was more her than the hacking. She wondered if she would be a spy like Harley.

"Yes," Ivory said, "what do I do?"

"Become my assistant," Blue said. "Red is second in command, he helps me; you assist me and make sure people aren't being deceptive. It's a lot of work, but you can handle it."

"Okay, I like that," Ivory smiled. "I also don't mind hacking either."

"You're either a hacker or an assistant," Blue said and crossed his arms. "You're always snooping around because you can sense when something is wrong. It drives you crazy. So, I want you to be an assistant."

"I'll do it."

Blue nodded and turned away.

Ivory looked out the window and smiled, she would be an assistant because then she could figure out what happens behind closed doors, and what happened to Viper. She needed to know; Viper's whole disappearance drove her crazy. Sometimes, Ivory felt like things were her fault, even if they weren't. The young woman didn't notice Blue looking her up and down; he turned away. Blue quietly smirked, knowing that Ivory didn't understand his intentions. The two gang members were quiet as the limo had driven them back to the base.