
II. Cauterize the Living Doll

The Blue Dragons' members entered a room and crowded the area. Ivory saw Red holding onto Viper, who struggled against him as Spike searched for something. Ivory felt scared being inside the room where she cremated Roxie. Ivory knew Blue brought everyone to his crematorium because Viper would die here.

Ivory watched Spike and Red open the two small doors embedded into the brick wall. Ivory saw a narrow opening inside and figured Blue would place bodies inside.

Blue's hands touched Ivory's shoulders as she scanned the room. The other members were talking or on their phones. Lily was showing Lucky something, and they laughed.

Ivory thought the scene in front of her was so odd. She had never seen the members act strangely. Ivory wondered what would happen and why the gang members pretended that Viper's mutilated and wounded body wasn't in sight.