
Blue blood noble

Charles accidentally crossed into the extraordinary mysterious world and became the youngest son of the West family, one of the six blue blood aristocrats. Under the unfavorable start that everyone wanted him to die, Charles had to raise the flag of resistance, and began to trade with the ancient god, step by step to the peak of the world. "When blue blood shines on the battlefield, you are the real aristocrats!" "Those aristocratic darkness covered up by dirty means will be uncovered by the aristocrats themselves!" "Only with truth and practice can we prove that red blood is as noble as blue blood!" "Lord Charles, is it not enough to put such a few words in your biography?" After thinking for a moment, Charles silently added a sentence at the end. "For the glory of blue blood aristocracy!"

liang_zhang · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Grant Hill

At the junction of the north and the Kingdom, there are three cities, which are stationed by the armed knights that belong to the royal family all the year round.

Armed Knight is one of the three sequences belonging to the royal family. This extraordinary sequence does not need the support of blood. However, all soldiers who are granted the armed Knight sequence by the royal family must sign the demon contract and swear allegiance.

Grant Hill has been stationed here for 20 years.

In the past 20 years, the young boy who could not hold the knife had undergone earth shaking transformation.

The scar on his face is his medal, the blood of the enemy is his trophy, and the spine of the loser is his ladder. Now he has become the deputy commander of the armed Knight Order commanding the army.

But he had no chance to go any further. Soon he would leave the land where he had been stationed for 20 years, because 20 years were the period of the armed knights. After tomorrow, he would retire with honor.

Where to go after retirement? Grant's weather beaten face was confused.

To tell the truth, unlike the small soldiers who have just arrived in the north and complained constantly, he has always enjoyed the life here, free and unrestrained, with food and drink. There is nothing bad except the poor environment.

"Deputy commander grant!"

The members of the armed knights on the road saluted one after another after seeing grant, but grant looked at him like nothing. He knew that under the voice, there were people with different minds.

When he leaves, the next deputy commander will be selected from them. You should know that the deputy commander of the armed order is a true Viscount of honor.

He walked tirelessly in the snow without stopping.

He passed the wall where he fought for the first time. That time, when the northern Warcraft invaded, the whole team only he survived,

He went to the honor square where he was awarded the medal, where he stood in the center of the crowd with the head of the fifth sequence Bear King in his hand.

Everything can't go back...


It was not until he felt the pain from his skull that Grant Hill, who was remembering, realized that he had bumped into someone.

"Sorry, i... it's you?"

Just about to apologize, Grant Hill quickly stepped back to distance himself from the man in front of him.

In the north, no one doesn't know the name of this man. He is the current owner of the Gylensell family and the king of the North - Salaman Gylensell.

Shalaman's burly figure was wrapped in a black robe. Even if he wore a hood, he was a whole head higher than Hill. When they looked at each other, they just formed a dislocation. Shalaman was like a king overlooking his people.

"Long time no see, Hill!"

Salaman Gylensell held out his right hand.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Lord Salaman Gylensell!"

Grant Hill held Salaman's hand. In fact, the relationship between the armed knights and the Girensel family was not very friendly. After all, the entire northern border belonged to the two largest, and it was natural that one mountain could not accommodate two tigers.

"I heard you are going to retire. Are you going to return to the imperial capital?"

Salomon held Grant's hand tightly and did not give him a chance to break away.

"Yes, but I haven't decided whether to return to the emperor."

Hill tried to pull his hand out, but he soon stopped struggling. Salaman is a supernatural person in the ninth sequence, and he can't compete with him.

"If you don't want it, go back and do me a favor."

The big copper bell of eyes looked at Grant's scarred face and said.

"What do you want me to do?"

Sharamen took the initiative to release his hand. Grant pulled his hand back and asked suspiciously.

What can he do, Salamon? What can't a King in the North with all his power and position do?

The Salamon shook its head and replied:

"Hill, I want you to teach a child."

Grant hesitated:

"Little princess Angelina?"

Salaman shook his head again:

"Angelina's fiance, a kid named Charles West."

"Charles West..."

Grant whispered and asked again:

"What can I get?"

Salaman glanced at him and replied:

"Teach him well. You are still the deputy commander of the armed order."

Grant's eyes narrowed. Didn't the armed Knights have been fighting against the Gylensell family? What did he mean?

"You don't believe me?"

Salaman looked at grant with a blank face, and the terror burst out from him, forcing grant to retreat several meters.

When grant stabilized himself, he quickly opened his mouth and asked:

"I believe... But why should I teach him?"

"Armed Knight is one of the best fighting side extraordinary sequences, and you are the best armed Knight I have ever seen."

"The seventh order of armed knights is temple guard. You are the only one in the north."

Grant Hill was not dazzled by the praise of the other side. The cold wind in the North made him sober now:

"What else?"

Salaman was silent for a moment and replied:

"I don't understand what you mean."

Grant sneered and continued:

"Why is it him?"

"Grant! There are things you are not qualified to know!"

Sarah's voice gradually became cold. Grant asked too much.

There was a tinge of anger in Grant's voice:

"King of the north, I don't care what your prophets predicted, but I tell you, it will not be the decadent nobles in the imperial capital who can save your north."

Salaman's voice became more impatient:

"Are you going or not?"

"OK, I'll go."

"I will personally prove that you are wrong."

Grant Hill then turned away. He is completely awake now. Tomorrow he will go back to the imperial capital to find the school of Charles!

"If he can't stay in the capital any longer, bring him to the north."

The sudden wind and snow gradually submerged the huge shape of Salaman , and only a faint sound came.

Grant Hill spat, bowed his head and took out a broken parchment from his thick armor.

"You Gylensell family are all stupid lions."

The parchment is worn out and the font on it is blurred

It's not clear, but it can be vaguely recognized as an ancient divine language.

"The son of the old God abandoned by the new God will bring new life to the land of disaster!"

There is a human figure drawn below. The whole human form is abstract. The eyes are like a demon with open teeth and claws. The heart is a sleeping dragon head. The endless wind surrounds him. Behind him is the phantom of a God.

"Can there really be such a person?"

In West castle, Charles, who was lying in bed, suddenly sneezed.

"It's strange. Did liville talk about me?"