
Chapter 15

Amaya POV.

It’s finally Friday and today was the day everyone got to meet Collin officially. No lie, I am kinda nervous as to how these guys are going to react, especially since they all didn’t like Collin for some reason despite not meeting him yet. Pulling out my phone, I quickly texted everyone good morning and reminded them once again about our 8 pm reservation and to not be late.

Getting out of bed, I walked to the shower and took care of my hygiene before pulling out my outfit for the day as well as planning out my outfit for the night so I wouldn’t spend too much time when I got back.

I had no classes for the day, seeing how the lecturer postponed their class due to some workshop. I decided I would go into the bakery in the morning and then head over to the community center in the afternoon to take over my class with my children who I missed very much.

Lotioning up after finishing everything in the shower, I pulled on a long-sleeve black turtle shirt and paired it with a pair of black high waist jeans and a pair of boots. I proceeded to pull on a jumper and a beanie due to the cold weather that was coming in.

Grabbing my bag, I walked switched off all the appliances in the house before walking down the 4 flights of stairs to get to the bottom.

“Ayee ma, you looking real good.” I heard one of the dope boys call out to me as I walked in between about 5 guys, sitting on the last flight of stairs before I made it down. Ignoring them, I continued to look ahead and focus on walking a little bit faster.

When it came to these guys, ignoring them was the best thing you could do. Yeah, they would swear at you and all that, having to nurse a bruised ego but they would ultimately ignore you.

“Lil mama likes acting like she hella boujie, not opening her mouth.” One of the guys said as I finally walked further away from them, taking a left and beginning to head towards the bus station.

Pulling out my phone, I decided to text Collin who I hadn’t heard from in two days.

Me: Hey babe

Collin: Hey my girl, how you doing

Me: I’m good. I just haven’t heard from you in two days so I wanted to check on you.

Collin: I’m sorry about that mamas. I’ve just been extra swarmed at work with all the new responsibilities.

Me: I understand love. Just let me know you are doing okay whenever you can.

Collin: I will babe. I’m ready to meet everyone though. Can’t wait for tonight

Me: Me too baby! I hope everyone loves you when they get to know you more. Anyways, my bus just pulled up. I’ll text you later on in the day. Be safe and don’t forget to eat lunch.

Collin: Okay love. Text me in case you need me. Haha, I will.

Exiting the thread, I switched my phone off and held it in my hoodie as I watched the bus pull up.

*15 minutes later*

Making it to the mall, I hopped off the bus and walked inside, stopping by Burger King in the food court and ordering a small meal for breakfast. After getting my order, I walked over to the bakery and opened it up, since I got here 20 minutes before employees were expected to report.

Finishing my breakfast as everyone else walked in, I got ready to go over what major orders we had today and to who. Seeing a couple of restaurants and a catering job for a birthday party, I walked over to the kitchen, getting ready to stock the displays.

“Hey gentlemen,” I greeted as I walked into the kitchen, getting ready to load the display trays and get them out.

“Hey A, how you doing?” Mr. Cass asked me while decorating a cake which I assumed to be for the birthday we were catering to.

“Hi A,” Carlos his son greeted as well.

They had both been with the bakery from the very beginning and loved what they did. Mr. Jay treated them like family. They were always at the gathers we had and treated me like family as well.

“I’m okay, just excited for the weekend lol,” I said as I picked up a batch of banana nut muffins and took them to the front.

When I was done with the whole process, we officially opened up, waiting for the morning rush that usually happened. Since everyone came in today, I was able to be in the back more. I also went on the delivery runs with Carlos, being greeted by the cutest and most excited 5-year old boy who got to stay home and spend the day with his parents for his birthday.

Made me want a child so bad but the way my bank account set up lol, won’t be happening any time soon.

*1 pm*

I had finally come to the end of my shift and I was now getting ready to head to the community center. I wasn’t really stressing about leaving out since Collin booked me an Uber, not wanting me to stress with the bus and how the temperature had dropped even more since morning.

Packing a box of muffins for Miss Kay, I headed outside after getting a call from my uber driver. Hopping in, I sat back and relaxed, enjoying the 30-minute drive to the community center.

“Hey, hey hey.” I greeted Miss Kay as I walked into the office with a smile on my face.

“Hey gi- ohh you brought me my muffins.” She squealed with excitement, totally disregarding me and stretching her hands out, waiting for me to place the box in her hands.

“Ugh, I’m great how are you?” I commented as I pulled the box back, seconds before she grabbed it.

“Girl if you don’t stop playing games. I’m good how are you? Now hand the box over,” She said, standing up and reaching over the desk before snatching the box out of my hands.

“How do you feel about tonight?” She asked with her mouth stuffed.

“Umm kinda nervous. I just hope everyone likes him.” I said, clearing the desk that I sat on a little bit.

“Chile, I need to see that boy. Feel his energy a little bit. If I don’t like it though that might be the end of you two.” She commented as she burst out laughing.

“Byeeee,” I said out with a low scream and a laugh, walking out of the room and down the hall into the classroom.

Deciding to set up, I pulled out the books that we would be reading today, alongside the math worksheets that they would work on for a little while before eating and going out to play.

“Hiii Miss A,” I heard a chorus of screams. Turning around, I opened up my arms, greeting each child with a hug and listening to the plethora of stories that I was being told. After getting them to settle down, I place cups filled with pencils on each table before handing over the worksheets and watching them all eagerly get to it.

30 minutes later, everyone was done and we proceeded to go into the reading part of the day, giving everyone a chance to read a paragraph out loud and awarding them with some candy for them to take home.

“Okay my babies, let’s line up and get ready to go outside,” I said, trying to tidy the room up a little bit before they organized themselves in a straight line, something that usually took them a couple of minutes to figure out.

*1 and a half hours later*

Walking into my apartment at about 6:30, I put my bags away and added a little bit more to the outfit in terms of accessories before going into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, I stepped in and allowed the hot water to run down my body, thinking about how tonight was going to go.

I just hopped that Collin would be softer with the way he carries himself around my family and friends most especially.

Stepping out of the shower 30 minutes later, I took about 30 minutes doing my make up and putting soft curls into my 10-inch bob wig. When that was done, I slipped into my beige midi bodycon dress with a slit on the right thigh which went up a decent height.

Noticing it was 7:15, I pulled up my uber app and booked a car knowing it would take me about 35 minutes to get there, cutting it close to 8pm. A couple of minutes later, my driver let me know he was downstairs and I grabbed my clutch, double-checking it to make sure I had everything.

Getting into the car, I texted Collin to let him know that I was on my way to the restaurant before popping my headphones in and listening to Nicki, hyping myself up just a lil bit so I wouldn’t think about the negatives that could happen.