

When the picture was released Kara was sitting on her couch, munching on some Chinese takeaway, enjoying the company of her sister.

Ever since Kara had gotten into reporting, she had been following a lot of online blogs. She just so happened to be following the reporter/photographer who had been at the restaurant that evening.

When Kara's phone buzzed, she checked her lock screen. The title said. Kara smiled when she thought that Lena was finally getting some more positive media coverage. Her smile quickly faded when she saw the picture above the article. Lena and Allison were sitting at what looked to be a very fancy restaurant, somewhere Kara could never afford to take Lena. They're lips were pressed together and Allison's hand was on Lena's neck.

Kara's breath hitched in the her throat as she scrolled past the image, searching for some sort of explanation.

Kara put away her phone before reading any further. She shut her eyes and leaned forward, clenching her fists. She could almost feel her heart breaking. It was a sharp and intense pain that started in her chest and lowered into her stomach. She felt like she was gonna throw up. All sorts of thoughts had made their way to her brain. It all seemed so surreal. She felt as if she couldn't breathe. Kara's feelings for Lena were so real, and it hurt her gravely to think that Lena didn't feel the same.

"Kara, what's wrong?" Alex asked as a distressed look spread across her face. Kara didn't say a word. She simply unlocked her phone and handed it to her sister. When Alex realized what she was looking at she became infuriated. She grabbed her jacket and walked towards the door. "I'm gonna find her, and I'll let her know not to mess with my family again," She said in a stern voice as she pulled on the door handle.

"Please don't go," Kara's voice was quiet and it sounded hopeless, "I just need you to stay with me, Alex."Even though Alex had been very determined to teach Lena a lesson, she couldn't leave her sister. She made her way back to the couch and she embraced the absolutely broken kryptonian, surrounding her with warmth and love."Kara. Call her. You can't let her step all over you like this! You're strong and independent. Let her know that you don't need her, especially when she treats you like this." Alex's voice had softened.

Kara took a deep breath and sat up straight. "Y-you're right. I'm gonna call her," she said before standing up, grabbing her phone, and heading to the bedroom region of the apartment. She sent Alex a thankful smile before turning her back and dialing Lena's number, her hands trembling.

Lena picked up almost immediately. She tried to speak but Kara interrupted her."Really, Lena? You met her today for Rao's sake," She said, shutting her eyes again and pinching her earlobe."No, Kara. Let me come over. Let me explain." Lena's voice sounded almost begging, and like it was gonna break at any given moment. It made Kara's whole body shiver, and she realized that she couldn't do this. Not right now."I-I'm sorry for calling, Lena. I can't do this right now," Kara's voice broke, and she hung up.

The kryptonian rushed to her sisters arms, tears streaming down her face. "I couldn't do it," she cried into her sisters shoulder, "I just- I don't get why I'm not good enough for her," Kara confessed.She had tried her best to be supportive and loving towards Lena, because she truly meant that she deserved it.

Apparently it wasn't enough. Apparently Kara wasn't enough.