

''wow feels nice whoa my neighbourhood is so green la la lalala lala''.sia

Sia feels that something walked behind her. She stopped and looked but there was nothing she started walking again. Then she hear some sound and stopped.

''i think there is someone what should I do should i go and check there what if it came to be a pervert''.sia.

Sia started walking slowly towards the noice ,as close she was going sounds coming clear and then she suddenly stops near a dustbin.

''ohh why it's stopped i think from here it was coming''.

Sia opens that dustbin.

''that's a relief it's a cuteiii rabbit haha''.

''ahh you freaking scared me''.rabbit said.

''ahhhhhhh''. sia shouts. Shocked that how's that possible.

''hey stop it was you who disturbed me''. Sia stops.

''yo..ouoo am I dreaming or no no it is definitely a dream''. sia said and pinched her.

'' ouch it hurts oh my god it's real''.

''of course i am real what do you think of me you did'nt even let me eat now it fell because of you that is why don't like human world''.rabbit says frustratingly. Sia laughs. She thought he is cute. Rabbit glares at her.

''you are laughing, how could you''. rabbit said angrily.

''okay okay Í'm sorry haha haha by the way what are you doing here''. sia asked him.

''not your business''.

''okay not my business i think i have food in my bag i was just about to ask you but it's okay not my business soo byeee little rabbit''. Rabbit thinks something.

''heyy wait wait wil you give me if I'll tell you''.

''I'll think'''. Sia was loving teasing him.

''what do you mean you'll think''.

''fine then byeee''. she starts walking.

''ahh wait wait ''. rabbit comes in front of her.

''actually it's a secret but i''ll only reveal that i'm here to find someone will this much work''. rabbit looking towards sia with hopeful eyes and she can't say no to him.

''ok''.sia then give him her lunch.

''what's this how do you people eat this it's hard''. rabbit says eating that box.

''heeeyy no not like that give me eww gross''. Sia opened that and give that to him. He eats.

''ohh do you have any name like my name is Sia stan''. sia asks him.

''hrfihfhsiuj no but everyone calls me aegy''. rabbit says mouthfull.

''so that is only your name aegy actually i was thinking to help you find that person''.

''no not at all''. aegy stops eating.

''why then give my food back to me i was just trying to help you because this place is new to you and nobody here is like me give you food they can hurt you i can find oh wait but are you gonna hurt that person to you are finding why didn't i asked this earlier huh''.

''no no of course not we are DEVIAN we help people not hurt them''.

''DEVIAN what does that mean''.

''i can't tell you much because that's against my rule thankyou for your food I'm going byee''.

Suddenly a light flashes and sia and aegy was shocked seeing that.