

Annie_Sam · Teen
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5 Chs

05. Stranger ❤️

"Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city."

–George Burns

"Oh.. yeah. Er.. sorry I'm Fredrick Austin..I'm quite new to this place.."

His eyes were kinda sparkling :') I watched him running his hand through his dark brownish hair.

"Oh.. Hey Fedrick.right. er.. anyway, er.. do you live nearby ?"

oh, la la... I was being a shy girl.. but still I was trying to be nice to this complete version of a stranger as I was in the middle of a crowd that contained some people I know.

"My Dad got appointed as the Doc. So it's the Doc's cottage."

"What! Did uncle Benedict retire from his work !"

I was shocked at the time he said he moved into Doc's cottage. He was looking at me looking, "Huh"

"Urh. I mean the former Doc we had here. I kinda know him. Did he retire or got transferred ?"

"Ah, he resigned I guess. He was gone when I came here. I didn't see him. Dad said he resigned."

"Oh.. He was a good person."

Even though we did not meet often He was a good person in every time I met him. I remembered how he treated me when I got wounded on vacation while trying to run from Rudy.

"Yeah, I've heard" I felt the gaze following me.

We were walking through the few crowd and the stalls. Some stalls were filled with colors that really caught my eyes. He as walking with me anyway.

I looked around to spot Rudy but she was nowhere.

"You don't live here right ?"

I'm sure he was scanning my outfit which is a bit off to the fashion of Macardigan.

I shoved my hand into the jacket While looking at my white sneakers.

Is it really fine to talk with this stranger? Inner me popped and kicked. How do you know whether he is telling truth or not? Why so hurry to trust! Kicked.

"Nope. I came for the Christmas." I looked around. "As usual" added.

I said with a smile while looking at him at the same time he was looking at me expecting an answer.


I turned around to see Rudy.

She was with the filled bag. Now now... She must have seen this 'Guy'.

"This is a lot it seems,"

I said remembering how she always ends up buying a lot of things from here. the thing is, it was always cheap but best, the things we could buy.

"Looks like you've met a friend. haven't seen you though."

Rudy said nodding her head in a way that showed appreciation for making company t the same time making him aware that she knows everything haha LOL indeed. That's how she is. Always open and warm easy to deal with a lot of sarcasm.

" Rudy this is Fredrik. He helped me to get back car keys."

Rudy was looking straight at his eyes.

"This is my Rudy. My mom." I said. I felt a little shake in Rudy. but yeah that came out naturally.

"Nice to meet you Mrs... Macbirth."

Oh, the stranger being a gentleman. it is quite common here in Macardigan. but knowing him as an outsider, it was a pleasure to see. (which impressed Rudy the best)

"in case, if we meet again call me Rudy. It's easy."

Rudy patted his shoulder marking her friendliness.

He turned around as we heard someone calling to someone.

"It's my Dad."

He talked to the person who was coming towards us. We were away from the main stalls anyway.

"So the young man had a company finally! Haha"

his Dad was t but not a lot. earing a half-coat with an old fashioned hat decorated with flowers made me laugh.

"I'm Johnathan Austin ma'am. haven't seen you here before."

He gave his hand to greet Rudy. Oh, he is an old fashioned gentleman. He looked like Fedrick's old version.

"I'm Rudy. We come here for every Christmases. Looks like you came after last Christmas."

Fedrick looked at me wearing a question mark on his face.

Oh, he surname That happens every time so no wonder."

and I guessed Rudy liked the generosity of this man as he looked really fine. And ugh I forgot to tell the Doctor part.

"Last month Mrs.Rowland. I work as the Doctor here."

A surprised face moved on to Rudy's just as happened to me.

"Oh Glad to see you Doc. I knew Doc Benedict well."

She gave her hand to him and he shook it firmly.

"He resigned. Everybody's talking about him. a good friend of mine"

He had a fair skin the same as Fredrick's.

a flash of lightning appeared making us all shocked by the sound and the bright light.

"It's like we all will have to stay inside for a few days." A few raindrops started to fall.

"are you all living nearby?"

Doc asked opening up his old fashioned umbrella. he tried to cover up Rudy from the raindrops trying to keep the distance to be a mister. smart. I noticed.

"We live at 'Macardigan' you will know about the place soon." Rudy said trying to adjust the bag and herself under the umbrella.

"nice umbrella.thank you for saving a life."

Fredrick was looking at the sky. and I saw it as he is trying to measure up the rain we were about to have. he looked at them as soon as he heard "umbrella" and rolled his eyes seeing it.

"oh, umbrella!"

his father winked at him just as to tell he won a bet.

"right. I didn't know this was gonna happen this soon." he marched forward ignoring his father's mocking funny face and the raindrops anyway.

I chuckled seeing his reaction.

I put up my jacket's hood to cover up my head and walked slowly with him. I felt okay to be around him somehow. I quickly made a turn and made sure that Rudy is behind me.

I heard people who were passing us, greeting them. most of them knew rudy and of course the Doc.

"Good day Mister" "merry Christmas to you too."

his voice was filled with freshness and strength. a cheerful Doc.

"It will make a big storm. better be hurry to go home right..?"

he asked. with the tone of convincing plus an order.

"Yeah. true. don't wanna get sick in the vacation probably."

I looked down as I felt I've stepped on to muddy ground.

oh great ! my lace :) this happens all the time. my lace was loosened that too on the mud. and it was on the ground making it soak by the mud we were walking on. the grass pitch was muddy because of the crowd and the rain fell last few days I guessed.

I stopped and bent down being aside from where I was walking. Fredrick waked without noticing my absence and stopped when he noticed it. I adjusted the lace.

I saw a shade covering up me though there wasn't bright sunlight. I looked up as I saw the blue converse sneakers.

Fredrick seemed really tall! ugghh er.. perhaps because he was standing near me.

he was with a black leather jacket and a t-shirt which had blue and black small strips with beige trousers. classy huh.

BLUSHINGALERT! he was damn smart I probably should admit it.

I stood back putting my jacket's hood over the head.

"don't get wet and don't get sick."

Fredrick! he kinda whispered to me and stood back without making a notice to anyone.

I felt the warm filling into my cheeks and I was glad the weather was gloom enough to cover my blushing face.

"Jen" I turned back and saw Rudy was sitting near a shop. waiting for me.