

Jikook fanfic Where Jungkook and Jimin are members of fglobal group named BTS. ever since trainee days Jimin already had feelings for his co-member and friend Jungkook only to always be rejected by the other until Jungkook found himself also falling in the end.

Am_Swagger · Celebrities
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 : Sick Maknae

six months had passed since BTS formed, and the members were getting along well, resolving any misunderstandings quickly. However, there were two members, Jimin and Jungkook, who admired each other but were too shy to approach one another.

One morning, as the group prepared to work on their debut album, they noticed Jungkook wasn't feeling well. Jin, being the oldest, expressed concern and realized Jungkook had a fever. Despite Jungkook's desire to work with the group, they decided he should rest for the day, and Jimin volunteered to stay with him.

Jimin took care of Jungkook, making sure he was comfortable and attending to his needs. He prepared food for him, applied cold compresses to reduce the fever, and kept a close eye on his condition. Their manager even brought medicine and food for Jungkook, and Jimin diligently took care of everything.

Later, when the other members returned, they found Jungkook feeling better and complimented Jimin for being a good caretaker. Jungkook mentioned how Jimin had been a great nurse and must have been tired from taking care of him. The members admired Jimin's dedication and caring nature towards Jungkook.

The story showcased Jimin's concern for Jungkook's well-being and the warmth within the group as they looked out for each other, reinforcing their bond as a close-knit family.

As time went on, the boys of BTS became even closer, especially Jimin and Jungkook, who had developed a strong bond after Jimin took care of Jungkook when he was sick. They all worked tirelessly to prepare for their debut, but it was postponed again, causing disappointment and sadness. Nevertheless, they remained determined and continued to work hard.

One day, as they were practicing in the practice room, their boss Bang Si-hyuk delivered the news that their debut stage was finally scheduled for the next month. The boys were overjoyed and reassured each other that they would get through any challenges together. The vocal line, including Jimin and Jin, returned home, leaving the rappers behind to talk with their boss.

As they waited for dinner, Jimin offered to help Jin in the kitchen. He then called Taehyung and Jungkook to the dinner table. Jungkook expressed his doubts about their debut, but Jimin comforted him, assuring him that their hard work would pay off and they would achieve their dream.

Finally, the day of their debut arrived, and the boys were filled with excitement. They put their heart and soul into their performance, knowing that this was just the beginning of their journey. As the years passed, BTS achieved immense success, becoming a worldwide phenomenon with chart-topping hits, numerous awards, and a massive global fan base.

Through hard work, unity, and unwavering determination, BTS rose to become one of the biggest boy groups in the world, inspiring millions of people and making their fans incredibly happy. Their journey was filled with laughter, fights, and triumphs, but they faced it all together, solidifying their bond as a family, and reaching heights they had once only dreamed of.