

(+18 content.) His life takes a turn for the better. Prologue Could it be that he knows, and that's why he...?" The life of secrets, betrayal, and firm In the midst of being lonely some days, Karalana takes a turn in life for the better. Karalana's mind was a swirling tempest of memories.The weight of his mother's death hung heavy on his shoulders—a tragedy that had shattered his world. Though the accident had been beyond his control, the blame was inescapable. One fateful evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the mountains, he met Sharisha. Her presence was a gentle breeze that momentarily calmed the storm in his heart. The two shared a secret beneath their imaginations, their whispered words forming an unbreakable bond. As time passed, Karalana couldn't deny the growing connection between them. In Sharisha, he saw not just a refuge from his past but the promise of a brighter future. And so he made a decision to be by her side: he would keep his mother's death a secret from her; it was a lie born out of love. In the glittering city of Smokey Valley and with unfamiliar faces, Karalana's trust issues deepened like a chasm in his soul. Surrounded by the wealthy elite, he felt like an outsider, a mere spectator in a world where people wore masks of politeness and privilege. When every smile seemed to have hidden agendas. He couldn't help but wonder if, in this world of opulence, genuine connections were a rarity. The memories of his cousin's past betrayal and the weight of his tormenting memory only fueled his suspicion of everyone he met. Yet, amid this sea of unfamiliarity,Sharisha remained his anchor. Her unwavering support and genuine affection were the glimmers of light in his darkening world. With her, he dared to believe that trust could be rekindled, even in a city where wealth and facades seemed to rule. The unexpected marriage of Karalana and Sharisha sent shockwaves through Sanka and Abisai's circle of friends.

Claudiah · Urban
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98 Chs

Whose the boss

The van door closed, and a good-looking man probably in his early twenties came to Andrew with a straight face. He inquired, You must be the leader? ,,looking at the door.But where are the others?" he curiously continued.Andrew looked at the man and back to the van, seeing that the van that this man came out of was off because he couldn't be the boss of this.I believe you've been sent " 'Yes,the man said, "Now answer me.They are in, Andrew responded, and then he opened the door and said, "Come in.

In the living room, at the first unity, the man stood without talking, waiting on Andrew as the leader to handle the next. Andrew realizes this is what's happening and says responsibly, "I'll fetch them."

No need. He said the person was walking towards the table at the side of the couch, picked up the phone, and rang the room number, which answered automatically after 20 seconds of ringing. The speaker was on.This phone was mainly for announcements within the house. The relaxed Kini opened his eyes. What's this? He asked in wardEveryone should go to the first unit right now, without delay. and he hung up without giving room or waiting for a response.Edd briskly did, and Kini too swiftly reached,though he did not like the idea of being disturbed from his sleep. It had better be worth my while, he thinks.They found the man in a black Luther jacket, jet-black hair, nicely groomed black jeans, and some high-tech shoes. He looked so serious—in fact, too serious—and this gave Kini a smile of relief. He likes guys that look sedated, like this guy.

"Are these all?" The man asked, glancing at the man standing on the stairway."Yes"Andrew answered with both hands folded. I'm sure the instructions are clear enough. " Edd wore a disorienting face upon hearing this, and Karalana just gazed at the man unfathomably, with only a blink that did not portray his emotion.Your leader knows what I mean, and I'm here to talk about your dress cord; black is the color you should wear each time you're working."And if we don't? The voice came from the stairway, and the man looked at Kini with a solemn face.Because you will, and bear in mind that looking inexpensive is not an option; it's a must. Upon saying this, he turned and abided,Your gadgets are here; make sure to behave. Then he left for the door.Behave echos in everyone standing: Just whom does he think he is to treat them as his children? ' Kini, in particular, does not stay quiet."Who are you?" he inquires.The man stopped halfway and turned. Karalana finished descending the stairs. "Why should we listen to you?"The man clenched a fist in frustration. I am your instructor, and...

Who's the boss? Kini asked without letting him finish his sentence. He is on the verge of exploding.That's not your place to know," the man retorts.Are you saying, Do you mind? Andrew comes in, saying, "He's been instructed to instruct us. Andrew is trying to stabilize the situation; he thinks he knows where it's headed.

"I know that," Kini states in response to Andrew. "But in case you do mind, I don't, because it's my ass on the line, so for that alone, he'll answer me. Then he continues interrogating the man. How do I address you?

Matt," the man answers.

Who's the boss? Kini persists.

Matt has no option but to respond. "He'll meet you tomorrow, and I pray you avoid your attitude; you're rather stubborn.

.. Edd seconds "Tell me about it.

Matt turned to Edd. "You too should not interrupt a conversation; monitor your tongues! Matt is venting his anger at Edd.And finally, he shifts his attention to Andrew: "Control your men with discipline.

He then opens the door and orders, "Bring them in".Three men brought in boxes with budget phones, laptops, earplugs, masks, and stunner glasses.

Pick one of each and make sure the phones are on at all times. These phones are not for personal use. Am I clear?"The room was serene.For inquiries, my number is saved on your phones. That will be all for now." Matt and the three guys left. Kini?" Andrew called.Kini looked at him vividly from the sides.

Kini knew where this whole thing was going, and he did not want any part of the interrogations this night, so he calmly suggestedYou know he is coming tomorrow, so let it sleep and tell us what the instructions were."

He is just too notorious to tame.

Andrew lazily sat on the couch and laid his head down, then began to spell out what he had been told by the gentleman earlier. "It's a little more involved than I thought, but the catch is ethical; we will run his errands every now and then, from place to place, at times outside the country; in other words, we will be his emissaries; the bigger part of this job is following ordinances. Andrew continues, The other thing is that we will be summoned at whatever time the need arises."

Edd was the concerned one now."Didn't you ask what type of errands we might be running for him before you knew it?No, I did not ask any questions, Edmond; I was just listening. Andrew defends himself.Know what? I think I agree with Kini more now. Had he not asked any questions—what am I even saying?—had he not tagged along, we wouldn't have known any of what Matt or anyone else ever told us thanks to Kini's stubborn nature. Edd is scared.I'm sorry, but is that supposed to be a compliment, Edmond? Kini exclaims."Are you blaming me now, huh? Andrew asks without considering Kini's exclamation.

and the two go on, No, Andrew, I am supposed to be handing you a gold medal, or better yet, a trophy, right? Of course you're the leader."I did not even choose that, remember!Neither did you deny it, Andrew!

explains Edd.

Enough for both of you! Karalana shuts them up: Or I'll beat the bigger moron black and blue."

Looking at the guy with his vivid gray eyes, he is not bluffing; his lips are shaking with discontent.