
Bloody thorns

"ls it bad that l want you to depend on only me and no one else." *************************************** "lf l cant have you no one can." *************************************** Was it on a whim or just.. by pure luck..that we found each other.. and trapped ourselves in this deep black hole.

cutie_dragonfly · Urban
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39 Chs

Chapter 25




Am at a loss of words for her reckless behaviour but am still great full she came.She still as fierce as ever but l can see a hint of fear also in those angelic eyes of hers.l let out a heavy sigh and stand up to go to her side to help her,still remaining silent.l already had my fill of action for today.l just wanted to go home now.

As we walked out of the classroom unfortunately luck was not on our side as again, another blast occurred shaking the entire room and making the side we were on unstable and making us slide backwards to a hole that was on the wall.l had to act quick.l just grabbed a loose floor board which stopped my tracks and i guess hers but now she was holding on tight trying not to fall all the way down.After all we were like five classes up and the monsters flying around didn't make the situation any better.The tips of my fingers were already bloody scratched from trying to hold on to something.lt hurt like hell but l had to endure or we could be pancakes in the next minute and moving up was not an option,if l did their's a possibility she might fall and l don't want risk that.We couldn't even use our abilities which was more frustrating to say the least.l could feel my veins stretch with each passing second.The doors were all blocked by the falling stones so their was no one coming through there and it also seems like everyone already evacuated except us hanging meats.The people down were continuing to kill the monsters which made us invisible for them.Now we had one problem to deal with.We had to find a way down.

"Have you always had this bad luck following you around?Since the first day l met everything seems to just go frustratingly wrong!"

"L could say the same for me, darling.Not a day passes without something going wrong when you are involved!"l retort.


"Let's stop this useless argument and find a way out,then you can scold me however you want later."

She lets out a sigh"Okay...is there anyway up."

"No, even if their was, there is nothing but a dead end up here.What about down?"

"There's a window but it's closed and...."

We both hear something snap from up.l try to stretch out to see and l find the whole teacher's desk slowly coming towards us like the day keeps getting from bad to worse with each minute.l feel my eyes twitch from anger as l feel the piercing stare from Yucrea."l think we're big trouble."


"Umm..hm..well there's a huge desk slowly coming towards us right about now..so we are about to die..yea..die."The words feel unbelievable when they come out of my Seems like a game over for us.