

The long-awaited break time finally come. As usual, the classroom 2-2, the room that was originally tidy when there was a teacher in it turned into like it had just been hit by a tornado. Food and wrappers were scattered everywhere. Some of them are assembled with their own 'gangs'. Unlike the boys who are busy with combs and mirrors. The world is upside down in classroom 2-2, where boys need the face powder and the mirrors more than the girls. Especially Juan, a boy in classroom 2-2. Meanwhile, Isti is still busy with the textbook that has just been learned.

Now classroom 2-2 is getting more and more chaotic because of the arrival of a transfer student who feels he knows everything, but in reality, he doesn't. And his name is Oka. Their job is just playing acrobatics in front of the class, like a clown. The front of the class has now changed its function to become like a multi-purpose stage for the boys. Some were wrestling, singing, dancing, or being annoyed for female students. Once in a while, they tease Angel, a female student who is always updated on her social media. However, all of that was different 180 ° in reality. This made Angel bullied in the class. Aside from that, Angel also often wears makeup that doesn't really match her face and age, it's too much.

Yuki and her friends from another class went to the cafeteria through the chemistry lab. she saw their seniors do experimenting with Mr. Rahmat who was watching from the door. Arriving in the class, Yuki immediately joined Melly, Tiwi, and Rianis.

"Hey !! Do you all know what?" Yuki asked.

"No!" Tiwi and Melly replied spontaneously. Yuki immediately showed a sullen face.

"Haha ...! Sorry, kidding! Why?" Tiwi asked.

"That, seniors are doing experiments again in the lab with Mr. Rahmat!" Yuki said.

"Hah! Most of all the students' work! Mr. Rahmat will only show his teeth if the experiment is successful!" Melly said.

"Um ... See it later!" Rianis continued with a cruel smile. Now the four of them were silent for a moment. Then returned to discussing other interesting topics.

The Chemistry work of the seniors is still ongoing. The seniors also use bacteria that make some ants become like zombies. Many people underestimate their work and think of it as a futile thing to do. no one knows what the teacher thinks to get the students to do those experiments.

In classroom 2-2, Tika, Angel's best friend, suddenly screamed because from the bottom of the classroom wardrobe came out several cockroaches and scared the girls, except for Melly. Instead, she scared the other students. She ran around the room with a cockroach in her left hand, terrifying all the students.

The next day, the students in classroom 2-2 are still afraid that Melly will bother them again. When Pena, the class treasurer arrives, she is seen carrying a plastic bag. And it turns out that the contents are insect repellent, Solfac 10wp with various scents. Pena firmly believes that powders like white chalk work well. She also placed them in every corner of the classrooms and under the stairs in their classroom that led to the warehouse, a place to store cleaning tools and food items for sale in the school cooperative store.

"Why are you buying this stuff so much?" Vira asked, surprised to see so much insect poison.

"Come on, don't you see what our classroom looks like? This room was terrible because it had to be connected to the warehouse!" Pena said while moving her index finger towards the stairs leading to the warehouse. Some students laughed at the conversation.

"When did Mr. Rahmat finish his job, huh?" Asked Isti when she met the others. She just came to the classroom.

"Why? Do you miss Mr. Rahmat?" Yuki scoffed.

"Aish ...! No! Because of him, my sister often comes home at night!" Isti grumbled.

"Maybe wait for the donkey year to really be celebrated!" Chirped Melly. Everyone is silent.

"krik ... krik ...! NOT FUNNY! HAAAA!" Tiwi laughed loudly as the others followed, while Melly kept pushing Tiwi's tiny body in annoyance.

"Because of Mr. Rahmat, my sister is often tired when he comes home! Yes ..., that hurts ...! My parents were also worried and asked me to find out the reason because my sister didn't have enough time to talk about it with us." Isti said, and it seems that no one has responded to his words.

School hours are almost over, Chemistry lab is still tightly closed with several students still inside with the killer teacher, Mr. Rahmat. Before long, cheers came from within the lab. However, the voice suddenly turned like a scream. All the teachers and students from each class ran to the lab, except for class 2-2 which was still in Mr. Manra's class. The class leader, Amir, occasionally stood up to see from the window what was happening outside. the screaming sounded strange and terrible. Now some students no longer care about Mr. Manra and immediately run out of the classroom. This made Mr. Manra so angry. He ordered the 'bookworm' of the classroom 2-2, Izah to close the door.

"Why come out? They're all too much!" Mr. Manra said irritably. Because time was running out, Mr. Manra sent Iki to call his friends who had come out first.

When Iki left the classroom, he saw parents come to pick up their children. As he approached, it was seen that their senior was screaming in pain and being surrounded by many people. Instantly he forgot his job. His curiosity made him hold on for a moment to see what happened. The faces of the seniors looked so pale. Perhaps as a result of their loud screaming, the veins in their necks were sticking out. Even so, their faces didn't seem red due to the pumping blood on their faces. That's weird, Iki thought.

The crowd grew bigger and Iki started to notice that. He remembers his job and tries to find his friends among the people who are busy watching. The loud screams were now mixed with the crying voices of parents who were sad and confused with their children. Iki looked back, but he immediately resuscitated himself by remembering his job. He was horrified by his surroundings. Shortly thereafter, Iki found his friends and tried to persuade them to return to class immediately.

To be continued...