
Episode 63


"He's truly wonderful" Blessing replied. "What are you doing here? Or did you work here?" Steve asked.

"I came to see a Lawyer" Blessing replied smiling.

"Lawyer for what, I'm sorry for asking too much!" Steve said.

"No problem, I wanna go back to Nigeria, so I was arranging one or two papers, here they are" Blessing said showing him the envelope on her hand.

"Oh, but will you come back?" Steve asked. "Let's go inside" Blessing said and they both walked inside the restaurant.

"I'm not coming back, I came back because of someone and I discovered he's happy with someone else" Blessing said.

"Oh I understand, it must hurt you alot" Steve said.

"Alot, but there's nothing I can do, and I'm also happy for him" Blessing said.

"I don't want you to go back, I can represent the person you came back to meet, if you don't mind" Steve said and Blessing burst into laughter.